Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1257

But what he said was not a dream.

Xuedi concentrated her thoughts and carefully identified it. She really didn't remember whether she had passed by this big tree just now, but such a scene seemed familiar.

"Uncle Lin Hai..." Xuedi said.

Lin Hai nodded slightly, "Let me come..."

He then closed his eyes slightly, and infused all the magical energy into his eyes.

Three seconds later, when he opened his eyes again, his eyes shot out two golden rays.

These two rays of light directly penetrated the thick haze just like the blazing sun.

The illusion shrouded in this dark and dense forest immediately disappeared!

A brand new elven brick road appeared in front of all the dwarves.

Chapter 365: Stay Awake!

Damn, it turns out that we are really spinning around in place!"

"The wood elves are really evil!"

"Yes, wood elves are as evil and cunning as half-orcs!"

The dwarves all talked angrily.

Thorin let out a long sigh, and said in a deep voice: "Don't say anything, just keep going."

"Yes." The people regrouped the growth team and continued to advance along the wizard tiles.

Bilbo turned his head and smiled at Lin Hai: "Thank you Magician."

Lin Hai's heart warmed, this was the first time he heard others call him a magician.

The eyes that were swollen and painful just now from using magic no longer felt pain.

He hurriedly smiled at Billbo, "You are welcome."

Although the haze that made people circle around was lifted, the smell of ammonia did not dissipate, and it got worse.

Excessive ammonia can cause people to have unreal hallucinations, and the dwarves' spirits are becoming increasingly unconscious.

Fortunately, their willpower is still strong, they continue to support walking forward.

After walking for about half an hour, a broken bridge appeared in front of them.

Under the broken bridge is a clear river. After seeing the river, the people suddenly became extremely excited.

They all rushed to the side of the river, ready to take a swig.

Bahrain said eagerly: "No, you can't drink! The whole woodland is problematic, and drinking water must be problematic."

These words immediately aroused the alertness of the dwarves.

Yes, the wood elves are very "cunning and evil", so the water of the wood elves is also problematic.

Thorin looked around, and then said: "The bridge here is broken, and we need to use the vines above to climb over."

Groin said immediately: "Let me come first."

Thorin shook his head and said, "No, let Bilbo go first."

Bilbo blinked in surprise, before waiting for him to speak, Yang Gong next to him asked unconvincedly: "Why let Bilbo go first?"

Thorin said coldly: "I didn't mean to target Mr. Bilbo, but he has the lightest weight and is most suitable for passing on these vines."

Gong Yang wanted to say something more, but Bilbo shrugged, "I'll just crawl over."

Gong Yang suddenly looked bitter again.

Bilbo goes first, which means that he will also be the second to follow.

Bilbo took a deep breath and suddenly felt dizzy.

Lin Hai held him in his arms, and asked with concern: "Are you okay? Would you like me to tell them that they will be replaced?"

With Lin Hai's status, it was natural to speak in front of the dwarf.

But Bilbo smiled, "No, I have the ability to take care of myself."

Since the Goblin Dungeon incident, Bilbo no longer wants to be taken care of. He wants to fight like a warrior.

He subconsciously touched the ring in the pocket of the vest, and then a strange whisper sounded in his ears.

Immediately afterwards, he felt an extremely powerful force surrounding him in his heart.

He doesn't really have this power, but the ring makes him believe that he can do it.

Seeing that Bilbo was so determined, Lin Hai quietly took out an antidote pill and handed it to Bilbo.

"Eat this."

Bilbo said in surprise: "What about you?"

Lin Hai grinned and said: "I'm fine, I am a magician!"

"Thank you!" Bilbo smiled and nodded, swallowing the antidote pill in one mouthful.

"Bilbo!" Thorin was a little impatient, his consciousness was a little trance, and his trance symptoms were getting worse. He didn't know how long he could last, so he needed Bilbo to pass those vines very urgently.

Bilbo immediately said loudly: "Got it!"

After speaking, he jumped and jumped to the nearest vine.

The dwarves all sweated for Bilbo.

To be honest, the vine is very soft and thin, and if you are not careful, it will fall into the river.

But Bilbo's body is very light, and Bilbo has learned body skills from Xufeng, so these negotiations are nothing to Bilbo at all.

Bilbo was like a light little monkey, jumping back and forth between the vines.

The vines above the river surface have been eroded by the river water for a long time and have become extremely slippery. Fortunately, Bilbo’s big feet are very reliable. On several occasions, Bilbo almost slipped off the vines. Bilbo was relying on his big feet. The feet stabilized the figure.

When he passed the last vine, his face was facing the river, and a magical reflection appeared in the clear water.

Bilbo watched as he was wearing a crown, holding a scepter, and a clear golden ring on his finger.

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