Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1276

Unfortunately, he did not find a clue to the giant spider.

Could it be said that the giant spider escaped after digging a passage here?

Xufeng glanced at the empty coffin and noticed the spiders the size of fingernails.

In such a gloomy cave, these spiders shouldn't exist, unless...their parents are still here, and they are watching all this in secret.

Xu Feng smiled coldly in his heart, walked to the side of the coffin, and grabbed a small spider with his hands. The small spider struggled desperately with eight legs and feet, and opened his sharp mouthparts, threatening Xufeng. call.

Xufeng squeezed the little spider hard, and directly squeezed the little spider, and the black slime was splashed everywhere!

Ruidagast said in surprise: "Master Diego, what are you doing?"

Before the words fell, I heard a roar from the passage above the tomb, and then the whole tomb shook like an earthquake.

Ruidagast nervously covered his hat, "What, what's going on?"

Xu Feng said lightly: "There is an ambush here."

The little spiders in the coffin quickly fled, and the breath in the grave became more and more depressed.

Both Gandalf and Rydagast were ready for the battle, and Xufeng also showed the enemy fencing and the sword of Triton.

At the beginning, the blue light on the blade of the enemy fencing sword was very weak, but soon, the blue light became extremely dazzling.

A giant spider 5 meters high rushed over from the direction of the passage. When he entered the tomb, he actually occupied half of the small tomb!

Gandalf said in horror: "Marganes!"

Ruidagast also exclaimed: "This is impossible!"

The giant spider said in a low voice: "It's been a long time since Gandalf and Rydagast! When we met last time, I'm afraid it will go back to the first era 5000 years ago!"

"Yes!" Gandalf gasped, "I didn't expect you to be alive!"

The giant spider known as Malganis gave a gloomy laugh: "You can live, of course we can! You think you have everything in Middle-earth, but in fact, everything is under the control of our master. ."

Chapter 383 Spiritual Shockwave

This giant spider can actually speak human words!?

Xu Feng was quite surprised, but when the giant spider named Malganis told about 5000 years ago, Xu Feng also understood.

This is a real monster-level big spider, and it should be one of the monsters made by Morgoth himself.

In the first era, in order to prove that the Supreme Lord God was wrong, a certain city came to Middle-earth to create a family of monsters in the opposite way to creation.

Among them, it naturally includes mixing the elves with wild beasts and dark magic to create terrifying, brutal and combative half-orcs.

It also includes dragons, such as the dragon Smaug who still occupies the Lonely Mountain Palace.

It also includes other monsters, such as the giant giant spider Malganis that has lived for at least 5,000 years.

His ability to be remembered by the two great masters of the Holy White Council shows that his strength 5,000 years ago was very terrifying.

Xu Feng couldn't help but scream. He obviously only wanted to do an alchemy mission, so he wanted to find a normal giant spider to kill. Unexpectedly, he attracted a monster spider lord from the first era era.

This is really a headache.

Gandalf said in a deep voice, "You opened up the tomb of King Angmar, right?"

Malganis smiled coldly, "That's right, it's me!"

Ruidagast said angrily: "Why are you doing this!"

Malganis sneered: "Rhidagast, why do you ask such a stupid question? I am the Lord of the Monsters, and I am your enemy!"

Gandalf frowned and said: "Unexpectedly, the dignified Lord Malganis is now a running dog of the Dark Lord Sauron."

When Malganiston angrily knocked the ground with his left front leg, the whole tomb shook violently.

"Sauron!?" Malgannis said sarcastically, "What is he? He is also worthy of being compared with our great master? Our monster has only one master, and that is the immortal Morgoth!"

Gandalf said coldly: "Morgoth's soul has been torn apart and exiled outside of Middle-earth. It is impossible for you to get in touch with Morgoth."

Malganis sneered: "You don't understand anything! Your Majesty Morgoth has always been there! I can still communicate with his soul, although it is very weak, I can still!"

Xu Feng asked, "So, Morgoth asked you to release the Witch King Angmar?"

A dozen pairs of spider eyes of Malganis stared at Xufeng at the same time, "Human, what right do you have to talk to me! Oh! You have the blood of my heir in your hands! I will make you pay 10 times the price for this! Fear!"

With that said, Malganis opened his huge and sharp mouthparts, and at the same time emitted a powerful mental interference energy wave.

"Be careful!"

Gandalf took the lead to react, condensing a magical defense barrier in front of the three of them.

However, he started too hastily, and the magical energy barrier was not fully formed yet, so he was shattered by the energy shock wave of Malganis.

Radagast followed up with a magical energy barrier, but it was no better than Gandalf.

The two archmage-level energy barriers were instantly pierced by the energy wave of Malganis!

Xufeng suddenly felt a numbness and chaos in his brain, and his heart was filled with unexplained fear!

For a moment, he even wanted to throw away the enemy's fencing sword and the sword of Triton!

So strong!

Xufeng had a foreboding that this opponent was extremely difficult to deal with, but he didn't expect the opponent to be so powerful!Even the archmages of the two holy white councils could not resist its attack!

The strength of this giant spider is probably about to reach level 63!

And Xufeng's comprehensive combat effectiveness can only reach level 55 at most!

This is the rhythm to be completely crushed!

Xufeng concentrated his energy hard, trying to resist Malganis' howl of fear, but he was so scared to death in his heart.

It is one of the characteristics of human beings.

Humans feel fear. It is precisely because of fears that humans will think more and be more cautious in doing things, but at the same time it will also become a weakness of human beings and an obstacle that is difficult for everyone to overcome.

In fact, Xufeng is not afraid of Malgaines. The more dangerous the battle, the more courageous and calm he will be. However, this move of Malgaines' howl of fear is obviously to use magical energy to inspire fear in the human heart. Make people unable to control their emotions.

Once his emotions collapsed, no matter how strong Xufeng's combat effectiveness was, he would instantly become zero.

Absolutely not... continue like this!

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