Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1267


Thorin felt at a loss.

In this case, only when Xu Feng hurried back, could they be saved.

After all, it is impossible for an ordinary army to capture a fortress at the level of Jinling Capital. It is only possible for an awesome character like Diedi.

Perhaps this is what Bahrain is talking about?

But this hope is too far away from them.

Bahrain lowered his voice and said, "Didn't you notice that we are missing one person?"

Thorin shook slightly.

One person missing?

He hurriedly swept from the head of the team to the tail of the team with the light of his eyes.

Groin, Ouli, Kili, Philip, Pangbo who was sleeping...

There are also the four members of Xuedi team, all of them are there.

Bahrain said helplessly: "It's... Bilbo!"

Thorin reacted now.

He even ignored Bilbo!

Indeed, Bilbo's size is very small. Among their group of people, it is indeed a person who is easily overlooked. However, when he was concerned about counting the number of people just now, he did not even expect that Bilbo would be a teammate.

Thorin's old face suddenly turned red.

Bahrain whispered: "From the time the elves appeared, Bilbo was gone."

Thorin frowned and said, "He ran away?"

If Bilbo escaped, Thorin would not blame him.

After all, from the beginning, Thorin did not regard Bilbo as a real teammate, but Bilbo has been selflessly helping them.

Now, if Bilbo escapes, he can't blame him for it.

Bahrain whispered: "No, Bilbo won't run away. He should be following us, looking for a chance to save us."

Thorin smiled bitterly and said: "How is this possible? His strength is the worst among us. Now that even we are hard to protect ourselves, how can he save us? Besides, if he really follows us. , How could the elves not find out?"

Bahrain shrugged, "I don't know this, maybe this is the racial specialty of Hobbits. Besides, didn't Lord Diego still teach Bilbo some tricks?"

Thorin nodded slightly, rekindling hope in his heart.

"Don't whisper, you two!" an elf soldier yelled at them.

The two exchanged glances and then separated.

In any case, hope is better than no hope.

In fact, Xuedi had discovered this problem long ago.

They care about Bilbo more than Thorin.

After all, it is their task to protect Bilbo and Thorin.

At the moment Bilbo disappeared, Xuedi saw Bilbo take out a golden ring from the pocket of the vest.

Xuedi understood everything randomly.

Bilbo used the invisibility ability of the Supreme Lord of the Rings to avoid the wood elf's search.

That's good, at least Bilbo is safe.

However, using the Supreme Lord of the Rings many times will cause Bilbo's body and mind to have some bad effects.

So, where is Bilbo now?

In fact, Bilbo had been by their side all the time, and did not escape by himself.

If Bilbo wanted to escape, it would be easy, but he had never thought of it.

He thinks he is a member of this expedition team. Now that the expedition team is in trouble, he must save them.

He didn't know what to do for a while, so he followed the team stealthily, looking for suitable opportunities.

However, there was no good opportunity along the way. The elven soldiers kept the dwarves very strict.

So Bilbo followed all the way to the fairy capital.

The guards guarding the city of elves, seeing that their team had returned, quickly opened the gate of Thorns City.

Tauriel walked in first, Legolas at the back of the team.

Legolas looked back suspiciously before entering the city gate.

Based on his instinct as a hunter, he felt that something was following them. He looked back and checked it carefully, but found nothing.

So he walked into the city gate and said to the guard guarding the city gate: "Be vigilant and don't miss any details."

"Yes! Your Royal Highness!" the guards responded in unison.

With the closing of the gate of Thorns, Bilbo quietly sneaked into the city of elves.

Chapter 374 Maybe there is a dangerous weapon hidden in my pants?

After entering the city of elves, Legolas commanded the guards to imprison the dwarven expedition team and the snow emperor team into special prisons for wood elves.

These prisons are integrated with the tree hole, but they are independent of each other, and no one is next to each other.

In this way, you can effectively prevent the dwarves from connecting with each other.

Being locked in such an independent prison, every time he speaks, he will be heard by the elf guard in charge of the guard.

If they want to communicate, they can only communicate with their eyes.

As soon as an elf guard was about to push Thorin into the prison, Legolas waved his hand and said with a cold face, "This person should be the leader of this group. You guys loosen him."

"Yes!" The elf guard untied Thorin immediately.

Thorin said coldly: "It's too late to do this now."

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