Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1251

Gandalf was anxious.

His magical barrier can't be maintained for long, and if this continues, they will be easily discovered.

Finally, a group of wolf cavalry armed to the teeth rushed over from the rear. The headed wolf cavalry was taller than the average wolf cavalry. His skin was pale and his face was hideous.

Needless to say, this guy must be Polger!

Xu Feng said in a deep voice, "Ready to do it!"

Gandalf and Beorn immediately held their breath and prepared for the impact.

Xufeng still didn't rush to detonate the gunpowder. He waited for the formation of the wolf cavalry to continue to press, and the position of Polger continued to approach.

As time passed every second, the magic barrier on their bodies began to gradually weaken.

When the black wolf under Bolger's crotch tilted his head and looked towards Xufeng's hiding place, Xufeng immediately concentrated his mind and detonated the gunpowder buried in the key positions of the stone house one by one!

boom!Boom boom boom boom!

The gunpowder exploded one after another, and the huge shock wave instantly blew up the tall stone house!

The wolf cavalry in the stone house was buried in the ruins in an instant!

The screams of the wolf cavalry and the howls of the wolves are mixed in the rising smoke and can't distinguish each other!

In the entire stone house, there were about two to three hundred wolf cavalry and wolves. Outside the house, there were five or six hundred. The collapsed rocks pressed the wolf cavalry and wolves in the house under the ruins. The wolf cavalry outside the house was also hit by stones splashed by the shock wave.

Some were killed on the spot, some were seriously injured.

The whole scene was in chaos, and the formation of the wolf cavalry could not be maintained completely. Watching the stone house he built with great pains was destroyed in this way, Beorn felt extremely distressed, but he watched the pieces. The wolf cavalry died in the stone house, and Beorn cried out again!

If he let him do it himself, it would be impossible to kill so many wolf cavalry!

He can't wait to rush out now, slap all the wolf cavalry and wolves who haven't died yet!

At this time, Xu Feng said in a deep voice, "Old Bei, deformed, and rushed directly at Polger!"


Beorn snarled, and the bones of his whole body rattled.

Immediately afterwards, his body shape began to change, his stature doubled out of thin air, his muscles doubled, and his body grew brown hair!

In a blink of an eye, Beorn became a giant bear standing up to four meters high!

Taking advantage of the chaos of the wolf cavalry formation, the giant bear Beorn jumped out from behind the rock, and rushed directly to Boorg with a nearly crazy charge!

"Keep up!"

Xufeng also jumped out from behind the rock and followed Beorn.

Gandalf quickly followed.

The figures of the two of them are much thinner than the giant bear Beorn. Therefore, from the front, you can only see a mad bear, and you can’t see Xufeng and Gandalf hiding behind. .

Polger still didn't recover from the horror of the explosion.

When he realized that a giant bear was coming, the wolf cavalry formation in front of him had already been penetrated by the giant bear.

Polger suddenly roared angrily, "Guards! Stop the skin changer! I want to strip his skin!"


The heavily armed wolf guards around Polger immediately drew out their weapons, screaming and rushing towards the giant bear Beorn.

Xu Feng shouted in a deep voice: "Lao Gan! Wall of Fire!"

"it is good!"

Gandalf immediately condensed his thoughts and summoned a magical wall of fire ten meters in front of Beorn.

Of course, there is a gap in the wall of fire, just to let Beorn pass.

Those heavily armed wolf guards had no time to stop the wolves, and directly hit the burning wall of fire!

Suddenly, the screams and wailing were endless!

Gandalf’s magical flames cannot be extinguished. They can only wait for the flame damage effect to disappear, and those wolf guards armed to the teeth are equipped to defend against physical attacks, and they cannot defend against magical attacks!

The giant bear Beorn took the opportunity to rush through the wall of fire, and flew out the fish that slipped through the gap in the wall of fire.

Polger was completely stunned.

He really couldn't understand why a lowly skin-changer would use magic that only high-level magicians could use?

Also, where did the explosives for that stone house come from?


Before Polger could come back to his senses, the giant bear Beorn's huge claws severely tore towards his face.

The black wolf under Polger's crotch hurriedly backed away, carrying Polger past the fatal blow.

Only then did Polger come back to his senses, showing the huge mace in his hand, and slamming it against Beorn's head.

Beorn stood at the starting point so violently, he used his thick bear claws to block Polger's mace!

"Death!" Polger said with a grinning grin.

In terms of individual strength, Bolger is equivalent to level 60, while Beorn is only equivalent to level 59.

Don't look at the gap of only one level, but only one level is also suppressive!

What's more, Polger is full of equipment with bonus attack attributes, and he has a spike hammer in his hand...

And Beorn... Beorn only has bear claws.

This is almost as empty-handed against hand-to-hand.

Chapter 360

In the face of a tough situation, Beorn is absolutely impossible to win against Polger.

Moreover, there is no chance of winning with a bear paw against Polger's mace.

However, Beorn didn't hesitate at all, as if he had already prepared for this.

Polger's spike hammer hit Beorne's bear's paw heavily, and the sharp spikes plunged into Beorne's broad bear's paw, piercing the bear's paw directly!

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