Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1246

Kili and Fili walked out of the stone house in despair.

"Um... Mr. Beorn, can you give us some bread?" Kellie lowered his head and said like a mosquito.

He didn't want Beorn to ridicule him, but at the same time he hoped that Beorn would ridicule them. In this way, he wouldn't have to eat with Beorn.

Beorn stared at them with beastly red eyes, then walked to the food cupboard without saying a word, gave each of them a piece of black bread the size of a banana leaf, and then gave each of them one. Eggs like ostrich eggs.

Kili and Philip were completely dumbfounded.

Beorn said in a cold voice, "Eggs, cooked, peeled and eaten, don't eat eggshells."

Kili and Fili were a little bit dumbfounded.

Of course they will eat eggs!

However, Beorn was not mocking them, but really teaching them again.

Kili and Fili bowed politely.

"……Thank you!"

Holding plantain scallop bread and an ostrich egg-sized egg, the two quickly slipped away from Beorn's burly figure.

"Wait!" Beorn shouted in a deep voice.

Kili and Philip stood in fright, not knowing what Beorn would do next.

Beorn said in a deep voice: "It is dangerous to go to the Slave Ridge to investigate. If you encounter wolf cavalry, you will not be able to run them. In my backyard stables, there are small pony suitable for you to ride. I have been raising With pony horses, they have never been used, and now you come, they can be used. Of course, riding is a skill, if you can’t, then forget it.”

After hearing this, Kili and Fili said quickly: "We will! We can ride horses!"

"Thank you Mr. Beorn!"

The two happily ran to the stables in the backyard, picked two young and strong ponies to ride on, and then galloped towards Slave Ridge.

In a short while, Beorne walked into the living room with a cold face, carrying a large jug of boiled milk.

After seeing Beorn, the dwarves didn't have the arrogant expression of last night, but all stood up and bowed slightly to Beorn.

Beorn nodded slightly at them, then walked to the table, filling each dwarf glass with hot milk.

Then he brought up brown bread and fried eggs.

This is everyone's breakfast.

To be honest, this breakfast is really simple and shabby, but whether it's milk, bread, or fried eggs, it's all hot.

This shows that Beorn is entertaining them very carefully.

After eating this warm lunch, Thorin couldn't help feeling a little ashamed.

Last night, he thought he could pay Beorn's gold coins, but he didn't realize until now that everything here can't be bought with any gold coins.

Beorn walked up to Thorin with a huge milk glass and filled Thorin with a cup of steaming milk.

Although Thorin didn't thank him, he nodded slightly in salute to Beorn.

This is already the limit he can do, the dwarf prince.

After Beorn finished pouring the milk, he looked at Thorin, "So, you are the heir of Thor Oakshield?"

Thorin said in a deep voice: "Yes, I am Thorin Oakshield's grandson, Thorin Oakshield."

There was a soft snort from Beorn's bear-like nose, "Your country is gone."

Thorin frowned slightly, and said in a deep voice, "No, as long as there is one person from the Lone Mountain Dwarf, our country will not perish."

Beorn laughed coldly: "I'm afraid, when there is really only one person, you won't say that. You won't even live as strong as me.

Thorin was slightly angry, but at this time, he was a guest, and he didn't want to argue with Beorn.

The warm milk was very fragrant, and Thorin took a sip.

Beorn continued to ask: "You should have attracted the wolf cavalry in Slave Ridge?"

Thorin said solemnly, "Yes."

Beorn asked, "Why are they hunting you down?"

All the dwarves present stopped their movements and looked at Thorin and Beorn intently.

Thorin did not directly answer Beorn's question, but asked in a deep voice: "How much do you know about wolf cavalry?"

Beorn smiled coldly, "We are old enemies."

Thorin said in a deep voice, "So do we."

Chapter 355 Home of the Druids

Xufeng knocked on the table, drawing attention to him.

"Polger's wolf cavalry will find here soon, so we must make a choice." Xu Feng said in a deep voice.

The dwarves present all held their breath and listened carefully to Xufeng's speech.

"The terrain here is very bad, not suitable for us to fight, on the contrary, it is suitable for wolf cavalry to give full play to their advantages. If we set off now, we may dare to enter the dark forest before the wolf cavalry can find us."

"As long as we enter the dark dense forest, the speed of the wolf cavalry will slow down, and we can also take the opportunity to fight a few waves of decent counterattacks."

"Like we were in the Misty Mountains before! Right?" Bofer said excitedly.

Xu Feng said in a deep voice: "Almost, but don't hold on too much hope, because this part of Bolger's wolf cavalry are special wolf cavalry from Modo. Their strength is comparable to those we encountered in the Misty Mountains. The wolf cavalry is much stronger."

Bahrain said quickly: "Then what are we waiting for? We should leave now."

Xu Feng said in a deep voice, "It is not difficult to leave, but we have another choice."

Bahrain blinked and asked, "What choice?"

Xu Feng said in a deep voice, "That is to stay and fight with Polger's wolf cavalry here."

The dwarves looked at each other immediately.

Thorin couldn't help but frown.

Bahrain whispered: "But, Lord Diego, didn't you just say that? Polger and his wolf cavalry are extremely powerful, and we are not their opponents at all."

Ge Luoyin also said: "Yes, Lord Diedi! Our primary goal is to reach Gushan at the autumn solstice! Even if it is one day or one minute away, we have to wait another year!"

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