Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1264

"Yes." Xuedi answered without thinking.

Under these circumstances, it is safest to follow Legolas back to the capital.

After all, their strength hasn't recovered yet, and all around are monster spiders.

If you forcefully confront the wood elves, the consequences will be very troublesome.

Several wood elves walked up and tied their hands with special elven ropes.

The Hammer frowned and wanted to resist, but Xuedi winked at him, and the Hammer did not resist.

Just as the wood elves were binding the dwarf team and the snow emperor team, on the dense canopy, another group of big spiders rushed over.

There are a lot of these big spiders, there are more than 30.

The wood elves immediately entered the combat state skillfully.

Obviously, this is not the first time they have fought against these monster spiders, and they seem to be very calm.

Thorin said loudly: "Legolas let me go! We dwarves can fight! Otherwise, we will all die here!"

Legolas hurriedly pulled the bow and shot the arrows, and coldly said to Thorin: "Don't worry, this is our territory, we can solve it by ourselves!"

As soon as the voice fell, two big spiders flanked at White Glass from the left and right directions.

They seem to know Legolas, knowing that Legolas's identity is very special, so their attack is very fierce.

Legolas was a little distracted with Thorin just now, and when he reacted, the two big spiders had already rushed in front of him.

Although Legolas can also attack in close combat, he is better at archery.

In the face of the sudden attack of two big spiders, although Legolas was not panicked, he was obviously not prepared.

He retreated quickly, but the big spiders had already understood his route and blocked his retreat with spider silk.

Thorin shouted loudly: "Legolas! Let go of me!"

Legolas remained unmoved and continued to fight alone with the two big spiders.

Thorin roared angrily: "You are dead! Arrogant boy!"

And at this moment, only a whistling arrow was heard, and a cyan arrow shot from a distance, rubbing Legolas's body, and shooting through the spider silk behind him!!

Legolaston had room for flashing and moving!

As a result, Legolas quickly drew away, and the two big spiders roared in annoyance, and chased after them impatiently!

Chapter 371

After Prince Legolas got the retreat space, he immediately stabilized his position.

He drew out the two willow-shaped Elf King scimitars behind him, slashed with a sword blade, and pushed back the big spider that rushed forward.

However, his crisis has not been lifted.

While chasing, the two big spiders spewed sticky silk from their mouthparts.

Once Legolas was entangled with spider silk.Then he will be completely trapped.

Of course, if he ordered the elves to open the ropes of Thorin and the other dwarves, and let Thorin and the others participate in the battle, the situation would naturally be different.

However, Legolas did not do that.

His movements are composed and calm, not hurried or slow, his eyes are stubborn and firm, not hurried.

Thorin wanted to see his jokes at first.

He was expecting Legolas to be forced by the big spider to have nowhere to go, and then he could only cry for their help and support.

At that time, Thorin must humiliate him well.

But soon Thorin realized that Legolas's strength was not weak at all, and his combat experience was very rich.

The scene he expected will not happen.

In addition, although Thorin did not like elves, especially wood elves, Thorin did not want Legolas to be eaten by these two big spiders.

The monster spider is their common enemy, and Thorin is not so frantic that he hopes the dark monster will kill the wood elves.

The grudge between him and the wood elves can only be regarded as internal conflicts.

When facing monsters, internal conflicts can be put aside for the time being.

Therefore, when he saw Legolas being chased by two big spiders, Thorin was still very worried and anxious, but although he was anxious, he didn't want to show it.

Just when Legolas was tired of parrying two big spiders, a light figure fell from the sky.

The light figure held a silver moon-shaped scimitar in his hand.

The scimitar slashed past, and it was like moonlight pouring.

Before Thorin could see exactly what the supporting elf looked like, the Silvermoon Scimitar quickly stabs the big spider on the left.

The big spider hurriedly turned his head, and the silver moon scimitar just passed the big spider's head.

The big spider snorted, and his whole body fell to the ground.



Thorling was stunned. He didn't expect that there would be such a powerful role in the Elf Patrol team.

Before he could see the face of the figure clearly, the figure turned around, swiftly jumped away from the body of the big spider, and then quickly jumped to other positions to support other wood elf patrols.

Legolas smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth and continued to plunge into the battle.

There was only one big spider left in front of him, and he could handle it.

After that light figure joined the battle, the whole situation was completely reversed.

Especially when Libras killed and chased down his big spider, the cooperation between the two was just right.

Legolas was shooting arrows from a distance, while the lithe figure held the silver moon scimitar and shot back and forth among the large spiders.

Silvermoon scimitar, wherever it passed, the big spiders fell one after another.

The big spiders who rushed over from the canopy to support saw this situation and hurriedly turned around and fled.

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