Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1271

Although Xufeng and Gandalf are not here for the time being, they will come eventually.


When the elves guarding here went down to rest, the dwarves began to hit the prison gate.

The iron fence made of stainless steel was slammed into the sky by them. Such a noisy sound must be heard by the wood elves, but the wood elves did not rush to stop them.

Bahrain reluctantly said: "Save a little bit, don't hit it! This is not a goblin dungeon, but a woodland kingdom with a history of tens of thousands of years! These prison gates are all made of elven steel. Yes, no matter how hard we work, we can’t break it.”

But people had to stop the impact in frustration, and an atmosphere of despair began to spread among the lovers.

They are the dead opponents of the wood elves in the alliance, so they naturally think that the wood elves will also treat them as dead opponents.

Being imprisoned by his opponent, don't even think about the day before.

Of course, in fact, the Wood Elf didn't regard the Lone Mountain Dwarf as a deadly opponent.

As the king of the wood elves, Thranduil just wanted a white gemstone necklace.

But Thorin didn’t think Thranduil just wanted a white gemstone necklace. He felt Thranduil was testing him. Once he agreed to Thranduil’s request, Thranduil would have to make an inch of it. that.

At that time, it would be impossible for Thorin not to satisfy Thranduil.

Therefore, Thorin simply rejected Thranduil.

Still the same sentence, it's not that he can't give Thranduil gold and silver treasures, but Thranduil cannot take the initiative, and Thorin will only give it when he wants to.

At this time, King Thranduil was still sitting on the Throne of Thorns, with Erlang's legs tilted and his left hand resting on his cheek, his body half leaning on the back of the chair, as if waiting for someone.

After a while, he said faintly: "I know you are there. Since you have already come, why don't you come out to see me in the shadows?"

With the Lord of the Rings and hiding in the shadows, Bilbo was shocked.

He thought it was King Thranduil who saw through his invisibility, and when he didn't know what to do, he walked out of a graceful figure in another shadow corner.

It is Tauriel, the deputy captain of the Elf Guard.

Bilbo breathed a sigh of relief, gently circumventing the Throne of Thorns.

King Thranduil frowned.

He felt a little strange around him, but he couldn't be sure.

Tauriel walked in front of King Thrandil, his face flushed slightly, like a little girl who had made a mistake, lowered her head and said uncomfortably: "Sorry, your majesty, I didn't mean to do this. "

King Thranduil withdrew his eyes from looking at the shadow, you are on Taurier's face.

Taurier's face suddenly turned redder.

King Thranduil said lightly: "I believe you didn't intend to do this. As my deputy captain, if you deliberately spy on me in the shadows, you are trying to usurp the throne."

Tao Ruier was shocked, and quickly knelt on one knee, and said quickly: "No, your majesty! I just..."

She suddenly became hesitant, because she didn't even know why she was spying on his king in secret.

All she knew was that whenever she saw Thranduil, her heartbeat would speed up and panic to death.

However, she never dared to tell this feeling to King Thranduil, she was just a lowly born wood elf.

King Thranduil glanced at Tauriel slightly, and said faintly: "Go flat, I know you won't do anything like that, you come to me to know why I reject Legolas. ?"

Tao Ruier said quickly: "Yes..."

King Thranduil said coldly: "There is no explanation for this matter. I am your king. You can just follow my orders."

Tauriel thought about many excuses to refute Thranduil, such as the danger of the monster spider, the dignity of the wood elves, such as her duties as the deputy captain, but at this moment, she said no to the embarrassment. come out.

She opened her mouth, and after a long while she finally managed to squeeze out a word, "Yes..."

Chapter 378 Thranduil's Request

Completely defeated.

A wry smile appeared in Taurier's heart.

In front of this tall and handsome man, she has no resistance!

Of course, in terms of real strength, Taurier is still confident that he can withstand a move and a half if he really fights, but when Tauriel touches the slightly mocking eyes of King Thranduil, She felt weak all over her body unconsciously, and her heart was beating per hour.

She knew that as the deputy captain of King Thranduil, she shouldn't have such a feeling of overstepping, but how can she control this kind of thing?

She sighed with a complicated mood, bowed and saluted King Thranduil, then turned her head down and prepared to leave.

"Wait a minute." King Thranduil stopped her.

Taurier stopped quickly.

Thranduil's words were God's will for her, no matter what Thranduil King ordered her to do, she was willing.

King Thranduil frowned, seeming to be organizing the wording.

This is a very uncommon situation. King Thranduil has always been clear-headed, and there are rarely situations that require temporary organization of language.

Tauriel couldn't help feeling a little nervous, and sweat leaked out of his hands.

King Thranduil lifted his right leg to his left leg, and changed his posture, and then said faintly: "There are only two of us here. I want to talk to you about something."

Taurier's heart suddenly missed a beat!

Private matter!?

Only the two of us!?

At this moment, she was full of strange and weird thoughts in her mind, and her face flushed red, "Your Majesty, what do you want to say?"

King Thranduil said lightly: "Legolas has a very high evaluation of you."

Tauriel quickly said: "Prince Legolas is a tolerant prince, and as a low-born elf, I am very honored to be able to do things by the prince's side. As for his evaluation of me, I really dare not be it, because it is not me who is truly outstanding, but the prince and other elven guards. In other words, it is your Majesty who led you."

Thranduil smiled faintly. Although this smile was very kind, there was still a mockery on the corners of his mouth.

"You are very good Tauriel, your strength and your efforts prove that I did not misunderstand you. But..." Thranduil paused slightly, "Legolas cares about you, then his captain is right Your concern, the deputy captain."

Tao Ruier's heart sank, and quickly explained: "No, His Royal Highness is just a kind heart..."

Thranduil waved his hand: "My own son, I still understand. You are very good and beautiful, and your strength is even higher than him. It is understandable that he has a deep love for you."

Tao Ruier said quickly: "But I don't have one! I am to His Royal Highness, it's just the feelings of friends to friends!"

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