Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1252


Yin Hong's blood splashed down from Beorn's bear paw in an instant.

Beorn let out a loud roar.

Polger grinned and said, "Stupid changer! You are so stupid that you want to use your bear paw to block my mace! I want to see, what else can you do to stop me now?"

Beorn smiled coldly, and firmly grasped Polger's mace with bear claws full of blood.

Polger was shocked and wanted to withdraw the mace, but Beorn held it so tightly that Polger couldn't even pull it back!

Polger yelled badly. Although he still didn't understand what was going on, experience told him that Beorn must have a back hand.

Sure enough, at this moment, a huge fireball shot from Beorn.

Polger exclaimed and hurriedly dodged to dodge, but his mace was held tightly by Beorn, and if he wanted to escape, he had to give up his weapon.

Polger gritted his teeth and decided that the hero wouldn't suffer the immediate loss. He let go of the hand holding the mace, and then flashed a big fireball sideways.

I thought it would be foolproof, but a blue light followed!

It was a sword light, and it also came from Beorn's back!

Polger was so shocked that his heart was about to jump out. He subconsciously wanted to use a mace to block it, but the mace had been taken away by Beorn. In panic, he could only raise his arm. Use the armor on your arm to block.

The armor on his arm is very sturdy, made by Modo's goblins with the most sophisticated steel, and its defensive ability is comparable to the equipment made by elves.

It is precisely because of this that Polger dared to use his arm to block the sword light.

He originally thought that the armor on his arm could easily ward off this raid. Even if it wasn't that easy, he would at most just scrap a piece of armor.

As long as he is relieved, he can launch a counterattack!Not only can he launch a counterattack, he can also summon all his wolf cavalry men to come and help!

At that time, no matter who is hiding behind the skin changer, it will be of no avail!


The blue light of the sword slammed heavily on Polger's arm armor, and suddenly, the flames splashed.

Polger's heart suddenly missed a beat.

This level of hacking... is definitely not something ordinary opponents can cause!

Just relying on armor for defense is not enough!

Polger immediately realized that he had made a fatal mistake. He hurriedly wanted to withdraw his arm, but it was too late.

The blue sword light was extremely sharp, and with an oppressive posture.

As soon as you touch Polger's armbands, immediately chop it to pieces!

Polger didn't have time to withdraw his arm, so he could only bite the bullet, concentrate his strength on his arm, and use his arm to harden this powerful sword light!

Before, he laughed at the "skin changer" so stupid as to pick up his mace with a bear paw, but now, he can't laugh at all.

Obviously, this is a set of coordination skills.

The skin changer charged forward, making Polger think it was just a simple opponent.

Coupled with the fact that the skin changer used the bear's paw to pick up the nail hammer, Polger's heart became more relaxed and proud.

It now appears that all this was premeditated!

The skin-changer charged and used the bear's paw to receive the spike hammer, just to make Bolger lose his weapon!

That big fireball was to force Polger away.

The blue sword light that followed was the real ultimate move!

Polger realized that being able to resist other attacks would not be considered as a solution to the crisis. Only by resisting this blue sword attack can the crisis be resolved.

Therefore, Polger concentrated all his power on his right arm.

The blue sword light immediately slashed on his arm, and Polger felt a sharp pain in his right arm. However, with his powerful strength, he abruptly resisted the sword!


Xu Feng gasped secretly in his heart.

He knew that he could not kill Polger with a single sword, so he concentrated his strength and wanted to chop off one of Polger's arms before taking advantage of the chaos. In this way, Polger would have little combat effectiveness. The three of them The victory will be established.

However, what Xufeng didn't expect was that even an enemy fencing close to a demigod weapon would not be able to cut off Polger's arm with a single sword!

This is a gap in level!

Xufeng's personal level is only 45, while Polger's personal level is equivalent to 60.

Even if Xufeng's weapon equipment experience and other external factors can improve Xufeng's combat level by 10, that Xufeng's level is only equivalent to 55.

With a level of 55 strength, to deal with a level 60 strength, this sword failed to achieve the expected effect, which is normal.

Xufeng immediately adjusted his mentality, and immediately afterwards, the sword of Triton in his left hand slashed at Polger's right arm with a force of destruction!

Polger's right arm has no protective measures!

Moreover, just now Polger used all his power to defend, he never thought that his opponent would have a second sword!

In desperation, Polger can only use his right arm to block.

The sword of Triton is naturally not as good as the enemy's fencing, but Polger's state is worse than when he was fencing and slashing just now!

The sword of Triton slashed heavily on Polger's right arm, and a black blood splattered out!

Polger screamed, and subconsciously covered his right arm.

This sword cut his bones, if it weren't for his magical substance, his arm would have been broken.

Although his arm has not been broken, his right arm can no longer continue to fight.

Xu Feng took the opportunity to rush up, and the Triton sword in his hand and the enemy's fencing sword formed a strong and tough vortex, slashing Boorg in a nearly crazy form!

Polger could only retreat again and again, without a chance to fight back.

Gandalf and Beorn flanked Polger from left to right, and Polger suffered multiple injuries to his shoulder and thigh.

This battle didn't even last for a minute, and the three of Xufeng completely established their advantage.

However, it is only to establish advantages.

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