Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1243


Duke Yang immediately ran to Bilbo's side and lay down smiling.

This task, in terms of responsibility, is indeed a very difficult task, but compared to the previous tasks of Gong Yang, this task is so easy that he moved and shed tears.

Bilbo was a little nervous when seeing Duke Yang lying behind him again.

Before, this person has been sticking to him...Could it be any bad intentions?

The more Bilbo thought about it, the more horrified he became, and even after falling asleep, he was having nightmares.

Xufeng handed Lin Hai a cup of moon sleep tea, "Uncle Lin Hai, drinking this will allow you to sleep for two hours quickly. These two hours of sleep will be more effective than their sleep for a day."

Lin Hai said in surprise: "This...wasted, I can actually fall asleep."

Xufeng smiled faintly: "I know you can fall asleep. However, we have to watch the second half of the night. We must maintain a good spirit and not be unconscious. Besides, even if there is no danger in the second half of the night, In the sky, Polger’s wolf cavalry might also find here and attack us. Therefore, we must take a good rest."

Lin Hai nodded and said, "I see!"

The stone house is not safe enough!They must be ready to fight at any time.

And now, while the wolf cavalry are still spinning on the Slave Ridge, it is the best time to take Moon Sleep Tea!

He immediately took the Yuemian Tea in Xufeng's hand and drank it all in one go.

After drinking it, he immediately felt sleepy, found a corner and fell asleep.

Xufeng helped Lin Hai cover a blanket, and then he drank a cup of Moon Sleeping tea and fell asleep quickly.

Chapter 352

In the middle of the night, the effect of Moon Sleeping Tea faded, and Xu Feng and Lin Hai both woke up from deep sleep.

Although only slept for a short period of two hours, both of them were full of energy to the extreme.

Lin Hai admired: "This Moon Sleeping Tea is really good, it's great to compress the time of sleep while improving the quality of sleep at the same time."

Xufeng smiled and said: "Yes, Yuemian tea is indeed a good thing, but you can't drink it often. If you drink it too frequently, it will develop resistance."

Lin Hai nodded slightly, "I see."

"Go, let's change the Snow Emperor and the others."

"it is good."

Xu Feng and Lin Hai walked out of the house immediately.

At this time, the sky outside was extremely dark, and Xu Feng could only vaguely recognize Xuedi and Iron Hammer.

The two of them were sitting on either side of a rock, they seemed to talk all night, and there was no sleepiness.

Seeing the arrival of Xufeng and Lin Hai, Iron Hammer said in surprise: "You guys are here to change the guard so soon?"

Xu Feng smiled and said: "It's been more than two hours. The first half of the night has passed. You should go to rest as soon as possible. Just leave it to me and Uncle Lin Hai."

Emperor Xue said lightly: "In fact, we are not sleepy."

Xu Feng said: "You are not sleepy now. By noon tomorrow, your energy will not be enough. Good, be obedient, go to sleep."

The phrase "be good, all obedient" made Xue Di and Iron Hammer face red, and their hearts beat faster.

Of course, Xuedi's face was hidden behind the Medusa mask, and no one could see it, but even so, Xuedi couldn't wait to find a place to sew in.

Lin Hai held back his smile, Quandang did not hear anything.

"Not going?" Xu Feng frowned slightly, "Oh yes, give you two a bottle of Moon Sleeping Tea, drink it, and get a good night's sleep."

The hammer frowned and said, "Wait, moonmian tea, once you drink it, it is equivalent to a complete lethargy for two hours. If something happens during these two hours, what should I do?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "Don't worry, there will be nothing wrong with me watching here."

Indeed, with Xufeng's strength, coupled with the dwarf expedition team and others, as well as the host here, Beorn, even if there is an enemy in the latter half of the night, he can fully handle it.

The hammer blushed and said: "We are not afraid of the enemy, we are afraid of you."

"Afraid of me?" Xu Feng was startled, and then he smiled, "Your thoughts are too fast, I can't keep up, don't worry, I am a gentleman."

"Ah! You are all to us..." The hammer stopped suddenly, and she realized that Uncle Lin Hai was nearby.

Uncle Lin Hai was naturally the one who came here. He said wittily: "There is a movement ahead, I'll go patrol."

With that said, Uncle Lin Hai ran away, and in less than ten seconds, he was completely invisible.

"Wow! Uncle Lin Hai can run so fast?" Xu Feng said with emotion.

The hammer glared at Xufeng angrily, "Aren't they all forced by you?"

Xu Feng scratched his head helplessly, "What was forced by me? It's obviously you driving randomly."

The hammer thumped Xu Feng's shoulder angrily.

"I want us to drink Moon Sleep Tea, and then you can take the opportunity to do something to us, right?"

Xufeng said dumbly: "Hey, you think too much! I want to watch the night!"

The hammer said angrily, "I don't believe it!"

Xuedi said lightly: "Alright, hammer, don't go on, the task is important, let's drink Yuemian tea and go to bed.

The hammer said in surprise: "Xuedi, you are not afraid of him..."

Xuedi said lightly: "I believe him, even if he wants to get our words, there is no need to use such shameless means, are you right? Xu Feng?"

Xu Feng smiled and said, "He who knows me, also Xue Di."

The Hammer sighed helplessly, "Well, since you even said that, then I'm going to go."

After speaking, the hammer turned his heart, grabbed the moonmian tea, and drank it.

Xu Feng was stunned, and then said: "Hammer, are you drinking too quickly?"

The hammer frowned and said, "Why, do you still have to taste this thing?"

Xufeng smiled bitterly: "That's not necessary, but you have to find a place to sleep before drinking!"

The hammer opened his mouth, then unconsciously yawned, his eyelids drooped unsupportably, and then, the whole person fell softly to the ground.

Xu Feng's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and he quickly supported Iron Hammer's body.

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