Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1279

Malganis' chitin shell is very strong, even though Xufeng has exhausted his best efforts, there is not even a crack left!


The huge impact force is transmitted down from the chitin shell, and Malganis is like being under the weight of a hill!

His 8 leg joints themselves were injured!Even his own body is a bit difficult to support!And now, with Xufeng's full blow, a huge impact was transmitted to his leg and foot joints, and his leg and foot joints were suddenly difficult to support!

Click! Click!

His leg joints are like bursting bamboo, fully exercised!

Malganis exclaimed in pain, and the huge spider body suddenly hit the ground!

He can only support his body with two claws!

In this case, he has no desire to fight, just want to escape from here quickly!

However, the exit of the cave had long been blocked by him!

This is really a dead end!

Chapter 386 Killing Malganis

Xufeng didn't give Malganis a chance to escape. When Malganis broke his legs and collapsed to the ground, Xufeng was another sword-blade vortex without any muddles. The enemy fencing and the sword of Triton were fierce. Slashing towards unprotected spider eyes!

"No!" Malgannis screamed!

With this move, all of his spider eyes were pierced by Xufeng!

He can't see anything clearly!

Xu Feng immediately yelled: "Gandalf Ridagast, what are you waiting for, explode his chrysanthemums with all your strength!"

"it is good!"

Gandalf and Radagast are extremely excited!

More than 5,000 years ago, in their war with Morgoth's army, they failed to kill Malganis, but now they have a chance to make up for this great regret!

Both of them concentrated their magic power desperately and bombarded Malganis fiercely!

Malganis could not move, nor could he see anything. He could only concentrate all his power on the chitin shell and delay time as much as possible.

What worries him the most is actually not from the magical attacks of Gandalf and Rydagast. Their magical attacks are indeed very strong, but the chitin shell of Malganis can still withstand these magical attacks. .

What worries him most is the attack from that human.

That human being is too strong and too cunning. His defeat in battle is obviously not enough to pose a fatal threat to Malganis, but his combat experience is extremely rich!

What Malgannis worried most was from Xufeng’s attack. He wanted to defend against Xufeng, but his eyes were completely invisible. He could only rely on the feeling of waving two sharp feet in front of him. .

Using the effect of the wind crystal, Xu Feng dexterously avoided Malganis’ feet. The enemy fencing sword and the sword of Triton in his hand, through the pierced spider eyes, stab Malganis fiercely. Brain.

Malganis could not defend at all, so he could only use his claws to slash Xufeng desperately, trying to force Xufeng to retreat.

But Xufeng did not retreat. Now Xufeng has firmly occupied the advantage, and time is tight, he will never watch these advantages go to waste!

While thrusting into the double swords forcefully, Xufeng used the double swords as a fulcrum, flashing back and forth on the top of Malganis’ head. The sharp feet almost hit Xufeng several times, but they were all eventually shot by Xufeng. Feng avoided.

The whole process was very thrilling, and the hearts of Gandalf and Radagast were always hanging high.

This situation continued for half a minute.

After half a minute, Malganis' crazy feet gradually subsided, and his huge body stopped struggling.

The dark power of the entire tomb also disappeared.

"He...dead?" Radagast asked incredulously.

You know, in the war 5,000 years ago, even the legendary elven hero Gilgalad failed to kill Malganis, but instead allowed Malganis to escape from the encirclement of the elven soldiers. But now, the three of them have killed Malganis!

What's more, Malganis's strength is stronger than it was 5000 years ago!

The three of them actually completed what Gilgalad hadn't done in this situation!

Ruidagast couldn't believe it at all!

Of course, this can't actually be regarded as Mal'Ganis killed by the three of them, because only one person actually killed Mal'Ganis: Lord Diego.

Gandalf quickly stepped forward, carefully inspected the dark power in Malganis, and then said with great certainty: "Yes, Malganis is dead! There are no more spider lords in this world. Didi, you killed Mal'Ganis, and your reputation will be celebrated in Middle-earth. You are a well-deserved hero!"

Xufeng smiled faintly, then drew out the enemy's fencing sword and the sword of Triton, and then followed the broken skull of Malganis, slashing fiercely!

Ruidagast said quickly: "Master Diego, that guy is dead!"

Xu Feng said lightly: "I know, but I need to split his stomach!"

Gandalf said quickly: "The oxygen in the cave is not enough, Radagast, come and clean the cave with me!"

Ruidagast said immediately: "Okay!"

The two archmages immediately condensed magic and moved the huge stones blocking the entrance of the cave with magic power.

Although their magical powers are very strong, it is quite strenuous to carry rocks in the air.

With their progress, it is very likely that if they have not even finished half of the stones, they will suffocate in the tomb due to lack of oxygen.

Xu Feng calculated roughly and decided to help Gandalf and Rydagast pierce the hole first, otherwise, even he would be buried in this tomb.

He used an enemy fencing sword to chop off the two sharp claws of Malganis, then hollowed out the worm fluid and muscles inside, leaving only a thick and sharp chitin shell.

Then, he put the two claws on his arms, and then used them to dig out the hole filled with gravel.

Malganis’ foot claws are very suitable for digging. The passage of this cave itself was also dug by Malganis. Therefore, Xufeng didn't take much effort to dig through the passage that was blocked with gravel.

Fresh oxygen was injected into the hole, and Gandalf and Rydagast breathed out immediately.

After digging through the passage, Xu Feng returned to the tomb and completely tore the chitin shell on Malganis' body with sharp claws.

Soon a huge red poison sac was found by Xufeng.

This giant poison sac is even taller than Xufeng's. If this is not a giant, then there is nothing that can be regarded as a giant.

Xu Feng concentrated his thoughts and put the giant poison sac into his inventory.

Then he continued his search in Malganis' stinking body.

You know, Malganis is a monster lord, with a fighting strength equivalent to level 63. Such a monster is full of treasures. Xu Feng finally managed to kill Malganis with the help of Gandalf and Rydagast. Of course it is impossible to leave like this.

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