Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1265

The Wood Elf patrols didn't chase, but shot with bows and arrows.

Suddenly, many big spiders were killed by arrows.

The last big spider pounced on Kili, trying to seize Kili as a shield.

"Help! Help!" Kellie shouted in horror.

His neck was clamped by the sharp legs and feet of the big spider, and after struggling for a while, the blood on his neck flowed out, and the situation was very dangerous.

"Kiri!" Thorin called out loudly: "Hold on, we'll save you—"

But in fact, Thorin and them were all tied up, there was no way to save Kili.

Thorin turned his head and looked at Legolas. At this time, he could only turn to Legolas for help. However, Thorin's prince's dignity made him unable to speak.

Without waiting for him to speak, the light figure rushed over.

Seeing someone rushing over, Qi Li quickly shouted: "Help me! I'm not married yet, I don't have any children yet, I don't want to die here like this!"

Kili and Fili are the youngest two in this dwarf expedition.

Even though they are also full of beards, but in fact, dwarves have been growing beards since they were twelve years old.

Kili and Philip were only twenty-year-old young men, but their beards were already equivalent to 40-50 year old humans.

The two of them, Thorin's nephew, are the future of the dwarves of the Lone Mountain.

The members of the dwarf expedition team are all nervous, and if possible, they are willing to exchange with Kiliy.

The light figure did not respond to Kili's call for help, but directly threw out the Silver Moon Scimitar in his hand.

This move is extremely powerful and extremely fast!

And the angle is tricky, and he shoots directly at Kili's head!

Let alone Kellett, even Thorin and others did not react.

Thorin roared angrily: "No—"

Before Thorin's voice fell to the ground, the Silver Moon Scimitar seemed to have wings, and suddenly drew a beautiful silver arc in the air, rubbing Kili's cheeks!

Kellie only felt his cheeks tingle.

Immediately afterwards, he felt a thick stream of blood splashing into his neck from behind.

He turned his head and looked subconsciously, and saw the big spider who hijacked him, with a silver moon machete stuck in his chest, and black demon blood spurted out of the wound.

The Silver Moon Scimitar turns...

What a powerful controlling force!

Xuedi, who was standing not far away, couldn't help but sighed secretly.

With such control power and precision, the strength level must be at least 58.

The big spider struggled and hissed, and at the same time raised his sharp legs and feet high, trying to retaliately kill Kili.

However, at this time, the other wood elves had already reacted, and dozens of longbows fired volleys, accurately shooting the legs and feet raised by the big spider.

"What are you doing in a daze! Run over!"

The light figure shouted coldly at Qi Li who was still in a daze.

Kili then reacted, he immediately broke free of the control of the big spider, and crawled out.

Although he looked quite embarrassed when he fled back, the other dwarves were relieved to see him safe and sound.

Kellie ran and roared angrily: "You almost killed me... madam?!"

Only then did he realize that it was a female elf who had just saved his life.

The female elf was tall, enchanting, with white skin and pointed ears.

She has a cold face, kind eyes, and long brown hair.

Chapter 372-Taurier

This long brown hair is not common among elves.

Most of the residents have long silver or light blonde hair.

This is also the elven bloodline from the orthodox Golden Forest.

The ruler of the Golden Forest, Queen Galadriel, can be traced back to the first demigod in Middle-earth.

Therefore, the orthodox elves have long silver or light blonde hair.

Orthodox elves also attach great importance to this kind of descent, so their offspring are naturally silver or light blonde with long hair.

The long brown hair is of the elven commoner blood without aristocratic blood.

Although the elves are noble and elegant in the entire Middle-earth world, there are also high and low levels within the elves.

The brown-haired female elf in front of Kellie was perfect in terms of strength and appearance.

Only the color of her hair became a deduction item.

This is also the reason for the slight lack of self-confidence in her green eyes.

Of course, as a dwarf, Kellie didn't think there was any problem with brown hair. Instead, Kellie felt more special about this female elf.

The elves present either had light blond hair or silver hair, but this female elves was special.

More importantly, the female elf is very capable.

Judging from the series of moves she had just now, she was even stronger than Legolas' combat effectiveness!

You know, Legolas is the prince of the wood elves and the only heir of King Thrandil!

The resources of almost the entire Wood Elf City are naturally inclined towards Legolas, so there is absolutely no doubt that Legolas is strong.

However, it was shocking that a low-ranking commoner female elf could surpass Prince Legolas with almost no resources.

Kili looked at the brown-haired female elf, his head was full of paste.

He wanted to curse the wood elf's rude rescue method, but when he saw the whole picture of the brown-haired female elf, he was completely silly.

The brown-haired female elf didn't pay attention to Kili, but just passed Kili's side, and then raised her long chopstick-like legs and kicked the big spider heavily.

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