Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1272

Thranduil looked at Taurier carefully, "Really?"

Tao Ruier said firmly, "Yes!"

She looked directly at Thrandil's gaze, which he couldn't normally do, but at this time, she had to let Thrandil see his heart.

In her heart, she really didn't think much about Prince Legolas.

Thranduil said coldly: "As the daughter of a commoner, haven't you ever thought that one day you will fly on a branch as a phoenix and become the prince and concubine of the wood elves?"

Tao Ruier shook his head eagerly and said, "No, no! I have never thought of this before! Your Majesty, please believe me!

Thranduil asked coldly: "Really Taurier? Do you dare to swear to me?"

Tauriel immediately knelt down in front of King Thranduil, and said firmly: "I Tauriel, I have absolutely no doubts about Prince Legolas, let alone covet the position of the prince and concubine!"

"Very good." Thranduil gave a long-lost smile, and raised his hand to Taurier. "Flat up, my deputy captain. I was relieved to know that you didn't think like this, of course. As I said earlier, you are an excellent elf, but because your origin is too humble, so I cannot let you be with Prince Legolas. The blood of the nobility must be protected. You have to understand. The reason why nobles are nobles is because we are much better than ordinary civilians. If the blood of the nobles is mixed with the blood of the common people, then some bad genes in the common people's blood will be hidden in the royal family. One day, these inferior genetic characteristics will be exposed, and the entire royal family will become weak. Tauriel, this is not against you, but for the long-term stability of our wood elves, so I hope you can understand. "

Tao Ruier nodded in a daze.

She suddenly realized that some things are not something you can do with hard work.

The gulf of descent will never be crossed.

This filled her with despair.

King Thranduil said faintly: "It would be better if you can understand. Since you don't have such thoughts about Legolas, please stay away from Legolas, don't give him any illusions, don't Let him think you will like him, don't give him any hope, keep a distance from him, let him understand that it is impossible between you, can you do it?"

Taurier bit his lip slightly, "I can."

Of course she can do it, and there will be no pain in her heart, because she really has no feelings for Legolas.

The reason why she felt desperate was because her feelings were dead at this moment, and it was strangled by King Thranduil himself.

"Very good." King Thranduil nodded in satisfaction: "Now, you can leave."

Taurier paid a mechanical salute, and then left the Throne of Thorns in a daze.

Thranduil stared at Taurier's back coldly until Tauriel disappeared.

He felt a little strange, and this strangeness did not originate from Taurier, but something around Tauriel.

Thranduil couldn't tell what it was, but it was strange.

In fact, his instinct is not wrong.

In the shadows around Tauriel, Bilbo was hiding there in a state of invisibility.

This wood elves capital was too big and complicated for him. He circulated a few times in it alone, but couldn't find the way to the prison.

In desperation, he could only return to the most obvious Throne of Thorns, holding his breath, and carefully following Tauriel...

Tauriel is the deputy captain of the Elf Guard. Bilbo guessed that as Tauriel, he would definitely go to the prison. Therefore, following Tauriel is the wisest choice.

Of course, he also heard the words that King Thranduil said to Tauriel, but he was not interested in it, he just wanted to find his comrades sooner and save them from this place.

Chapter 379

Tao Ruier walked in a trance, unconsciously, went to the prison area.

This makes Bilbo very happy hiding in the shadows.

He used the special effects of invisibility to closely follow Tauriel.

But when he reached the prison area, Bilbo couldn't be happy.

In the prison area, there is a team of heavily armed elf guards guarding there. Once Bilbo releases his invisibility, the elf guards will immediately discover its existence. At that time, he will not be able to save the dwarves and the Snow Emperor team, but will Take yourself in too.

In desperation, Bilbo could only stay in the shadows.

The longer he wears the ring, the more his mind will be corrupted by the ring. Before that, he was a gentle hobbit who was never impatient, but now, he always wanted to pull out his stinging sword. , Slashed it wildly.

Fortunately, he knew his combat effectiveness was weak, so even though he had such an idea, he quickly suppressed it.

Tauriel lost consciousness and passed the prison area, and the Elf guards nearby saluted her politely.

If it was in the past, she would have nodded in greetings from the smiling Elf guards, but now she has no thoughts at all.

Her whole heart is messed up.

Not because King Thranduil prevented her from contacting Prince Legolas, but because of the words Thranduil said to her about blood.

And, the slightly mocking look that King Thranduil had when he looked at her.

Lineage is really an insurmountable gap.

"What happened to Tauriel today?" The elf guard next to him whispered.

"I don't know, maybe King Thranduil was blamed?" Another elf guard smiled coldly.

They don't actually care about Taurier, the deputy captain, they just feel a little unhappy that Taurier did not respond to their salute.

These elven guards all have long pale blonde hair. Their hair also proves that their blood comes from the higher class of wood elves, but at the same time they are Tauriel's subordinates. From the bloodline, they are naturally I can't look down on low elves like Tauriel.

Taurier heard the conversation between the two elf guards, and she also knew that the two guards were discriminating against her. If it had been before, she would stop and glaring at the two elf guards to shut them up, but now, He felt powerless.

As the deputy captain, she is certainly qualified and able to discipline her own players, but how can she fight against the blood of the elves?

She was at a loss and continued to walk forward until she was attracted by a strange sound.

She looked in the direction of the voice, and saw that in a certain prison cell, Kili was holding a slap-sized cobblestone, and kept throwing it into the air.

When the cobblestone is about to fall, he can always catch it dexterously.

The strange sound just now was exactly the sound he made when he touched the pebbles.

Tao Ruier frowned slightly, then looked away from him.

When she turned and walked towards the spiral staircase, she heard Qi Li smile and say: "Why, Madam Deputy Captain, why do you look a little unhappy?"

Tao Ruier said coldly: "It's none of your business."

Taurier was about to leave.

Qi Li smiled and said: "Of course it's not my business, but you should be mine, but you don't. What if this thing in my hand is a bomb?"

These words immediately aroused Taurier's alert.

"What is in your hand is a bomb?" Tauriel asked with a frown.

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