Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1278

The two weapons quickly formed a sword-blade whirlpool with invisible blade shadows!He severely slashed the spider worm's eyes at Malganis!

Marganis' spider eyes grow in the head area of ​​its chitin shell, there are 13 large and small in total, and these spiders can also allow him to look in all directions without missing any details.

Of course, this is also the weakest and softest part of Malganis' solid chitin shell!

Xufeng wants to hurt Malganis, so piercing his spider eyes is the best choice!

Xu Feng pierced the three spider eyes of Malganis with the vortex of the sword blade!

Malgunniston screamed!

The stern voice penetrated the deep tomb, and the whole tomb was trembling fiercely.

Malganis's legs and feet were waving wildly, but they were all avoided by Xufeng dexterously.

After Xu Feng succeeded in a blow, he didn't want to fight, and quickly backed away.

Malganis roared angrily: "Human, you despicable and shameless person, you attacked my eyes! I must let you die!"

Xu Feng said coldly: "Really? Then you come!"

Malganis ran into Xufeng angrily. His speed was very fast, his strength was great, and the range of impact was very wide. Once hit, the strongest person would turn into meat sauce!

Xufeng's mind plunged into the spirit crystal of the wind, and his figure avoided the impact of Malganis with a very fast speed.

Malganis' head hit a corner of the tomb hard, and the wall of the entire tomb was immediately knocked out of a three-meter deep hole!

Xu Feng took the opportunity to jump back to Malganis' head, another sword-blade whirlpool, the magic power of ice and fire mixed together, and he slashed desperately in Malganis' spider eyes!

In this round, Xufeng abolished the 5 spider eyes of Malganis!

Chapter 385

Malganis struggled fiercely, yelling loudly: "Come and save me! My children!"

Suddenly, from the cracks in the rocks, numerous small spiders spewed out.

Xufeng wanted to expand the results of the battle, but these little spiders came too fast, and Xufeng didn't dare to love the battle, and quickly jumped to a safe area and stood with Gandalf and Rydagast.

Ryda Gast released a blizzard magic, and the cold ice slammed on these little spiders. Some little spiders were frozen, and some were killed directly.

Those little spiders that have not been frozen are directly burned to ashes by the wall of fire summoned by Gandalf!

Regardless of the huge number of these little spiders, but in front of the two great masters of the Holy White Council, it is nothing at all.

At this time, Malganis finally struggled from the corner of the collapsed tomb.

On the top of his head, there were only 5 spider eyes left, and black blood flowed out of his eyes, greatly weakening his visual range!

"Despicable humans..." Malganis growled angrily.

Xufeng squeezed the enemy's fencing sword and Triton's sword in his hand, and said coldly: "What's the matter? If I can't beat me, I begin to want to condemn me morally? You are still a monster lord. But that's all!"

Malganis's heart suddenly became very angry. She raised her two sharp feet in front of her, and shouted angrily: "If you have the ability to fight me head-on, no one should avoid it!"

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "Okay, then I will satisfy you!"

Gandalf hurriedly said in a low voice: "Diedi, you can't do this! Although you have the advantage with those two moves just now, this does not mean that you can be a direct enemy with Malganis! Think of Gilga, the legendary hero of even the wizard Rad, there is no way to fight Malganis head-on! And now Malganis' strength has increased a lot, even if his eyes are injured, his strength is still very strong!"

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "I know this. It's just that the oxygen in the tomb is getting less and less. We have to make a quick decision."

Then he lowered his voice again and said, "When I shoot, you two must cooperate with me and attack the leg and foot joints on the left and right sides of it with magic!"

Gandalf and Radagast's eyes lit up and nodded at the same time.

Xufeng immediately stood in front of Malganis and said with a sneer: "Come on!"

Malganis grinned and said, "Human, I will let you know what real power is!"

As he said, he raised his two feet high, and once cut, he slashed towards Xufeng fiercely!

Xufeng felt that his whole person was being sucked in by Malganis' feet, his thoughts and movements were a little deformed.

But soon Xufeng took control of his body, and the Wind Spirit Crystal played a huge role. He jumped up lightly, raised the long sword in his hand high, and made a gesture to slash into the spider eye of Malganis. !

Maldenis exclaimed, and quickly retracted his feet to parry and block!

He has only 5 spider eyes left, if Xu Feng is pierced again, he will be completely invisible!

So at this time, he didn’t care about attacking Xufeng, but did his best to protect his eyes. This put him in a very passive situation. With his strength, he could crush Xufeng, but he was killed by Xufeng with only two moves. Leading the nose can only passively defend!

Seeing that he withdrew his claws to parry, Xu Feng was not using the blade vortex. After all, Malganis' chitin shell was still very defensive, and it was impossible for the slut to penetrate Malganes's claws.

Xu Feng jumped backwards like a dragonfly, making Malganis' parry and blocking become meaningless.

At the same time, Gandalf and Radagast simultaneously released magic beams, flames and ice, one to the left and one to the right, blasting towards the supporting leg and foot joints of Malganis.

Malganis screamed, and his huge figure suddenly became shorter!

Although his leg and foot joints can still be supported, it is already very reluctant.

Just as Malganis was about to open his mouth to curse, Xu Song didn't give him a chance to speak, and once again rose into the air, the enemy fencing sword and Triton's sword in his hand pierced Malganis' spider's eye fiercely.

Malganis was anxious. He had never seen an opponent so difficult to deal with, but now he had no choice but to raise his claws again to block Xufeng's attack.

He was very clear in his heart, Xu Feng was in the real, the real and the real.

It seems that Xufeng is the main attack point, but in fact, the real attack points are Gandalf and Rydagast.

Although the attack power of these two wizards is far less than that of Xufeng, Malganis will be killed sooner or later if he continues to fight like this.

Malganis was very anxious, and the more anxious he was, the more relaxed Xufeng was.

Of course, Xu Feng was also anxious to get rid of Malganis, the oxygen in the tomb was getting less and less, and there was not much time left for them.

However, the more anxious, Xufeng calmed down.

Mal'Ganis' defense is very strong. It is impossible to kill Mal'Ganis in one blow, and an opportunity must be found.

Seeing Malganis once again parrying the block, Xufeng stepped back and stepped aside again, while Gandalf and Rydagast continued to attack Malganis' leg and foot joints with magical powers.

Two or three times like this, Malganis's 8 leg and foot joints were injured. Although such a magical attack would not make Malganis unable to stand up, his figure had begun to falter.

Xufeng felt that the time was about to come, so he jumped up again, pouring all his strength into the enemy's fencing and the sword of Triton.

Malganis still raised his claws to block the parry, just as he did at the beginning.

But this time, Xu Feng did not retreat again. Instead, the two swords combined and slashed at Malganis' feet!

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