Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1256

Bahrain asked cautiously: "Sorin, shall we wait for a while?"

Thorin also wanted to wait, but if he waited, it meant that it would be meaningless for them to come here early.

So Thorin said with a gloomy face: "No, we have to move on, we don't have much time."

Bahrain sighed helplessly, "Yes."

The dwarves gathered, formed two long lines, and passed through the magnificent fairy gate.

Bilbo followed the team, and Yang Gong followed Bilbo again.

Xuedi, Iron Hammer and Lin Hai were at the back of the team.

When passing through the elf gate, Iron Hammer silently glanced back, expecting to see Xufeng's figure.

But Xufeng did not appear there.

Xuedi said lightly: "Let's go, he still needs to do something else to catch up with us."

The hammer asked in surprise: "Where is he going? What is he doing?"

Xuedi said lightly: "He just told me with his mind that the battle between them and Polger is over, and he is now accompanying Gandalf to the tomb of Lu Gaolin."

"Lu Gaolin's grave?" Iron Hammer was puzzled.

Emperor Xue said lightly: "Yes, there may be the tomb of the Angmar Witch King."

The Hammer frowned and asked, "Didn't we already know that the Angmar Witch King is still alive? Why do we want to find his grave?"

Emperor Xue said lightly: "Of course we know that the Witch King Angmar is still alive, but Gandalf needs proof to show it to the white-robed mage Saruman."

The Hammer sighed, "Well, I hope they are all right."

The two immediately followed the team.

After passing the antler-shaped elf gate, the sky quickly dimmed.

It was noon at this time, and it was supposed to be sunny, but the canopy of the dark dense forest obscured the sky, and only a small amount of sunlight could shine through the thick canopy.

What's more troublesome is that it is full of the smell of ammonia, which is very pungent, and after only a few steps, the dwarves can't help but cough.

The hammer also had to take out a handkerchief to cover his mouth and nose.

The pungent smell of ammonia also reduced the number of fluorescent butterflies, so this dense forest was darker than the dense forest they had walked through before.

Groyin took out a torch and wanted to light it up to illuminate the road under his feet, so that he could easily view the wizard tiles.

After all, the woodland kingdom can only be found by following the wizard tiles.

As soon as he was about to light the torch, Emperor Xue said coldly: "Do you want us all to be burned here?"

Groyin shook, then put away the torch.

People can only move forward slowly, carefully observing the wizard tiles on the ground.

Some fairy tiles have been broken, and some fairy tiles are hidden under thick moss.

In this way, the dwarves, who were already a little impatient, became more impatient.

"Air, I need air..." The chubby Pangbo said painfully.

This journey is definitely a huge test for him.

Ouli quickly took out a fan and fanned it back and forth in front of Pang Bo, but this did not make Pang Bo comfortable. The particles floating in the air made him even more uncomfortable.

Pangbo's eyes began to appear blurred, and Ouli quickly shouted: "Pangbo, you can't sleep, no one with your weight can bear you!"

"Ok...no problem..." Pangbo said, but his eyes became increasingly blurred.

"let me do it!"

Just when Oli didn't know what to do, Bofer stepped over, he lifted it up, and slapped Pangbo hard on the face.

The sound of this slap was very crisp, and even the fluorescent butterflies around were frightened to fly.

The fat on Pang Bo's face trembled uncontrollably for several times, and his consciousness finally became clearer.

"Thank you!" Pang Bo said gratefully: "I feel much better now..."

Bofer grinned and said, "I am willing to help you."

Gong Yang's eyes lit up again, and he smiled and asked, "Does anyone need me to serve him?"

The hammer said coldly: "Me."

Gong Yang smiled again: "What? Big Sister Hammer, you also need to slap you?"

Hammer sneered and said, "I am not in a good mood today, so I want to slap someone."

Gong Yang hurriedly covered his face and said, "No, no, sister Hammer, I'm not confused at all, I'm very awake."

Regardless of the three seven twenty one, the hammer slapped Yang Gongzai's face with a slap.

Gong Yang made two circles on the spot again, and then stopped with a dazed expression on his face.

Emperor Xue said lightly: "Stop making trouble, continue on the road."

The dwarf expedition team continued to advance slowly, and the deeper the gloomy forest, the stronger the smell of ammonia, and the dwarves gradually had symptoms of breathing difficulties and weak hands and feet.

Although the Xuedi team was slightly better, it was not much better.

If you encounter an enemy in such a situation, it will be very troublesome.

The more in this situation, the more Xuedi missed Xufeng.

The dwarves swayed forward, as if they were drunk, and don't know how long they had been walking, the front row of Kili and Fili suddenly stopped.

The dwarves in the back hit one by one, and the whole team fell to the ground. The scene was quite funny.

But no one can laugh at this time, and everyone's heart is full of extreme depression.

Thorin frowned and asked, "Why stop?"

Kili breathed heavily and said, "We...we seem to be spinning in place."

Philip nodded, "Yes, this tree we just passed by, and that tree, and that tree..."

His voice sounded a little incoherent, as if he was talking in a dream.

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