Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1247

Xufeng said in a deep voice, "I know, but have you ever considered that we can leave, but what about Beorn?"

All the dwarves present bowed their heads.

Bahrain thought for a while and said, "Or, Mr. Beorn, come with us?"

The other dwarves whispered suddenly.

Xufeng could clearly hear someone whispering about whether he would give Beorn more of the Lonely Mountain Treasure.

Others are saying that Beorn is a druid after all, not the dwarves.

Thorin said in a deep voice, "I think it is possible, Mr. Beorn, if you are willing to join our dwarf expedition, we are welcome."

"Diedi" once said that when Beorn transformed into a giant bear form, a set of attacks wiped out half of the special wolf cavalry.

Such strength, joining the dwarf expedition team, naturally has great benefits.

Even if you share a treasure, it's fine.

Thorin now only hopes to enter the Gushan Palace smoothly, and get the heart of the mountain that symbolizes the short human stalk of the Gushan.

Beorn raised his head proudly, "No, I won't leave here, this is where I live."

Thorin said in a deep voice, "Mr. Beorn, we are only leaving temporarily. After we enter the Lonely Mountain Palace, you will get countless treasures. I can even promise you a piece of Lonely Mountain now. territory."

All the dwarves present suddenly exclaimed.

You know, Thorin has always been very sensitive on the issue of territories, but now Thorin actually proposed to give Beorn territory!

This, of course, meant to compensate Beorn. After all, a long time ago, his grandfather, King Saul, ruthlessly rejected the druid's request for lease of land.

But then again, if Thorin was in charge at the time, Thorin would not agree with the group of half-humans and half-beasts living in his own kingdom of Lone Mountain.

But things are different now.

Beorn... There is only one person, no clansmen.

Even if you own a piece of land, it will not pose any threat to the dwarves in the future.

This is the greatest kindness that Thorin can release.

Beorn laughed and said coldly: "Land? Yes, we used to long for a piece of land where we can live and live within the protection of the mighty Lonely Mountain Kingdom. We also vowed that as long as the dwarves can Let us live, we are willing to pay three times the tax to the dwarf king, leaving only rations for ourselves to survive, and once the dwarves are in danger, we druids will definitely be the first to rush forward. Dedicated everything to defend the Gushan Kingdom. But... how did Old Sol respond to us?"

"He said that slaves don't need land." Beorn's bear-like face was filled with anger and humiliation, and his hand holding the milk glass was also creaking.

For a moment, Thorin even worried that Beorn would drop the big bottle full of milk directly on his head.

However, Beorn did not do that.

Although his expression was extremely angry, in the end he worked hard to restore calm.

Beorn said coldly: "Now, I already have my own land, do you know how this land came from?"

Thorin frowned and shook his head.

Bahrain shrugged, "Slave Hill was a land of no one before, because it is located in a dark and dense forest, and there is no one here except the mountains. No one comes here at all. Although the wood elves' territory is also nearby. , But the wood elves like trees and don’t like rocks and plains, so there is no one living in this place."

Beorn said coldly: "Yes, you are right. This is the origin of this land. But I still have that question. Do you know how we got this land?"

The dwarves present were all startled, and didn't know how to answer for a while.

Beorn said coldly: "Then let me tell you. When we escaped from Modo, we druids had more than 20,000 people. We were trying to resist chasing soldiers and protect our people. The bloody Druids all gave their lives on their own initiative. When we finally reached the Lonely Mountain with the support of hope after thousands of hardships, we had only more than three thousand people, and the old king Sol broke. Given our hope, we can only move on, praying that Thrandil, the king of the wood elves, can take us in, but Thrandil thinks that we are very likely to be the spies of Modo, and he will not even let us pass the wood elves. The capital of China, so we can only go around in the dark and dense forest, which is full of danger. When we finally arrive here, there are only a few dozen people left."

"So, do you understand?" Beorn's blood-red eyes were filled with sad tears. "Although I am the only one left here, this is not my home, but from Modo. The homeland of all the druids who escaped together. They are all dead, but I, who is still alive, want to protect the fate of this soul for them."

Beorn said in a deep voice, "I won't go. I won't go because Gushan has better wealth and land, and I won't go because I am afraid of wolf cavalry. My compatriots sacrificed in order to be able to To get a piece of our own home, I can’t abandon them, even if it’s dead, I have to protect this land."

Chapter 356: More Important Than Reputation

Xufeng couldn't help sighing slightly when Beorn was not leaving.

This is what he is most worried about.

Even if he can speak well, he can't convince a fearless person who doesn't care about life and death at all, but only cares about faith.

To be honest, Xufeng liked Beorn very much.

Although Beoun is always full of obstacles when communicating with people, Beoun's heart is fiery, sincere, and there is no falsehood.

If Xu Feng left with the dwarf expedition team like this, it wouldn't be impossible.

After all, this is just a plot mission.

As long as the lives of Bilbo and Thorin can be saved, it doesn't matter how the other plot characters die.

However, Xu Feng couldn't get past this hurdle in his heart.

He can be cruel to the enemy, but it is difficult to be cruel to the sincere person.

At this time, everyone was waiting for Xufeng to speak, because only Xufeng could truly lead this team.

Thorin can't, Gandalf can't, Snow Emperor can't.

Only Xufeng can.

Xufeng groaned for a moment, and then said, "I want to stay."

All the dwarves present looked at each other.

Beorn glanced at Xufeng in surprise, "Human, you don't owe me anything, you can even say that I owe you once, you don't need to repay me."

Xu Feng smiled faintly, "The druid's fate is too tragic, so I want to try it out to see if I can change my fate against the sky."

This sentence is an understatement, but the tone is extremely firm.

Beorn was startled, "...but, you might die because of it."

Xufeng smiled and said: "I know, but if the two of us join hands, it's possible that Polger will die."

Beorn immediately laughed. "Humans, I suddenly like you a little bit, of course, only a little bit. If you are a druid, I think I will become good friends with you. ."

Xu Feng smiled faintly.

Xuedi hesitated, "Do you want us all to stay?"

With Xufeng's current status, as long as he makes this request, the dwarven expedition team will naturally stay.

However, in this way, the dwarf expedition may be killed or injured, and it will also slow down their forward speed.

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