Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1266

The big spider had already been seriously injured, and couldn't hold up the heavy kick at all. His huge figure fell to the ground with a crash, and several legs were still struggling desperately.

The brown-haired female elf jumped onto the big spider, stepped on the chitin shell of the big spider, bent down and slender waist, and pulled out the silver moon scimitar from the big spider's body.

As the silver moon scimitar was pulled out, a black blood arrow spattered out.

The brown-haired female elf didn't drag her feet, she just dropped the knife with her hand, and cut off the head of the big spider with one knife.

The whole action is extremely chic and decisive, full of rustling!

After killing this big spider, the whole battle is over.

The fairy prince Legolas put away his weapon and said with a smile: "Tauriel, why are you here now? I thought you were lost."

... So this brown-haired female elf's name is Tao Ruier.

Kili's eyes never left Taurier.

Tauriel ignored Kellie’s gaze and smiled at Legolas: “Oh, my prince, how could I get lost? It’s just that there are more and more big spiders in the dark dense forest, I ran to the other side to look at For a while."

Legolas asked, "Anything new?"

Taurier shook his head."No. But if your father can give me more time and strength, I think I can eradicate all these big spiders outside the capital."

Legolas sighed leisurely, "Well, I will mention this to the father, but you don't have too much hope."

King Thranduil was a stubborn person and hardly explained anything.

Taurier knew this too.

Taurier smiled, "Okay, Your Royal Highness."

Legolas frowned slightly, "I have said so many times, don’t call me your Royal Highness, call me Legolas. You were the daughter of the common people before, but you are now the deputy captain of the court guard, you You can call me that."

"His Royal Highness." A blush appeared on Tao Ruier's face.

For some reason, Kili standing on the side felt a bit sad.

At this time, a wood elf ran over to salute and said: "His Royal Highness! Vice Captain! The big spiders around here have been cleaned up. We are temporarily safe. Please instruct!"

Legolas waved his hand, "Listen to Taurier, she is the key to our victory."

After speaking, Legolas walked up to Thorin and said in an arrogant tone: "What kind of dwarf? I said earlier that we can handle these monster spiders by ourselves."

The muscles on Thorin's face twitched slightly. He wanted to refute Legolas, but because of Taurier's rescue of Kellie and their current situation, Thorin decided not to say anything.

Tauriel said to the elven guards: "Everyone has worked hard. Please pay attention to cleaning up the battlefield. Burn all the bodies of these monster spiders to prevent their blood from contaminating our land. After the burning, we will return to the capital. Give these dwarves and humans to King Thranduil to send off."

"Yes! Vice Captain!"

The elven soldiers immediately became busy.

In a short while, the body of the monster spider was cleaned up.

"Kili, are you okay?" Bahrain leaned over and asked in a low voice.

Kellie shook his head blankly: "No, I'm fine."

"It's okay." Bahrain looked at Kili's gaze, then frowned and said in a low voice: "It's really strange... Wood elves always value blood level very much. This female captain's blood should be the lowest among wood elves. Grade, but she can actually be the deputy captain."

Qi Li was rather unconvinced and said: "What's weird about this, it's because she is really strong, don't you see how she looked like when she rescued me just now? We pressed and beat them, but since she came, the situation changed immediately."

"Most of the time, the strength is not worth mentioning in front of the lineage." Bahrain smiled faintly: "But...I see you like this, it seems that you have a good impression of the female captain!"

"Favorite?" Kili quickly retracted his eyes, and said angrily: "How is it possible! That woman almost killed me just now! Moreover, she is a wood elves! Wood elves are treachery! Maybe they have a good impression of her. ?"

A faint smile appeared on Bahrain's weather-beaten cheeks, "It's best to do this, otherwise you will only suffer in the end."

Kili's lips quivered slightly, without any excuse.

Chapter 373

The wood elf soldiers escorted the dwarf expedition and the snow emperor team to their capital.

After walking for a while, Bahrain couldn't help but ask strangely: "Wait, where's the wizard brick?"

The other dwarves looked down, and sure enough, there were no elven tiles on the way they were walking.

Thorin suddenly roared angrily: "Where are you taking us?"

Legolas said coldly: "Where else can I go, of course to take you back to our capital city!"

Thorin said coldly, "But this is not the road to the capital at all!"

Legolas smiled coldly: "What? Do you know how to get to our Wood Elf Capital?"

Thorin said in a deep voice, "Of course! Walk along the fairy brick path!"

Legolas laughed loudly: "If you follow the Fairy Brick Path, you will never reach our capital."

The dwarves present had their eyes widened, and they couldn't believe that the druid Beorn would deceive them.

After all, Beorn had provided them with selfless help before, and even the pony was willing to lend it to them.

Legolas sneered: "If it were 30 years ago, you could still find our capital city along the wizard bricks. However, in the past few decades, the environment outside our capital city has become worse and worse. The father was worried that someone would come to our capital to cause trouble, so he changed the wizard tiles. If you follow the wizard tiles, you will keep spinning in this dark and dense forest."

"..." Thorin gritted his teeth, "Damn Thranduil!"

Legolas frowned immediately, "Dwarf, please pay attention to your words!"

Thorin raised his head in the arrogant man, looking fearless.

In fact, he insulted their king in front of Legolas and the other elven soldiers. Legolas did not do anything. It was polite and restrained enough.

The team walked forward for ten minutes, and they saw a moat.

After passing the long bridge over the moat, an elven capital hidden in dense trees appeared in front of them.

This city of elves does not look magnificent, not as powerful as Rivendell.

However, this capital city is intricately intertwined, with extremely complicated shapes and passages. Only those who really live here know which way to go to reach their destination.

If it is a foreign enemy who wants to take this city, then I am afraid that it will cost 10 times or even hundreds of times.

The closer he approached the city, Thorin's heart became more and more frustrated.

He is the dignified prince of the Gushan Dwarf, the sole heir of the Gushan imperial family. He should have been on the same level as the owner of the city, but now he has become a prisoner of the city.

Bahrain approached him quietly and whispered: "Sorin stays calm, we still have hope."

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