Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1274

Tauriel lives in a slum area at the bottom. This area is not too far from the prison, so it only needs to walk up a spiral staircase to find its way home.

When she just walked up the steps, a long figure stood in front of him.

Tauriel clenched her Silvermoon Scimitar subconsciously, but she quickly relaxed because she was not in front of anyone else, but Prince Legolas.

Tauriel wanted to smile at Prince Legolas, but he suddenly thought of what King Thranduil had just said to her... it is impossible between them, she must reject Prince Legolas’s unrealistic fantasy.

This is not too difficult for her, because she does not love Prince Legolas in her heart, she just regards Prince Legolas as her good friend and comrade-in-arms, she can shed blood and sacrifice for the prince, but Love is another matter.

So, she quickly cold her face, and said in an almost unfamiliar tone: "His Royal Highness? I really did not expect that a noble character like you would step on the land of the slums. Our entire area is because of your arrival. Pengxuan is brilliant."

Legolas frowned slightly, "Tauriel, why are you talking like this?"

Tao Ruier said lightly: "It's nothing, Your Royal Highness, what can you do?"

Legolas frowned and said, "I'm afraid I'm sorry to tell you... my father he... didn't agree with our proposal. He thinks those big spiders are very annoying, but it also hides our true strength."

Taurier nodded, "Okay."

"Okay?" This time it was Legolas's turn to be surprised. In his impression, Taurier was the kind of very determined girl, but now she just said lightly, okay... This is really too good. Negative, not at all like the Tauriel he knew.

Tao Ruier said indifferently: "I am just a female elf of civilian origin after all, and my situation is far from enough. Since your Majesty has already considered this matter, I will just obey."

Legolas frowned and stared at Tauriel.

He felt that Taurier today was a little different from the past, but he couldn't tell what was different.

Taurier saw Legolas still standing in front of him and said coldly: "His Royal Highness, do you have anything else?"

The two teachers took a deep breath, "No, what I want to say is that the starry sky tonight is very bright, if you want, I want to invite you to the Starlight Feast."

"Is that the starlight feast that only aristocrats can participate in?" Tao Ruier couldn't help but asked sarcastically.

"Yes." Prince Legolas didn't notice the sarcasm in Tauriel's words, he just nodded honestly.

Tao Ruier smiled coldly: "No, I am not a nobleman, I am not qualified."

Prince Legolas smiled and said, "Don't worry about this. You were invited by me, and you are the deputy captain of the Elf Guard. No one dares to stop you."

Taurier sneered: "Yes, Your Royal Highness, with your status and my current identity, naturally no one dares to stop me, but who can stop them from pointing? Who can stop them from whispering? Laugh? Who can stop the contempt in their hearts?"

Before you know it, Tao Ruier's eyes are a little moist...

Prince Legolas stood there blankly. He really couldn’t understand what Tauriel said. After all, he was born with a golden spoon in his mouth. He felt that everything was taken for granted, and he didn’t understand, Tao. How difficult it is for Riel to get to this position today, and he doesn't even understand that even if Tauriel becomes the deputy captain, he still can't get rid of being despised by blood.

Tao Ruier said coldly: "So... your noble prince, don't make it difficult for me, and don't let me be a target for everyone. We are destined to be people in two worlds."

Chapter 381 I hope it is still there!

"Two worlds?"

Prince Legolas frowned and said, "Tauriel, what are you talking about? Are you...influenced by the dwarf just now? The dwarves are all cunning. They will do whatever it takes to escape the prison. You must not be fooled. ."

Legolas had just seen Tauriel talk to Kellie for a long time, so he thought it was Kiliel who influenced Tauriel.

Taurier smiled bitterly, "No, it has nothing to do with Kiliy."

"Kiri?" Legolas frowned and said, "You know his name? It seems that you are familiar with each other."

Taurier wanted to explain something, after all, he just had a brief chat with Kellie. Perhaps Kellie was indeed very enthusiastic, but Taurier didn't feel much about Kellie.

However, since the distance between Legolas and her is to be widened, the best way is not to argue.

Tao Ruier smiled faintly: "Yes, Kili is a very funny person, don't you think? I have a good impression of him."

Legolas said angrily: "Tauriel, how can you do this! He is a prisoner, and he is also a dwarf, an ugly dwarf!"

Taurier smiled: "No, I don't think he is ugly, on the contrary, I think he is very handsome among dwarves."

Legolas looked at Taurier in astonishment, "Are you crazy, Tauriel? Or, was that bastard doing magic on you? No, I'll ask him to understand!"

Tauriel immediately stopped in front of Legolas and said in a strong tone: "You can't do this, Your Royal Highness."

Legolas frowned and said, "What's so good about that dwarf? He has a beard all over his face!"

The elves don't have beards, while the dwarves have beards for men and women.

Tao Ruier smiled coldly: "I think the beard is very handsome."

Legolas looked at Tauriel in disbelief: "I hope this is just a joke."

Tao Ruier said lightly: "No, this is not a joke."

Legolas clenched his fists slightly, and his handsome face was full of sadness.

Tauriel felt a little distressed, but she knew that if she showed goodwill to Legolas at this time, all her previous efforts would be wasted.

So, she hardened her heart and said coldly: "His Royal Highness, your starlight feast has already begun, why don't you leave here soon?"

Legolas stared at Taurier, and after a moment of silence, he said nothing and turned to leave.

Taurier let out a long breath and closed his eyes in pain.

She didn't want to hurt the innocent Prince Legolas, but it was really impossible between them, firstly because of the relationship of blood, and secondly because, in her heart, there was no feeling for Prince Legolas.

Of course, she didn't like Kellie either. He said Kellie's kind words in front of Prince Legolas, just to get rid of Prince Legolas.

Her feeling for Kili is just how an ordinary female elf feels towards an ordinary Lone Mountain Dwarf.

Of course, it's a little better.

After all, she felt that she and Kili was the same disease.

The person she really likes is the one he would never even dare to think about or say, and even the one he would never get.

After Prince Legolas left, Taurier cleared up his emotions, cleared the messy thoughts in his heart, and walked back to his room.

The bottom area gradually returned to calm, while in the top area, the life of the high-end wood elves had just begun.

Hidden in the shadows, Bilbo followed Tauriel to the prison area, but unfortunately, he still did not have a good opportunity to release his invisibility.

The guards in the prison area are still very strict, and Bilbo can only wait for the opportunity.

On the other side, Xufeng and Gandalf finally waited for the brown-robed mage Rui Dagast.

Ruidagast brought three griffins, and Xu Feng and the others immediately boarded the griffins and flew towards Lu Gaoling in the misty mountains.

After the three of them rode on the Griffin, Ruidagast said excitedly: "Gandalf, Lord Diego, I'm glad you invited me to take part in this flight. To be honest, I haven't been out for a long time, the strange thing in the Green Forest. More and more, I have been busy dealing with these weird things in the Green Forest."

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