Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1258

Bilbo suddenly lost his senses.

He has no desire for power, and all hobbits have no desire for power, which is why the hobbit does not have a royal family.

Bilbo just froze for a while, and immediately regained consciousness.

He knew that these illusions were fake and were used to confuse, destroy, and disintegrate his will.

He concentrated hard, grabbed the last vine, and swung to the other side of the river with all his strength.

When his body finally landed on solid ground, he panted heavily, frowned and said, "Gentlemen, I think this is not right, you should wait...oh no!"

When Bilbo landed, Thorin could not wait to let the other lovers start climbing the vines.

So what he said has no meaning at all.

The dwarves climbed on the vines, their consciousness became increasingly blurred.

Even Thorin, who was determined, was almost unable to open his eyes at this time.

The smell of ammonia mixed with the magic of the river water made all the dwarves like walking corpses.

They are persisting hard, but they don't know why they want to persist.

The same situation also appeared in the Xuedi team.

Theoretically, the Xuedi team’s willpower is much stronger than that of the dwarves, and the Xuedi team has a detoxification pill given to them by Xufeng. When passing the river, each of the Xuedi team ate an antidote pill. But it didn't help.

The smell of ammonia is not considered a toxin, and the effect of river water is also a magical effect, so the antidote pills have little meaning here.

Under the dual effects of ammonia and river water, the consciousness of Xuedi and others also appeared confused.

Each of them wanted to work hard to concentrate, but this was not an easy task. Nitrogen and river water seriously disturbed them.

They can only rely on the remaining ideas to cross the river as best they can.


Pangbo fell asleep on the vine, and his fat body was planted directly into the magic river.

The dwarves suddenly messed up their hands and feet, and hurriedly grabbed Pangbo so that he wouldn't be washed away by the river.

If they were washed away in this place, they would never find him again.

The sleeping Pang Bo was very heavy, and the dwarf dragged him like a yak. ​​It took a lot of effort to finally drag him to the shore.

Everyone is out of breath, and everyone can't wait to lie on the ground right away and get a good night's sleep.

Thorin raised his slap and slapped his face twice to stay awake.

He said loudly: "No one is allowed to fall asleep! If you want to sleep, slap yourself immediately!"


As a result, the applause rang one after another.

Chapter 366: A Deer

It's so stupid to slap yourself.

However, apart from this method, the dwarf has no other way to keep himself awake.

This account will naturally be counted on the head of the wood elf.

To stay awake, Lin Hai also slapped himself twice.

When Duke Yang saw Lin Hai doing this, he immediately slapped himself a few times.

But Hammer and Xuedi did not do this.

Gong Yang hurriedly said, "When are the two big sisters old? You don't need to care about your face, it is the most important thing to stay sober. If you are embarrassed to fan yourself, I can actually help, of course. Please don’t get me wrong, I’m very sincere."

Xuedi said coldly: "We don't need your help."

Gong Yang was surprised and said, "But..."

Xuedi ignored Yang Gongzai, but slowly drew out the sword of Boromir, held the blade with his left hand, and then made a strong stroke.

Suddenly, a cloud of red blood flowed down the blade.

After Yang Gong watched again, his heart palpitated.

...This woman is so cruel.

Is there a woman more cruel than this woman in the world?

She actually cut her hand to stay awake!

This is much more effective than slapped!

Xue Di calmly bandaged the wound, and when she felt her consciousness began to trance, she clenched her fist vigorously.

In this way, the intense pain was transmitted to her brain along the nerves, and the trance state was relieved.

Gong Yang turned his gaze to the hammer again curiously, he wanted to know how the hammer did it.

The hammer also held the Xuedi's Boromir Sword, and with a strong pinch, Yin Hong's blood flowed out.

...These two women are both ruthless characters!

Duke Yang sighed leisurely, and subconsciously walked away from the hammer and Xuedi.

Thorin yelled: "We can't waste time here, keep going!"

Bahrain gasped and said, "What about Pangbo?"

Pang Bo was snoring, sleeping very sweetly.

"Let me come!" Bofer separated the crowd and staggered to Pang Bo's body, rounded his arms, and slapped Pang Bo's face twice.

These two blows were really not light, the flesh on Pang Bo's face was shaking, but Pang Bo himself was still asleep.

Bover couldn't help frowning, then accumulated a bit of strength, rounded his arms again, and slapped twice.

These two hits were heavier, and Pang Bo's whole body was trembling, but instead of waking up, Pang Bo's snoring sound became louder.

Beauver suddenly became annoyed, and when he was about to exert force again, Qi Li pushed him away.

Kili held a sharp arrow in his hand, "Let me come."

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