Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1270

This is his usual posture.

When he poses in this position, it means that he is ready to listen to the report.

Legolas said quickly: "Father, the dwarves have been imprisoned, may I ask...what should we do with them?"

Thrandil said lightly: "Don't you hear what I just said? If that stupid dwarf refuses to cooperate, then imprison them for 100 years."

Legolas was startled slightly, "I thought...you were just talking angry."

"Angry?" Thranduil said lightly: "When did you see me talking? No, I'm very calm. If they don't cooperate, then detain them forever. Depending on the situation, they have found entry The Lonely Mountain Palace, they are a group of ambitious and greedy guys. Once they can master the Lonely Mountain again, it will be very detrimental to our wood elves!"

Legolas widened his eyes and said, "But... the Lone Mountain Dwarves are also an Alliance after all. If we imprison them like this, what would our other allies think of us?"

"Alliance?" Thrandil laughed haha, he seemed to have heard a very funny joke.

"Only when we face the same enemy, the alliance is the alliance. When we don't have the same enemy, the alliance is nothing but nothing." Thrandil said coldly: "I never care what others say , Don’t care what others think, the fate of the wood elves is only in the hands of the wood elves, and no one else wants to control us!"

Legolas thought for a while, "I heard that the initiator of the Dwarf Expedition is Gandalf the Grey Mage. Gandalf is our friend. We really want to treat him like this?"

Thranduil said impatiently: "Where is Mrs. Ganda? He is not here, so I don't need to care so much. Legolas, one day you will replace me as the leader of the wood elves, if you If you always hesitate to look forward and backward when doing things, then the fate of the wood elves will be destroyed in your hands."

The sweat on Legolas' forehead came out immediately.

These words are too harsh!

The fate of the wood elves...

Legolas had never thought that he would become a leader. The responsibility was too heavy, and he had not been prepared for this.

He hurriedly lowered his head to Thrandil and said in a respectful voice: "Father, the wood elves will surely recast glory under your leadership. You are our eternal leader!"

Thranduil leaned back against the Throne of Thorns, looked up at the high dome, and said faintly: "Nothing is eternal..."

Legolas stood by, not knowing how to answer this sentence.

Thranduil walked for a while and looked at his son indifferently, "Why don't you leave? Is there anything else?"

Legolas quickly said: "Oh, there are two more things. The first thing is about the captives...Father, in addition to the Lonely Mountain Dwarf Expedition, we also caught four humans, who claimed to be Xue Xue. Mercenary of the Emperor Squad."

Thranduil said with a sense of excitement: "First detain them for a few days, let them realize their fear, and then let them take an oath, never tell what happened here, if they are willing to take the oath, then they can be let go. I don’t like humans very much, but they are better than lovers."

Legolas nodded and said, "I understand."

Thranduil asked again: "What is the second thing you said?"

Legolas said hesitantly: "Father, you know, um, there are too many monster spiders around us. We almost had a problem with this operation. Our previous woodland kingdom territory has been invaded by spiders. If this continues, the woodland kingdom will become the world of giant mushroom spiders. So I suggest... we should send troops to eliminate these giant spiders."

Thranduil looked at Legolas with a stern look: "Is this your suggestion? Or is it the suggestion of the deputy captain Taurier?"

Legolas said quickly: "It's my suggestion. Of course, Deputy Captain Taurier thinks so too."

Thranduil sighed slightly: "If this is Taurier's suggestion, I think I can understand it, but if it is your suggestion, I will be very angry."

Legolas asked puzzledly: "Why is this father? Since the suggestions are the same, why do different people propose you with different attitudes?"

Thranduil said coldly: "Tauriel is just a female elf with civilian status. She can become the deputy captain, which is the highest height she can reach. Her vision and thinking are simply not on the stage. But you are different. You are my son and the prince of the wood elves. Your vision must be on the overall situation."

Hearing that his father heard his father say Taurier, the drawing felt a little unhappy, but he did not dare to show it on his face.

He frowned slightly and asked: "But Father, I still don't quite understand..."

Thranduil said coldly: "Don't you think I didn't know that the big spider in my house is rampant at our door? In your opinion, this is a problem that affects the face of the wood elves, but have you considered it, Since the monster spider invaded our periphery, who can trouble us? We can be self-sufficient and rest in the wood elves city, but the outside world knows nothing about our situation, if we really encounter a strong enemy If this is the case, our army will be a surprise soldier. This is our advantage. We cannot expose this advantage just to deal with the few spiders at our door. Do you understand?"

Legolas said quickly: "I understand the father."

Thranduil said quietly: "You are still too young, but it doesn't matter, our elves have time."

Chapter 377

"Yes, Father."

Legolas pursed his lips slightly. He still had a lot to say to Thrandil, but under Thrandil's mocking eyes, the pressure in his heart was very high. They were obviously father and son, but Lai Golas didn't feel close at all.

Thranduil raised his chin at him. Although he didn't say a word, the meaning was obvious.

Legolas said quickly: "I have nothing else to do, father, please allow me to retire."

Thrandil said lightly: "Go, take a good rest, don't think too much."

"Yes!" Legolas bowed back.

On the other side, two elf guards pushed an angry Thorin and threw him into the prison where Bahrain was.

The door of the prison made by Elf Steel slammed shut, and Thorin cursed loudly, "You bastards, I, Thorin, will never give in to you! Absolutely not!"

Bahrain asked quickly: "What's the matter? Didn't it make a deal?"

Thorin said angrily: "Thrandil is humiliating me!"

Bahrain asked, "Didn't he make any conditions?"

Thorin said coldly: "He did offer a condition, and he also said that as long as I promised this condition, he would be willing to help us and make me the king of the Lonely Mountain."

Bahrain said with a face of surprise: "The conditions are very good! We need help now, especially in this situation!"

Thorin said coldly: "But he asked me for treasure!"

Bahrain asked, "What does he want?"

"...White gem necklace." Thorin said in a deep voice.

Bahrain widened his eyes and said, "That's all? Then why don't you agree to him?"

Thorin said angrily: "Why should I promise him! That is our dwarf's treasure! The wood elves didn't give us the slightest help when we were in trouble! We left our homeland and endured hunger, but they watched indifferently! Our fight against the orcs in the Blue Mountains was almost annihilated, but they were indifferent! Now, Thranduil knew that we had a way to enter the Palace of the Lonely Mountain, so he made conditions for us. This is not a humiliation or what he is! It's a cold enemy. Even if I become a dead bone, Thorin will never accept his conditional help!"

Bahrain sighed heavily: "But... to promise that condition is our only chance."

Thorin smiled coldly: "No."

Bahrain blinked in surprise: "You mean... Bilbo?"

Thorin nodded slightly: "I would rather believe a hobbit than a hypocritical wooden elf."

Bahrain said helplessly: "Okay."

He didn't hold any hope for Bilbo, but he was also sure that the wood elves would not detain them for too long.

They have Xuedi team, Xufeng and Gandalf.

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