Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1245

I use things like milk for bathing, OK?

Beorn said in a deep voice, "Little man, I'll get you some more milk to drink. Although it's too late, it's better than if you hadn't had milk before you died."

Bilbo said angrily, "Mr. Beorn, are you cursing me to death?"

Beorn said in a deep voice, "No, I rarely care about an outsider so much. You are the first one, and you are welcome."

"I..." Bilbo was a little bit dumbfounded.

At first, he felt that Beorn seemed to be targeting him, but soon he realized that Beorn was not good at communicating and expressing.

After all, since he has lived here alone for more than 20 years, it is naturally difficult to communicate and express.

Moreover, Beorn seems to really want to take care of him, but his expression is too annoying.

Bilbo smiled bitterly, "Mr. Beorn, I appreciate your kindness, but I don't need your care. I'm fine by myself. I have no problem at all."

Just as he was talking, a bee the size of a basketball flew towards Bilbo's nose.

Bilbo screamed suddenly, and the whole person danced and drove the big bee in panic.

But the big bee has been circling Bilbo.

"What's the matter?" The sleepy Duke Yang rushed out immediately.

As soon as he saw the basketball bee, Yang Gong immediately turned around and walked back, and said while walking, "I must be dreaming, yes, I must be dreaming."

Beorn didn't say a word, walked up to Bilbo, grabbed the big bee with his big hand.

Immediately afterwards, he raised his hand again and let the big bee fly away.

After a while, Bilbo finally calmed down, "...thank you."

Beorn looked down at Bilbo and said coldly: "You're welcome, I said, I will take care of you, little thing."

Bilbo sighed helplessly.

He felt that the word "little things" was really insulting.

But... Beorn didn't seem to understand, and in his words, he didn't mean to insult Bilbo.

"Uh, maybe..." Bilbo looked around, "What can I do for you?"

Beorn looked at the firewood pile like a small hill, and then at the milking barrel as high as Bilbo, and then said: "Go and wake up the dwarves and tell them that you can have breakfast soon. ."

Bilbo breathed a sigh of relief, "Okay, I will go now."

After a while, the dwarves were all called.

The dwarves mumbled, obviously not willing to be awakened from their dreams.

Bilbo began to clean up the table. Although the table was taller than his height, he still worked hard.

He always felt that they were guests in other people's homes, and the host was willing to entertain them for breakfast. As guests, they would naturally have to do what they could.

The dining table had just been set up, and the sleepy dwarves sat down at the table, knocking on the table and screaming for food.

Bilbo couldn't help frowning.

He really couldn't understand these dwarves.

Chapter 354: We Are The Enemy

When Bilbo didn't know how to stop the impolite behavior of the dwarves, Xu Feng and Lin Hai walked in.

Xu Feng frowned and glanced around.

The noisy dwarves immediately quieted down.

Xu Feng said coldly, "If anyone is making noise, don't eat breakfast this morning."

The dwarves all bowed their heads.

Xu Feng continued to say in a cold voice: "This is not your Gushan Palace, but Beorn's stone house. Beorn has absolute rule over this place. If you are a guest at Beorn's house, you should have a guest. Look! I don’t care what nobleman you were once, how many people were there to serve you, but in this stone house, I hope you respect his master. Do you understand?"

How arrogant and arrogant these dwarves are!

If others dared to speak to them like this, they would have lifted the table and hammered out.

However, when Xu Feng said to them, they all sat there and listened honestly, without daring to have any dissatisfaction.

This is not only because Xufeng is their savior, but also because they have seen Xufeng's true strength.

With a team of more than a dozen people, Xufeng can play the powerful Azog round and round. With this strength alone, the dwarves dare not have any dissatisfaction with Xufeng.

This is both respect and fear.

What's more, the dwarves need Xufeng's help if they want to travel through the dark dense forest and go to the lonely mountain.

Therefore, to a certain extent, Xu Feng's words are more effective than Solin's words, and even the most arrogant Thorin has to listen to Xu Feng's words.

Xufeng said that the dwarves did not speak, and immediately shouted angrily: "Is it all understood!"

"...Understood!" the dwarves responded with fear.

Xu Feng said in a deep voice, "Okay, Kilifili, you two will patrol outside, until you reach the edge of Slave Ridge."

"Yes!" Kili and Feili immediately stood up, preparing to leave.

Xu Feng said in a deep voice, "Come back."

Kili and Fili stopped immediately.

Xufeng said in a deep voice, "Go and ask Beorn for some bread, and take it on the road."

Kili and Philip looked a little embarrassed.

They would rather be hungry for a while than go with a "skin-changer" for food.

What's more, they felt that Beorn's brown bread was not delicious at all.

"Master Diego, we... are not hungry."

"Yes, the patrol mission is important."

The two sang and said in harmony.

Xufeng said coldly: "Stop talking about the useless! You ate most of the food in Beorn's cupboard yesterday. Why didn't you say that you were not hungry at that time? Go, ask the host to eat before you go. ."

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