Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1250

The key is to achieve real victory.

But if you want to achieve real victory, you can't focus on dealing with these wolf cavalry, but on dealing with Polger.

As the leader of the special wolf cavalry, Bolger would certainly not be able to rush to the front, but would hide behind the team for the opportunity.

Therefore, Xufeng must break the formation of the wolf cavalry at the first time, so that the wolf cavalry will be overwhelmed, and the formation will be chaotic, so that Xufeng can have the opportunity to directly penetrate the wolf cavalry's defense and face Polger.

Polger's personal strength has reached the level of 60. Xufeng can't immediately kill him as soon as he comes up. However, in addition to Xufeng, Gandalf and Beorn are needed!

The three of them work together, even if they still can't kill Polger, they can inflict heavy damage on Polger, making Polger afraid to move forward.

Xufeng's entire tactics are very simple, but also very effective.

After Beorn dispersed the animals in the stone house, Xufeng also buried the gunpowder around the stone house.

After all the gunpowder pellets were buried, Xufeng took Beorn and Gandalf to leave the stone house and hid behind a huge boulder in the distance.

Beorn stared at his stone house for a long time, his red eyes were full of reluctance.

Xufeng said to Gandalf: "Old Gan, give us a magical barrier."

Gandalf immediately put down his pipe and condensed his mind.

A faint blue protective barrier shrouded the three of them together, and their voices, movements, and odors on their bodies were all cut off by the protective barrier.

In this way, the wolves would not be able to smell their body, and would only rush towards the stone house, because there are still scents of dwarves in the stone house, and the real purpose of the wolf cavalry this time is to Pursue the dwarf expedition.

Gandalf said in a deep voice, "My barrier can only last for five minutes."

Xu Feng smiled and said, "Enough."

Beorn frowned, "I don't like such a claustrophobic space, it makes me feel a little suffocated."

Xu Feng said quickly: "Old Bei, if you bear it, you will be fine soon."

Beorn frowned and said, "I've been patient."

While they were talking, the earth under their feet trembled and trembled.

Immediately afterwards, densely packed wolf cavalry rushed from the direction of Slave Ridge.

Xu Feng roughly estimated that these wolf cavalry had one or two thousand, to say less.

"It seems that this time, the Dark Lord Sauron has lost his blood." Xu Feng laughed.

In the face of such a scene, even Gandalf, who has experienced many battles, shuddered, but Xu Feng was not nervous at all.

Gandalf asked in a low voice, "Diedi, how are you going to fight?"

Before Xufeng could speak, Beorn grinned and said, "How else can we fight? We rushed to fight with them!"

Xufeng quickly grabbed Beorn, who was about to transform into a giant bear, and said in a deep voice, "If we rush out like this, at most we will just kill a few unknown wolf cavalry. This is not what we want. Yes. If we want to attack, we must directly deal with Polger! In this way, the sacrifice of the stone house is meaningful."

Gandalf was taken aback, and then he understood, "Diedi, what do you mean, when the stone house explodes and their formation is in chaos, we will bypass the chaotic wolf cavalry and directly deal with Polger?"

Xu Feng smiled and said, "That's right."

Gandalf frowned and said, "But...this approach is really dangerous! We are like going deep into the wolf cavalry. Once the wolf cavalry reacts, we can turn back to double-team us!"

Xu Feng said in a deep voice: "Therefore, we have no retreat. We must completely penetrate the formation of the wolf cavalry within a minute, and defeat Boerg and let Boerg rout. In this way, we can achieve great results. Win and retreat all over."

Beorn asked grimly: "Why didn't we kill Polger?"

Xu Feng said in a deep voice: "Don't underestimate Polger's strength. Although he is a young generation among half-orcs, he lives in Modo all the year round, and he is the monster commander cultivated by the Dark Lord Thorin himself. In terms of individual strength, he is better than us! Together, the three of us can repel him within a minute, and it is considered a victory-if there is a chance to kill him, then it would be the best, but , We must be rational, if there is no chance to kill him, then we should withdraw in time."

Gandalf nodded and said, "I listen to you, Diego."

Beorn said in a deep voice, "I am not at odds with the orcs. I would rather die than escape."

"It's not running away..." Xu Feng smiled helplessly: "We have severely injured the wolf cavalry, and we have already won, there is no need to ruin all the winning situation."

Beorn raised his head and said, "Humans, don't persuade me. This is my homeland. I will not allow the orcs to show off here!"

This is a rib!

Xufeng shook his head helplessly, then winked Gandalf secretly.

Gandalf immediately nodded with understanding.

When it comes to the critical moment of evacuation, Gandalf will cast a teleportation circle to teleport all three of them away, lest Beorn will die innocently.

Chapter 359 Assault Bolger!

After arranging the tactics, Xufeng no longer communicated with Gandalf and Beorn, but focused on watching the movements of the wolf cavalry.

The densely packed wolf cavalry rushed towards the stone house at a very fast speed.

The stone house was built right in the center of this plain, so even cataract patients can see it.

It can be said that the stone house has no strategic advantage at all.

Beorn chose to build a house in this kind of place at the beginning, and he hadn't considered that one day there would be a war with the Orcs.

No, maybe Beorn had thought about it, but Beorn's brain was a muscle. He felt that the enemy was coming, and he would be hard-headed, and he didn't care about where the house was built.

... No wonder the druids are on the verge of extinction.

Xu Feng murmured inwardly.

At this time, the vanguard of the wolf cavalry had rushed into the courtyard of the stone house, the courtyard door was split, and the ground was trampled on by the wolf in chaos.

Beorn clenched his fists, and roared beasts in his throat.

Fortunately, they were surrounded by a magical barrier that cut off everything. Otherwise, Beorn's behavior would definitely be discovered by the sense-conscious wolves.

"Calm down, Lao Bei!" Xu Feng shouted in a deep voice, "It is not time to attack!"

Beorn barked his teeth, and his clenched fist slowly loosened.

At this time, the following wolf cavalry units also rushed into the stone house and searched it intensively.

The entire stone house was surrounded by wolf cavalry groups, and it was completely impenetrable.

Gandalf whispered: "Diedi, time is almost up..."

Xu Feng said in a deep voice, "No, waiting!"

He hasn't seen Polger appear, and if he rushes at this time, the tactical effect will be greatly reduced.

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