Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1269

But he soon relieved that Tauriel is an elf after all, and the dwarf is just a dwarf.

It is impossible for elves to fall in love with dwarves, especially the arrogant dwarves of Lone Mountain.

Legolas cleared away the messy thoughts in his mind and quickly walked towards the Throne of Thorns.

Chapter 375 King Thranduil

Under the leadership of the Elf Guard, Thorin finally came to the Throne of Thorns.

It stands to reason that the so-called throne should be in the palace, but there is no palace in the capital of the wood elves, or the entire capital is a unity, and the Throne of Thorns is in the middle of this unity.

A tall and handsome male elf with a long and handsome face was sitting on the Throne of Thorns.

His legs were folded together, his body leaned against the back of the throne's chair, one hand resting on his cheek, and the other was holding down the armrest of the throne of thorns.

His fingers are slender and white, just like female hands, but who would have thought that it is these hands that have commanded generations of wood elf warriors and fought desperate battles with Morgoth and Dark Lord Sauron. .

He is King Thranduil, his face is more handsome than his son Legolas, and he is more heroic and not angry.

On his pale golden hair, he wears a beautiful crown of thorns, like antlers, and a series of small purple flowers bloom around the crown of thorns.

From any angle, he is a perfect man.

Explain that I have seen King Thranduil a long time ago. At that time, King Thranduil had a respectful and humble expression. Now, King Thranduil’s blue eyes are full of strangeness and indifferent.

King Thranduil shouldn't remember Thorin, but when he saw Thorin on the Throne of Thorns at this time, he looked like a stranger.

The elf guard knelt down on Thrandil, "Your Majesty, the dwarves who invaded our woodland kingdom have been brought here, waiting for you!"

King Thranduil raised a finger lazily and gracefully, and the elven guard immediately understood what he meant, and then retreated after bowing his body and saluting.

In the empty palace area, only Thranduil and Thorin were left.

Thranduil changed his hand holding his cheek, and said coldly, "I admire your courage, Thorin."

Thorin was taken aback. "I thought you didn't know who I was."

King Thranduil laughed mockingly, "You are the grandson of the old king Thor and the son of Prince Thorne. When I went to the Lonely Mountain Palace, you stood by Thor."

Thorin raised his head proudly, "Since you know who I am, you should treat me politely instead of putting me and my people in jail!"

King Thranduil smiled faintly: "Do you want me to treat you politely? Yes, but do you have this capital? Many years ago, you were the prince of the Lone Mountain Dwarf, not only the Lone Mountain Dwarf and the entire Dwarf race Acknowledge your status, and what are you now? Tell me, what are you?"

Thorin clenched his fists angrily.

King Thranduil's words seemed to be an understatement, but they utterly punish the heart, each word poked Thorin's most painful place.

He couldn't wait to challenge King Thranduil right away, but he knew that he was not an opponent of King Thranduil at all, and besides grudge, he had more important things to do.

That is, return to Lonely Mountain.

Thorin’s anger began to calm down. He let go of his fist, and said in a deep voice to King Thranduil: "I am indeed nothing, but as long as I return to the Lonely Mountain, I can be crowned as King of the Lonely Mountain, I will make you and your wood elves pay the price at that time."

King Thranduil blinked in confusion, "The price? Is it because I put you all in jail?"

Thorin said in a deep voice: "It's not a big deal not to go to prison, but your wood elves betrayed our Lone Mountain Dwarves! It is because of your failure to save us that we lost the Lone Mountain Palace!"

King Thranduil laughed, "So what you call the price is this thing."

Thorin said angrily: "Is it ridiculous! Our people have been displaced and left their homes, all thanks to you! You shameful betrayer!"

If ordinary people were scolded like this, I am afraid it would have exploded long ago, let alone a king, an elf king.

However, King Thranduil was not angry, he seemed to always have a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth, and his eyes seemed to see through the world.

He faintly said to Thorin: "It is not me who really caused the displacement of your people, but the dragon Smaug. When Smaug took over your palace, our wood elves were the first to rush there."

Thorin said angrily: "Yes, you were the first to arrive, but you didn't make a move. You just stood and watched from afar! Then turned around and left!"

Thranduil said lightly: "So you expect our wood elves to rush into the burnt palace? Will you die with your crazy king? Should we wood elves be your victims?"

King Slendil paused and said coldly: "Not to mention that at that time, you and your father both dragged the old king away. You all know that you should quickly escape Smaug's anger in that situation. Why But still bears a grudge against us for refusing to be buried?"

Thorling was speechless at once.

He hated King Thranduil for decades, but when he really faced King Thranduil, he was powerless to fight back with a few words from King Thranduil.

Yes, the wood elves were indeed their ally at the time, but after calming down and thinking about it, the lone mountain dwarves did not give the wood elves any benefit, let alone ask the wood elves to bury them.

It's just that for so many years, Thorin has been supported by such hatred, and now suddenly he doesn't know who he should hate.

King Thranduil paused for a while before he said faintly: "I admire your courage very much. You can organize the dwarf expedition through the crisis-ridden misty mountains and return to the Lonely Mountain. This is quite a brave thing. If necessary, I would also be the first to admit that you are the new king of the Gushan Dynasty."

Thorling's eyes widened suddenly, "Is this true?"

"I have the conditions." King Thranduil smiled.

Thorin held his head up, trying to maintain his dignity, making himself look more like a king than a prisoner, "Say what do you want?"

King Thranduil said coldly: "I want it, a white gem necklace."

Thorin said angrily: "Sure enough, you are coveting our dwarf's treasure!"

King Thranduil frowned and said, "Dwarf's Treasure? Do you really think so?"

Thorin said frankly: "All the things excavated in our Lonely Mountain are the property of our lover! You can only get it when we dwarves want to give it to you, but you can't take the initiative to ask us for it!"

King Thranduil laughed loudly, and the crown of thorns on top of his head trembled constantly with his laughter.

Immediately afterwards, his handsome face became extremely hideous, and his beautiful face seemed to have been burned by the fire.

He roared in a hoarse voice: "The greedy dwarf! Do you know why Smaug will occupy your palace? That is your greed that caused all these consequences! I shouldn't have any hope for you, now Go back to your prison and fend for yourself in the damp and gloom! Someone will take him away!"

Chapter 376: We Have Time

The two elven guards immediately stepped forward, held Thorin and walked back.

Thorin roared angrily: "Thrandil, you ruthless fellow! We Lone Mountain dwarves will never forget your indifference! When we were displaced and we were starving, you refused to offer us anything Help! And now you want to negotiate terms with me, I will never promise him never!"

Thranduil said coldly: "Then I will imprison you for 100 years. I believe that 100 years for the elves are just a flick of a finger, and after 100 years, your lone mountain dwarves will become withered bones. !"

Thorin also wanted to yell at Thranduil a few times. You express your anger, but the two guards quickly dragged him away from the Throne of Thorns.

Thranduil looked at Thorin's back, and his eyes became colder.

Prince Legolas walked to the Throne of Thorns and bowed to his father.

Thranduil sat back on the Throne of Thorns, his slender right leg was on top of his left leg, and his left hand dragged his face.

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