Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1249

And now, he actually took the initiative to bow to Beorn, which is a major psychological change.

When the other dwarves saw Thorin bow, they naturally bowed with them.

Beorn glanced at Thorin and the others coldly, accepting the greetings from the dwarves.

He waved his hand, "Let’s go quickly, taking advantage of the early days of the sky, remember, when you find the fairy gate, always follow the masonry path under your feet, and you must not deviate from the route, otherwise, You will get lost in the dense forest."

"In addition, you must remember that the dense forest is not an ordinary dense forest. The wood elves released a kind of hallucinogenic magic in the dense forest. The air is full of disorienting illusions. Your hearts must be strong enough and faith. It must also be strong enough."

Thorin nodded slightly, "I remembered—get up!"

All the dwarves stepped on the pony immediately, and Xuedi and others also mounted the pony.

Xufeng nodded at her, and Xuedi nodded at him, and then, Xuedi patted the pony, the pony understood and ran quickly.

In less than a minute, the dwarf expedition team and the snow emperor team became fuzzy dots, and finally disappeared at the end of the grassland.

Beorn said in a deep voice, "That dwarf prince doesn't seem to be a wise man."

Gandalf sighed and nodded, "He has many shortcomings. Really, sometimes, even an archmage like me is unbearable. It's just... if you want to take back the frontline fortress of Gushan, you can only rely on him. With his subjects."

Xu Feng smiled faintly, "Well, let's start with what is in front of us."

Gandalf asked: "Diedi, you are the most powerful person I have ever seen. How do you plan to fight this battle?"

Xufeng sighed, "Actually, if we really want to fight, it's easy. We abandon the stone house and lie in ambush outside the stone house. After the wolf cavalry rush into the stone house, I will bury the gunpowder in the stone house. Detonate. In this way, their formation is..."

"and many more!"

Before Xufeng could finish speaking, Beorn frowned and said, "You buried gunpowder next to my house?"

Xu Feng said quickly: "No, not yet. I mean, if you agree to blow up the stone house, then the whole battle will become very simple."

Beorn said angrily: "No, this stone house is my painstaking effort for many years, I can't let you blow it up!"

Xu Feng shrugged helplessly, "Well, I won't blow up. When we die, your stone house will be destroyed by wolf cavalry. Alas, what a pity, those cows, sheep, Chickens, horses, they will all be devoured by the wolf cavalry."

Beorn's face suddenly twisted.

Of course he didn't want his house to be blown up.

However, "Diedi" was right. If they were killed in battle, everything in the stone house would cease to exist.

Beorn sighed and asked, "Is there no way to keep my stone house?"

Xu Feng smiled faintly, "There are also."

Beorn hurriedly asked, "What can I do?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "That is, you take the initiative to surrender to the wolf cavalry, saying that you are willing to be a slave to the wolf cavalry, and you are willing to dedicate the stone house to them as a stronghold. In this way, your beloved stone house will be kept. "

Beorn grinned and growled: "You let me surrender? Let me be a slave?"

Xu Feng shrugged, "This is the only way to keep your stone house."

Beorn clenched his fists, thought quickly, and finally sighed long, "I understand...No matter how I want to protect the stone house, the stone house can be kept. Since... now If you can't keep it, let it play its value."

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "Don't be so sad, Lao Bei."

Beorn said angrily: "It's not your home that bombed! Of course you are not sad!"

Xufeng patted Beorn on the thick shoulders and said meaningfully: "The home is destroyed, you can build it again, but if we lose this battle, there will be nothing."

Gandalf also nodded and said, "Diedi is right. Our top priority is to kill the most enemies with the least cost."

Beorn nodded, "I have agreed, but the animals in the stone house, I must let them go."

"Of course." Xu Feng smiled faintly.

Although leaving these poultry to make the trap of the stone house more realistic, but... in front of Beorn, using gunpowder to kill all the poultry and livestock is indeed too cruel.

While Beorn was driving away the poultry and livestock, Xufeng quickly buried gunpowder around the stone house.

This stone house was built very high, and the stones used were all very huge bluestones. Therefore, once the whole house was blown up, the collapsed stones and the stones that were blasted by the shock wave could kill a large wave of wolf cavalry.

And this is of course not the most important thing, the most important thing is that they can take the opportunity to tear apart the formation of the wolf cavalry!

Chapter 358

When the two armies are facing each other, the formation is very important.

Sometimes, the difference in strength is not very large, but one side is loosely lined up, and the other side is a sharp assault formation, then the victory or defeat is very obvious.

The wolf cavalry under Polger were all trained in Modo, and their tactics, discipline, and experience were all very rich.

This was when Xu Feng helped Beorn kill the wolf cavalry squad, Xu Feng realized it.

That wolf cavalry squad had obviously been attacked by Beorn and lost half of its troops, but it was still able to maintain a tight formation and forced Beorn to be unable to use offensive moves, and could only be passively beaten and consumed.

If it hadn't been for Xu Feng to make a surprise attack from behind, breaking the formation of the wolf cavalry squad with one move, Beorn would only be able to support it for another three to five minutes at most.

Therefore, the strength of these wolf cavalry themselves is one aspect, and the other aspect that should be the most concerned is their overall formation coordination.

To win this almost impossible war, Xu Feng must first break the formation of the wolf cavalry.

Why must we break the formation first?Can't it just rush up and kill him?


Although the strength of the three of them is at the mid-upper level, as the saying goes, the tiger can't stand a pack of wolves.

If it were only a wolf cavalry squad of twenty people, then the three of them would naturally be more than enough.

But, what if it were ten wolf cavalry teams?

What if it is twenty?

Can the three of them really kill the wolf cavalry all over the mountains?

The answer is naturally no.

Even if the three of them were able to kill more than half of the wolf cavalry, it was not a victory.

The war never kills more than whoever kills more, but whoever has the last laugh.

Even if there was only one wolf cavalry left, they would have won.

Therefore, it is useless to kill how many wolf cavalry.

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