Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1259

After speaking, he directly plunged the sharp arrow into Pang Bo's thigh.

A stream of blood came out of Pang Bo's thigh, but Pang Bo still did not wake up.

All the dwarves present were stunned.

The magical effect of this river is too strong. Fortunately, only Pang Bo was recruited by himself. If everyone fell into the river, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"Damn wood elf!" Thorin clenched his fist bitterly.

Bahrain asked in a low voice, "Sorin, what should we do now?"

Thorin frowned and said, "We must move on and we can't stop for a moment."

"What about Pangbo?" Bahrain asked.

This is a very serious problem. Pang Bo doesn't know when he will wake up, and his weight is the biggest obstacle to the entire Dwarf Expedition.

The most beneficial way for the team is to put Pang Bo here, and then the others will pack lightly.

But in this case, it is tantamount to giving up Pang Bo's life.

The dwarf expedition team is all related by blood. If Thorin really abandons Pang Bo in this way, let alone the other members of the dwarf expedition team will not forgive him, even he will not forgive himself.

In any case, they have to take Pang Bo.

Thorin frowned and said, "Go cut some branches and make a simple stretcher. We take turns carrying Pang Bo."


Such a decision will increase the burden on the team, but at least they will not lose Pang Bo.

The stretcher was ready soon, and the lovers put Pang Bo on the stretcher, and then hummed Pang Bo on the road.

The speed of their advancement was slow, but now it is even slower.

Slowing down means that they are inhaling more ammonia.

And the more ammonia they inhale, it means that their combat effectiveness will be weakened more and more.

This is not a good sign.

They carried Pangbo away from the river bank, away from the magical river, and proceeded along the road of elven bricks.

After climbing a rugged hillside, Bilbo, who was walking in front, stopped abruptly, looking towards the distance with a blurred vision.

A ray of sunlight shone through the gap in the canopy, and a pure white stag was standing under that sunlight, with black eyes staring at Bilbo.

It doesn't look like the eyes of animals, but rather like the eyes of a creature with advanced intelligence.

That stag is extremely holy, and the antlers on top of it are like a gate of spirits.

Bilbo was dumbfounded for a while, he had never seen such a beautiful creature, especially in such a dark and depressed place, the existence of this stag was like a dream.

Bilbo patted his cheek vigorously to determine if he was really dreaming.

Neither the light nor the deer disappeared.

So this is not a dream.

Bilbo was about to tell the other people about this scene, but when he turned around he saw Thorin pulling up his long bow fiercely.

Bilbo quickly exclaimed: "No! Don't!"

But it was too late, Thorin's arrow shot out with anger.

The stag was frightened and ran away.

Bilbo's anger burst out all at once, and he shouted at Thorin loudly: "What are you doing! That's just a deer!"

Thorin said coldly: "Yes, that's the wood elf deer, here to laugh at us."

"You!" Bilbo roared angrily: "It's hopeless!"

Bilbo has a very gentle personality. He has never quarreled with people, but since having the ring, his mood has become more and more irritable.

Bahrain hurriedly stepped up to complete the battle. "Sorin didn't want to shoot the deer. Look, hasn't it escaped?"

Bilbo turned his fist angrily, and put his fingers into the pockets of the vest subconsciously. Then he ignored Thorin and moved on.

Thorin said nothing, and followed the team on.

His mood is a bit heavy and restless...

Not because of the quarrel with Bilbo, but because he really wanted to shoot the deer just now, but he had missed his head.

His combat effectiveness is not even half of what he normally does.

Chapter 367

The dwarf expedition continued to advance in the dark and dense forest.

The oxygen content in the dark dense forest is very low, but the ammonia content is very high, and people continue to inhale ammonia, and they have to take turns carrying Bomber's stretchers. The entire team is almost on the verge of collapse.

Thorin also became more and more impatient, and he now desperately hopes to get out of this dark and dense forest.

For this he can pay any price.

They walked along the wizard tiles on the ground, but their attention became more and more difficult to concentrate. Several times they almost went the wrong way. Fortunately, Bilbo called them loudly and pulled them back to the wizard tiles. On the way.

Bilbo is also the only person in this team who can keep a little sober, even the members of Xuedi team are not as sober as Bilbo.

Bilbo thinks that this should be due to the antidote pill Lin Hai gave him, but in fact, Lin Hai and the others have also taken the antidote pill, and Lin Hai and the others are stronger than Bilbo, but they all No Bilbo sober.

And this is not Bilbo's racial advantage. The only reason why Bilbo can be more sober than others is because of the ring in his pocket.

The ring is secretly affecting Bilbo's consciousness, and the wood spirit magic is also affecting Bilbo's consciousness, but the wood spirit's magic is obviously not as strong as that of the ring.

At this time, I heard the Kiliy who opened the road in front shouting: "There is no road ahead!"

Bilbo separated everyone and looked forward. Sure enough, the wizard bricks on the ground had disappeared, replaced by a pile of huge umbrella-shaped mushrooms with a thick layer of spider silk.

Philip touched the spider silk with his hand, and the spider silk bounced lightly and made a slight vibration.

Philip said with a grin: "Listen, does this look like the piano played by elves?"

When in Rivendell, King Elon once entertained them. In the banquet, a waitress played a soft harp. The soft voice was very similar to the sound of pulling this spider silk web.

Kili laughed and said, "So, female elves are the same as spiders."

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