Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1268

Legolas sneered: "I'm not going to let you go, but I want to take you to see my father."

Thorin frowned and said, "What if I refuse? I would rather stay in this dark, damp, smelly prison than see Thranduil."

Legolas raised his eyebrows slightly, "Smelly? I admit that our prison is a bit dark and damp. After all, this is a dark and dense forest, but you actually said that it is stinky? Okay, I see, because You dwarves are here, so it smells bad here."

The elven soldiers nearby all laughed, and the dwarves were very annoyed.

They are all royal families of Gushan. When they still own the Gushan Palace, they would take a bath once a year.

Yes, every year.

The average dwarf may not take a bath for a lifetime.

So from this perspective alone, these dwarves are very clean.

The deputy captain Tao Ruier couldn't help but laugh.

She is very beautiful, and when she smiles, her face is like a peach blossom and her eyes are as bright as stars.

Kili starred for a while.

Although the dwarves think that women with long beards are beautiful women, since Kili met Tauriel, he found that his aesthetic has begun to change.

Tao Ruier is so beautiful.

Kellie pushed Feili away and stood in front of Taurier.

Taurier was supposed to have pushed Philip into the prison, but Kellett took the initiative to send it up.

Tao Ruier was taken aback, and then smiled at Kiliel.

She thought this dwarf was really funny.

But with this smile, Qi Li's soul was completely gone.

On the other side, Thorin raised his head proudly and said coldly to Legolas: "You probably don't know who I am." Legolas replied coldly: "I know you are a dwarf, that's enough. If you dare not meet my father, then you and your friends will always be in this damp and dark prison."

Speaking of Legolas, he was about to turn and leave.

Thorin said quickly, "Well, I'll go with you to see Thrandil."

Legolas turned around and said to another elf soldier: "You take him to the Throne of Thorns." "Yes!"

"Are you not afraid of me running?" Thorin said arrogantly.

With his strength, it was not difficult to kill an elf guard on the way.

What's more, he has been loosened.

Legolas said coldly: "If you don't care about the lives of your friends, please do it, but I want to remind you that even if you want to run, you may not be able to get out of this intricate and intricate woodland kingdom. capital."

Thorling suddenly pressed his mouth.

Indeed, there are too many paths here, even if Legolas let him go, he alone would not be able to go out.

Seeing Thorin no longer speak, Legolas waved to the guard, and the elf guard took Thorin to the Throne of Thorns.

Thorin followed behind the elven guard with heavy steps.

At this moment, the last person he didn't want to see was King Thrandil, the owner of the Woodland Kingdom.

While in the Palace of the Lonely Mountain, Thorin had seen his grandfather King Thor of the proud Thrandil dynasty bow down on one knee.

What a glorious thing to have a proud Elf King salute to the Dwarf King!

Now, Feng Shui turns, the Gushan Dynasty has been destroyed, and he has become a prisoner of King Thranduil.

Thorin was full of humiliation.

When Thorin followed the Elf Guard to the Throne of Thorns, the other dwarves were roughly pushed into the prison.

Kili was also pushed into the jail, and the person pushing him was the deputy captain Tao Ruier.

Unlike the other dwarves, Kellie was not angry at all, but looked at Tauriel and laughed.

And Tao Ruier did not search for Qili's body, after pushing Qili into the prison, he locked the iron door of the prison.

The other dwarves were all found weapons hidden in their bodies, and they kept swearing.

Kili smiled and said to Tao Ruier: "Why don't you search my body? Maybe there are dangerous weapons hidden in my pants?"

Tao Ruier smiled through the iron fence of the prison: "You have nothing in your pants."

Qi Li quickly said: "You haven't searched yet!"

Taurier laughed: "If you have a weapon, you will use it when you are threatened by that big spider."

Qi Li was startled, "...smart!"

When he wanted to say something more, Tauriel walked away from the prison door.

Qi Li stared at Tao Ruier's back in awe.

This scene was naturally seen by the fairy prince Legolas.

Legolas said with a slightly displeased Taurier: "What are you talking about with that little guy?"

Taurier smiled naturally: "He asked me to search his body, but in fact he has no weapons at all. This is really funny, isn't it?"

Legolas frowned and said, "The dwarves are very dangerous. Keep away from them."

Tauriel shrugged, "But I don’t think the dwarves are our enemy. Our enemy should be the monster spider, Prince. No, I mean Legolas. If you can, please tell your Majesty. We should really clean up these spiders."

Legolas sighed helplessly: "Okay, I promised you, I will say."

Tauriel then smiled at Legolas, then turned to the other elf guards and said: "Leave two guards here, the others can go to rest."


The elven guards dispersed immediately.

Taurier also greeted Legolas, and then left here.

Legolas looked at Qi Li with infatuation, and suddenly frowned.

He could see that Kelley was interested in Tauriel.

This irritated him slightly.

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