Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1248

Xufeng shook his head, "No, I can stay alone. You and the dwarf expedition team will continue to the Woodland Kingdom."

The hammer frowned and said, "It's too dangerous for you to stay alone. Let me or Xuedi accompany you."

Lin Hai quickly said: "Let me stay, we can form a perfect tactical cooperation!"

Xufeng shook his head, "There are too many wolf cavalry, and the strength is too strong. Keeping one person is almost the same as keeping ten people. On the contrary, the more the number, the more passive we will be. Okay, this one. That’s all. You escorted the Dwarf Expedition to leave. I will stay here to help you stop the wolf cavalry and buy you time."

His system task this time is to defeat Polger.

Since Polger is here, you have to give it a try.

If you can defeat Polger, then the task will be completed, and it will also prevent Polger's wolf cavalry from harassing the expedition team.

If it can't be defeated, Xu Feng has nothing to worry about here, just pull away and leave.

Thorin considered it for a moment, and then said, "Well, let's go first. We will join you in the Woodland Kingdom."

Bilbo quickly stood up and said, "No, I want to stay too!"

Although he has no fighting ability, he has a passionate heart.

Duke Yang on the side quickly said, "No, no, you can't stay!"

"Why!" Bilbo asked, his eyes widened.

...Because if you stay, I have to stay too!

Gong Yang replied loudly inwardly.

Xufeng smiled faintly, "Bilbo, you really can't stay. If you stay, I need to be distracted to protect you."

Bilbo said eagerly: "But Diego, I want to fight with you side by side! I, I, I have the ability to take care of myself! I really have this ability!"

He blinked at Xufeng.

He was suggesting that Xu Feng still had a ring in his hand.

Although he didn't know that it was the supreme lord ring that commanded all the lord rings in the world, he had worn that lord ring before and knew that the lord ring could make himself invisible.

In the invisible state, he can also launch sneak attacks and attacks!

With such a ring, he certainly dare to say that he has the ability to protect himself.

He felt that he not only had the ability to protect himself, but also the ability to help "Diedi" and Beorn!

Xufeng still shook his head, "No, I am not discussing this with you, Bilbo, but ordering you. I order you. You must follow the Snow Emperor Team and the Dwarf Expedition Team, unless you don’t treat me as leader."

Bilbo sighed disappointedly, "No, Diego, you are the best leader. Everything we have experienced before is enough to explain. I... obey you."

Xufeng nodded to Bilbo, "Very good. Then it's settled, I—"

At this moment, Gandalf coughed, and then said faintly: "Diedi, can I stay?"

Xu Feng frowned and said, "Lao Gan, what are you doing for this kind of thing?"

Gandalf took a sip of Shire tobacco, faintly spit out a smoke ring, and then said in a deep voice: "The druids returned to this matter, in fact, neither Rydagast nor I knew. White-robed mage Saru Mann did not perform his duties and did not inform us about the druids. This also caused the druids to be isolated and helpless, and the final outcome was so tragic. Anyway, I should be responsible for this matter. After all, I I am a member of the Saint White Council. Seeing Mr. Beorn, my conscience is very disturbed. I think staying and fighting with you can make my conscience a little better."

Xu Feng frowned slightly and thought about it.

To be honest, given Gandalf's current strength, it was a bit of a drag.

However, after all, Gandalf is the Archmage of the Holy White Council, and he still has combat experience, and his magical effects can also provide Xufeng with certain tactical support.

Xuedi said lightly: "Let Gandalf stay and help you. The dwarf expedition team will just leave it to us."

Xufeng immediately said, "Well, Lao Gan, you stay and help us, and everyone else will eat quickly and get ready to leave."


The dwarves ate brown bread and milk in a mixed mood.

To be honest, they also felt that they should stay and fight alongside Beorn-the wolf cavalry was brought by their dwarves, but they caused trouble, but now they want to pat their buttocks and leave.

This is really...

However, they did have more important things, and that was to enter the Gushan Palace as soon as possible.

This matter is more important than their lives.

Also more important than their honor.

Chapter 357 Don't Be So Sad, Old Bei

After eating breakfast, Thorin and others quietly packed up their luggage.

Their supplies are running out, but as long as they can pass through the dark dense forest as soon as possible, they can reach Changhu Town, which is a trading town, and they can replenish supplies from there.

However, the most troublesome level is how to pass through the dark dense forest.

When they were ready, Kili and Fili rode back on galloping pony.

Both of them were panting, their complexions serious.

Qi Li took the lead to turn over and dismount, and said eagerly: "Wolf cavalry! Many wolf cavalry are coming here!"

Philip also added eagerly: "At their advancing speed, it will take more than ten minutes at most to get here."

Xufeng nodded and said, "Thanks for your hard work, you two can leave with the Dwarf Expedition."

Kili and Fili blinked in surprise.

"Why, Lord Diego, won't you go with us?"

Xufeng said in a deep voice, "I don't have time to explain so much, Beorn, lend your pony to the dwarves for a use. Otherwise, they won't be able to get past the wolves."

Beorn said coldly: "Yes, run along the plain to the dark and dense forests in the east. After you see the fairy gate of the woodland elves, remember to release my little pony back. They do not belong to the woodland. They belong to Slave Hill."

Thorin nodded slightly, "Understood...thank you."

Beorn let out a cold snort from his nose, "I said, I did this not to help you, but to prevent the wolf cavalry from succeeding."

Thorin said in a deep voice: "Anyway, Mr. Beorn, we all owe you once. If... if we are all alive after this time, no matter what your needs are, the Lone Mountain Dwarf will help. "

After speaking, Thorin took the initiative to bow to Beorn.

As a prince, especially a dwarf prince, he has always been very arrogant.

Moreover, he had always treated Beorn as a slave before.

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