Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1244

"This guy..." Xu Feng was unable to complain.

Xuedi said faintly: "Leave her to me, you can continue to watch the night."

"Okay." Xu Feng then handed the deadly hammer to Emperor Xue. Emperor Xue raised the hammer and walked to the stone house.

After a long time, Lin Hai cautiously turned back.

"Are they all gone?" Lin Hai asked with a smile.

Xufeng smiled and said, "Well, I'm sorry, Uncle Lin Hai, let you run out."

Lin Hai laughed and said, "It's okay. Actually, I'm happy to create space for you young people. It's just that... Xuedi and Iron Hammer are two very good girls. You must be very entangled in which one to choose? "

Xu Feng shrugged, "Don't be tangled."

"Aren't you tangled?" Lin Hai's eyes widened in astonishment.

Xu Feng smiled, "Children do multiple choice questions, and adults have to choose."

Lin Hai was shocked and said: "What, two... Brother Xufeng! I really admire you! You are the pride of our men! Two girls with different personalities like Sister Iron Hammer and Sister Xuedi, You took it all! Hahaha! Good! Good! Great! As long as the three of you can get along with each other in harmony, then our Xuedi team will be fine!"

Xufeng smiled and said, "Thank you for your blessing, Uncle Lin Hai."

The two laughed and chatted for a while.

Slowly, the first light appeared in the eastern sky.

This is the land of the plain beside Slave Ridge, and it is also a rare place in the dark dense forest where you can see the sun.

When the sun rises, the ground is warm, colorful butterflies fly, pigs and horses neigh, and the entire plain is like a fairyland on earth.

"It's no wonder that the druids choose their home here." Lin Hai couldn't help but said with emotion.

"It's just that I don't quite understand," Lin Hai frowned and said, "They don't like their status as slaves, so why is it called Slave Ridge?"

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "Probably want future generations to remember the hard work and dedication of the predecessors to escape slavery."

Lin Hai sighed and said: "The druids are so miserable. There are more than 20,000 people. When they walk here, there are only dozens of people left. Then they die, die-Beorn is afraid that it will be the last virtue. Ruined, right?"

Xu Feng thought slightly, "That's not necessarily. When they were chased by the orcs and wolf cavalry, some of them should have been separated from the druids, and some of those who were separated were killed by the wolf cavalry. Some of them escaped and formed new druid gathering places elsewhere. Therefore, Beorn should not be the last druid."

Lin Hai nodded, "That's fine."

Chapter 353 I'll Take Care Of You

By this time, Beorn was already up.

He opened the door of his bedroom and saw the dwarves all over the floor, his entire face suddenly twisted.

However, although his face looked furious, he did not wake these dwarves, but walked past them lightly.

His big feet stepped cautiously in the gap, for fear of waking the dwarves.

After he walked through the living room and walked to the door, he returned to his angry face.

He walked to the front yard and saw that Xu Feng and Lin Hai were still vigilant, so he nodded slightly at them.

Xu Feng and Lin Hai also smiled and waved at him.

Beorn didn't want to talk to them, didn't want to say good morning, good weather today or anything.

He wished that these people would leave his stone house soon.

He walked to the woodpile in the front yard, picked up an axe that was two meters long, and began to chop the wood hard.

The round wood thick enough with a bucket was cut by him, and it instantly turned into two pieces.

In a short while, a small hill-like pile of firewood was finished.

But Beorn didn't sweat at all.

This work, for him, is not even a warm-up.

After the firewood was chopped, Beorn came to his cowshed to milk.

After squeezing two buckets of milk, he went to the chicken coop and took out a basket of eggs.

Although he is very tall and looks a little clumsy in his actions, he is extremely skilled at all these tasks, and he will finish all these tasks in a short while.

Bilbo walked to the door, stretched out to meet the rising sun, and greeted Beorn enthusiastically: "Morning Mr. Beorn, the weather today is really good! You know, in the dark forest. It’s so unusual to see such sunlight in a place!"

This is just a very ordinary greeting.

Especially for the Hobbit.

The Hobbits always greet each other like this, even more enthusiastic than Bilbo now says.

Bilbo has always been reluctant to follow the trend, and has always been reluctant to think of himself as a hobbit, but in fact, he will never be able to break away from the hobbit customs.

In the Shire area, he is surrounded by warm greetings. He can suppress himself hard and not follow the trend.

However, when he left the Shire, he realized that this was his racial instinct.

Beorn looked down at Bilbo coldly. "Aren't you sad at all?"

Bilbo blinked in surprise, "Sad? No, why should I be sad?"

To be honest, he was a bit sad. After all, the problems of the dwarves really made him a little unbearable, but now that Xufeng is here and the Xuedi team is also here, then there is nothing in this world. What hurdles cannot pass.

So, of course, Bilbo is nothing to be sad about.

Of course, except that there was always a guy who laughed funny, always following him.

Beorn sighed coldly, "If I was born as short as you, I wouldn't be able to laugh at all."

Bilbo reluctantly said: "Mr. Beorn, I am a hobbit, we are born so tall."

"It's cruel, then you hobbits, should you look sad every day?"

"No, we are very happy every day, although I didn't understand before, what cola is there, but now in retrospect, we hobbits are really too happy."

Beorn looked at Bilbo like a fool, "So your whole race is stunted, have you ever drunk milk? It's the kind of milk that is squeezed out by animals.

Bilbo became a little angry, "Mr. Beorn, I think your question offends me a bit. Besides, you are so tall, and I have never seen you laugh! Happiness or not has nothing to do with height!"

What a joke!

I, Bilbo, is one of the best in Middle-earth, wrong, three to four, wrong...In short, I am the top ten rich second generation!

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