Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1277

Gandalf and Rydagast are still desperately using magical abilities to resist the impact of Malganis, but with little effect.

Xufeng still has to rely on herself!

He tried to concentrate his thoughts, projected his thoughts into his crystal shards, and got in touch with the other 4 Snow Emperor team members!

At this time, it needs support from teammates!

The members of the Xuedi team were being held in the prison of the Wood Elf Capital. When Xufeng's thoughts communicated with them, they immediately felt the same way!

However, the spiritual power of one person is limited, but the spiritual power of five people is huge!

Xuedi and the others quickly concentrated their minds and tried their best to resist the fear passed by Xufeng!

The five of them were originally not people from Middle-earth, but from higher levels of survival, which means that their mental abilities are stronger than other people in Middle-earth.

When the spirits of the five of them converged, a faint golden halo suddenly appeared all over Xu Feng's body.

The mental shockwave of Malganis almost pierced Xufeng completely, but at the last moment, the mental shockwave of Malganis seemed to hit a solid steel wall.

Xufeng squeezed the enemy's fencing and the sword of Triton firmly, and when he opened his eyes, he looked at Malganis' spider eyes with a cold and proud look!

The mental shockwave of Malganis was completely borne by Xufeng!

Under Xu Feng's resistance, the mental shock wave completely subsided, and Gandalf and Rydagast were also greatly relieved.

After dozens of seconds, even if Xufeng is not penetrated by the spiritual shock wave, the archmage of the two holy white councils will be penetrated.

In that case, it would be really shameful.

What makes them both feel ridiculous is that in the past 5,000 years, the strength of Malganis has improved a lot, while the strength of the two archmage of the Holy White Council has weakened a lot.

This is actually the fault of the white-robed mage Saruman.

Malganis looked at Xufeng who was intact, and shouted in astonishment: "No...how is this possible! Why can a young mortal stop my mental shock wave! Why!"

Xu Feng said coldly: "Introduce yourself, I am your Diedi."

Chapter 384 The Battle of Malganis!


Malganis looked at Xufeng in amazement. He originally thought that Xufeng was the weakest of the three, but he didn't expect Xufeng to be so strong.

Xu Feng smiled faintly, "Be good."

Malganis said angrily: "Don't think that you can be happy! You just blocked my first move! I still have many moves to play with you slowly! Today, don't think about any of you. Get out of this tomb alive! This will be the burial place of the three of you!"

Speaking of Malganis stomping the spider's legs and feet vigorously, the entire tomb shook violently, and the shaking caused a collapse, and the passage that came before was instantly sealed by a huge stone.

Gandalf and Ridagast frowned suddenly.

The current situation is very dangerous.

Malganis is a prehistoric-level monster lord, his strength is probably only second to Smaug!

In addition, this is the home court of Malganis. The road to the outside of the tomb has been blocked. The oxygen in the cave is rapidly being consumed. If there is no quick battle...

The three of Gandalf may be suffocated and die!

Xufeng immediately winked at Gandalf.

Gandalf had cooperated with Xufeng many times, so he understood it all at once.

Gandalf raised the staff in his hand, the flame on the staff became extremely hot, and the temperature in the entire cave was rising!

Radagast wiped the sweat from his forehead and whispered: "Gandalf, are you trying to deal with Malganis or torturing ourselves!"

Gandalf ignored Rhidagast’s words and shouted to Malganis: "Marganes, in the battle 5,000 years ago, you were lucky enough to escape. Today the three of us absolutely cannot let you escape again! "

Marquez grinned and said, "Gandalf, don't talk about those useless, let's do it!"

The scholar Malganis raised his two huge legs and slashed towards Gandalf.

Those two legs and feet are not swords, but the shock waves produced are sharper than the sword light!

Gandalf quickly chanted the spell silently, forming a protective barrier in front of him.

Malganis’ shock wave smashed into Gandalf’s barrier, and the entire tomb was cracked. Gandalf’s barrier was shattered. Gandalf was smashed against the wall, spitting out old blood, and seriously injured. .

And Malganis was also shaken back several steps by his own shock wave, and his center of gravity was a little unstable.

However, Malganis was not injured. In the case of 1 to 1 toughness, his combat effectiveness can completely crush Gandalf!

At the moment Gandalf was shaken off, Xu Feng rushed towards Malganis from the side.

Malganis's attention was on Gandalf, and when he reacted, it was already too late.

Xu Feng's speed itself is very fast, and coupled with the wind crystal on his body, his speed is as fast as lightning!

Malganis lost his balance and backed up a few steps. In the process, Malganis clearly saw Xu Feng rushing towards him, but he couldn't resist.

Malganis could only infuse his dark energy on his leg and foot joints to prevent being cut by the enemy's fencing sword in Xufeng's hand.

But Xufeng dexterously bypassed Malganis’ leg and foot joints. Xufeng realized that a monster lord of the level like Malganis had a very strong chitin shell, even if Xufeng had it in his hand. Enemy fencing, Xu Feng may not be able to cut off the shell of Malganis' level 63 strength.

That's right, the chitin shell is the advantage of Malganis!

If you want to quickly defeat Malganis, you must avoid his advantages and look for its disadvantages!

When he rushed to the vicinity of Malganis' legs and feet, Xu Feng suddenly jumped up.

Malganis was startled, the experienced he immediately realized something, or he waved his claws desperately, trying to knock Xufeng down from the air.

But Xu Feng's speed was significantly faster. He turned quickly in the air, and at the same time shouted loudly: "Ridagasta!"

Ruidagast was startled, he didn't know whether to help Gandalf who was vomiting blood, or to cooperate with Xufeng to deal with Malganis.

At this time, Gandalf worked hard to support his body and poured his magical energy into Xufeng's enemy fencing through his staff.

The enemy fencing that had braved the blue light quickly attached the power of the flame!The light of Gandalf's wand went out, and Xufeng's enemy fencing replaced it!

Ruidagast reacted immediately, and with his own fighting strength, he didn't even want to hurt Malganis' feathers!Only by pouring his magic power into Xufeng's weapons can he exert the greatest combat effect!

So Ruidagast immediately poured the concentrated magical energy into Xufeng's other weapon!

Immediately, the sword of Triton burst into ice-like light!

Xu Feng has flame in one hand and ice in the other.

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