Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1273

Qi Li smiled and said, "Perhaps, maybe not, it's all because you didn't search yourself."

Tao Ruier thought about it slightly, and then said coldly: "That's not a bomb, because if you have that kind of thing, you won't be caught by the monster spider. You were scared to death at the time. It's so helpless..."

"No!" Feeling that his self-esteem was offended, Kili suddenly stood up and said: "I am not afraid! We dwarves treat death as home! You can't discriminate just because I am shorter than you. I!"

When he said the last sentence, Kellie flushed.

Tao Ruier fluttered and laughed. She was in a terrible mood, and even reached a desperate situation, but... Kiri's words made her mood much better.

Yes, she was also discriminated against.

Although she is a member of the wood elves, and despite her outstanding abilities, her blood is discriminated against.

And Kili's height is indeed much lower than her.

Kellie straightened his body and could only reach Tao Ruier's chest.

This is also the reason why Tauriel laughed, of course Tauriel felt a little embarrassed after a laugh.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to laugh at you, I just think you are actually quite interesting. I thought every dwarf is staid and grumpy, but it's not the case."

Qi Li grinned and said, "So, do you admit that you are biased against me?"

Taurier shrugged, turned off the subject and said, "So, what is the thing in your hand?"

Kiri laughed, "This is just a stone, of course, he is not an ordinary stone, this stone is engraved with a line of Hani characters, this is the oldest writing of our Lone Mountain Dwarf."

Taurier asked curiously: "What is written on it?"

Kellie shrugged helplessly, "I'm afraid I'm going to ask my mother. I only know that this is a talisman for safety. My mother believes that as long as the stone I wear, no matter where I go, this A stone will keep me safe."

Taurier raised his eyebrows slightly, "Don't you think that this stone saved you from the hands of the spider?"

Qi Li smiled and said: "It was you who rescued me from Big Spider, but who can deny that this lucky stone brought you to my side."

Tao Ruier was startled slightly, then smiled faintly.

At this time, somewhere in the Wood Elf City, there were bursts of hilarious sounds.

Kili was taken aback, and the pebbles in his hand also escaped and fell outside the prison.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Tauriel stepped on the cobblestone with his foot, then bent over to pick it up, and took it in his hand to watch carefully.

This is not an ordinary pebble, but a black jade with a line of dwarf characters on the jade.

In terms of the value of jade, this piece of jade can be regarded as invaluable. After all, Kili is also the royal family of the dwarves of Gushan, and it is not surprising that a stone of this value is possessed.

However, when Kellie was in the most difficult time, he never even thought about selling this jade...

It can be seen how important this piece of jade is to Kellett.

When this jade fell out of the prison, Kili was very nervous, but when Tao Ruier got this jade, he was greatly relieved.

Chapter 380 We Are Destined to be People of Two Worlds

"Is this stone really so magical?"

Taurier held the cobblestone in his hand and looked at it over and over.

Kellie grinned, "Of course, the stones in our Lonely Mountain Dwarf's hands are all precious."

Taurier nodded, "I believe it."

Qi Li smiled and said, "If you like it, I can give it to you."

Taurier blinked, and asked in disbelief, "What did you say?"

Kili smiled and said, "I said, I can give you this stone."

Taurier said in surprise: "Isn't this the amulet your mother gave you?"

Kili nodded and said, "Yes, that's right, but you saved my life, so it's worth the expensive thing I give you."

Taurier smiled, "Thank you for your kindness, but... I'm afraid I can't accept it."

She is the deputy captain of the elf, and Kili is her captive, how can she put away Kili's gift?

What's more, Kili has just said that this amulet was given to him by his mother to bless him safe and sound. If Tauriel takes it away, what should Kili do if something goes wrong?

This is inappropriate from any angle.

Kili smiled and said, "Don't worry, our dwarf amulet is as effective to your elves, it will make you lucky."

"Luck?" Tao Ruier smiled bitterly. "The problem I encountered cannot be solved by luck."

Qi Li quickly asked: "What problem did you encounter?"

Tao Ruier said lightly: "It's useless to tell you."

Kili said: "That's not necessarily, how can you know if you don't tell it?"

Taurier didn't want to talk to Kilier any more, he smiled at Kilier faintly, "Thank you, but I really don't need it."

With that, she threw the amulet in her hand into the prison

Kellie caught it, feeling a little lost.

Taurier looked around the dwarves in the other prisons, and then walked up the spiral staircase.

The entire Wood Elf's capital city is equivalent to a huge tree hole. The internal roads of this huge city are intricate, but in fact there are only a few obvious parts.

The bottom layer is the sewer area, which is a place for garbage disposal. The jail for holding prisoners is naturally also in this area, which is slightly higher.

The area further up is divided into a commercial area, an artisan area and an ordinary living area.

The ordinary living area is the area where the bottom wood elves live. The conditions here can only be described in general. There are usually no entertainment items, and they don't even have the right to look up at the stars.

Ordinary living quarters are up, namely the military zone and the administrative zone.

The training of the elf soldiers and the daily office of the elf officials are all in this area.

The administrative area is up, namely the banquet area and the high-level noble area.

In this area, the high wood elves hold a grand dinner every night, and at the same time they can enjoy the charming moonlight through the thick canopy.

This is the privilege of the nobles and a life beyond the reach of ordinary wood elves.

In the center of the high nobility zone, is the location of the Throne of Thorns.

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