Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1280

Sure enough, I felt a hard thing in Malganis' stomach pouch, and he took it out with all his might, and it turned out to be a warhammer with flames.

This warhammer is very heavy, with a series of complex ancient elves engraved on its square head.

Xufeng took this warhammer in his hand and squeezed it... It was heavy!

Presumably, the hammer would like this weapon very much.

Xufeng put the warhammer aside and searched carefully, but finally found nothing else.

Xufeng was a little disappointed, but fortunately there was a trophy like Warhammer.

He also peeled off Malganis' chitin shell by the way, put it into his own inventory, and when he returned to the trading city, he asked Li Hongwei to make it.

Chapter 387 Silver Fist Hammer

After processing the body of Malganis, Xu Feng left the tomb.

Gandalf and Radagast were waiting for him at the entrance of the cave.

Seeing Xufeng coming out, Gandalf greeted him with concern and asked, "How is it, are there any gains?"

Xufeng smiled and took out the square warhammer. "There is such a hammer in Malganis' stomach."

Gandalf's eyes widened suddenly: "This is..."

Ruidagast also took a breath of air-conditioning, "Yes! It's really the hammer! I didn't expect that after more than 5,000 years, this hammer will reappear in the world!"

Xu Feng blinked, "The two said so lively, it seems that this hammer comes from an extraordinary origin?"

In fact, he had already thought of this.

Malganis is an ancient monster, second only to the dragon Smaug. Neymar Gannis swallowed the weapon, but it hasn't been dissolved by his stomach acid, and it still looks like new. Then this weapon must be Extraordinary.

Gandalf carefully looked at the elven rune on the square hammer, and then confidently said: "This is the silver fist hammer!"

"Silver Fist Hammer?" Xu Feng frowned slightly.

The name of this hammer is a bit weird, because in terms of material, this hammer is not made of silver, nor does it look like a fist.

Ruidagast said with a smile: "Silver Fist is a person, oh, to be precise, an elf. The strength of this elf is not even weaker than that of Gilgarad, but this elf never liked it. Fighting, he only likes to research equipment and build weapons...Let’s put it this way, Lord Diego, this enemy fencing sword in your hand is made by Silver Fist."

Gandalf cleared his throat: "The most famous weapon and equipment made by Silver Fist is not enemy fencing, but... the Supreme Lord of the Rings!"

Xufeng suddenly took a breath of air-conditioning, "Supreme Lord of the Rings! So, this hammer in my hand is also the hammer that made the Supreme Lord of the Rings?"

"Yes!" Gandalf said: "I can be sure that this is the hammer of the silver fist! I am good friends with the owner of this hammer, so I can be 100% sure."

Xufeng couldn't help frowning and said, "So, is the owner of this hammer still alive?"

You know, the lifespan of the elves can be regarded as almost unlimited, and the time of 5000 years is just a flash for them.

If the owner of this hammer is still alive and has a close relationship with Gandalf, then Xufeng is probably going to return the hammer to the original owner.

Gandalf sighed faintly, "No, the Silver Fist had disappeared in the Second Age. At that time, he was invited by Sauron to the Devil's Capital to build 19 Mana Rings. At that time Sauron pretended to be a good man. The appearance did not reveal its dark side, and Silver Fist really thought that Sauron was going to help the entire Middle-earth world. Therefore, Silver Fist tried his best to help Sauron build it. At that time, the 19 Mana Rings were built. After giving it to other leaders, Sauron did not let Silver Fist leave the magic city, but asked her to continue to build another special ring. Although Silver Fist was a little strange in his heart, he did not doubt Sauron at the time. After all, Sauron was still the black-robed archmage of the Holy White Council."

"When Silver Fist finished making the last ring, he saw Sauron inject dark magic into this ring, he realized that Sauron cheated him, and at that time, I was also carrying a Only the elite team is secretly exploring the magic city. After I discovered Sauron's conspiracy, I tried to stop Sauron, but unfortunately, at that time, Sauron's strength was already extremely powerful."

"In desperation, we could only retreat and rescue Yinquan. However, the matter did not end there. We finally left the magic capital, but Yinquan secretly turned back to the demon when we were not paying attention. Du. The supreme Lord of the Rings was created by him, and he felt that he had a responsibility to destroy the Lord of the Rings."

"He left us a letter, telling us his purpose and the way to destroy the Supreme Lord of the Rings. It's just that if he can't accomplish the goal, at least we know what to do."

"He said in the letter that the supreme lord ring has the power to command other lord rings, and will show its extraordinary magical effects along with the strength of the wearer."

"For example, when ordinary people wear them, they are only invisible, and of course they can understand all the languages ​​in the world. But that is not the real effect of making the Lord of the Rings. People who wear the Supreme Lord of the Rings can confuse and confuse people. If you give in, the longer you wear other rings, the more you will lose your heart to the master of the Supreme Lord of the Rings. What's more terrible is that when the Lord of the Rings is worn in the hands of the strong, the combat power and defensive ability of the strong will be tripled! "

"Triple?" Xu Feng suddenly gasped.

Gandalf nodded slightly, "Yes, three times. For people with low strength, this threefold increase in strength is not conspicuous. The lower the strength, the lower the income of wearing the Supreme Lord of the Rings. For a person with strong own strength, a triple increase in strength is simply destroying the world!"

"Sauron's strength itself is very strong. In the Holy White Council, his real strength is stronger than that of the white-robed mage Saruman. Although he has not really played against Saruman, everyone knows that, Sauron is the strongest archmage."

"What's more frightening is that at the end of the First Era, a part of Morgoth's soul fragments entered Sauron's body, which made Sauron's dark power extremely powerful."

"Therefore, when Sauron wears the Supreme Lord of the Rings, it is simply the end of Middle-earth." Gandalf said with lingering fear.

Back then, the Saint White Council gathered all the countries in the alliance, and launched a life-and-death battle with the monster army led by Demon Lord Sauron!

At that time, the Holy White Council, Queen Kellsland, Gilgalad, Celeborn, King Elrond, and all the heroes of the human dwarves participated in this holy war to defend Middle-earth.

However, they were all beaten to shame by the Dark Lord Sauron!

If Esiduo hadn't cut off Sauron's finger with the Supreme Lord of the Rings, it would be impossible for the Alliance army to defeat Sauron.

This shows how powerful the Supreme Lord Ring is. Ordinary people wear it only as an invisibility ring. Once the Supreme Lord Ring returns to Sauron's hands, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Xufeng knew in his heart that the Supreme Lord Ring was in Bilbo's hands, but he did not intend to tell Gandalf and Rydagast about it.

Because Xu Feng believed that Bilbo could take care of the Supreme Lord of the Rings.

As long as the Supreme Lord of the Rings has not been exposed, then Sauron will not rush to act.

And if you tell Gandalf that the Supreme Lord of the Rings is in the hands of Bilbo, then Gandalf will definitely report it to the Holy White Council, and the white-robed mage Saruman of the Holy White Council is actually not a good person at this time. Once the whereabouts of the Supreme Lord of the Ring are known by Saruman, then the Dark Lord Sauron will definitely know.

So Xufeng listened quietly without making any comments.

Chapter 388 Gandalf's Plan

Gandalf took out his pipe and filled the pipette pot with crushed Shire tobacco. With a slight touch of his finger, the Shire tobacco was immediately lit.

He took a deep breath, then spit out a smoke ring for a long time, and his nervousness was immediately relieved.

Just now, even if he was only talking about the Dark Lord Sauron and the Supreme Lord of the Rings, Gandalf's heart was very nervous.

After taking a few sips of tobacco, he said quietly: "In short, after Yin Fist left the letter, he returned to the Demon Capital alone. He wanted to steal the Supreme Lord Ring, and then take the Supreme Lord Ring. For the Doomsday Volcano, only the flames of the Doomsday Volcano can dissolve the Supreme Lord of the Rings."

Having said this, Gandalf sighed for a long time, staring blankly into the distance, "Unfortunately, since then, the silver fist has disappeared, but the Supreme Lord of the Rings still exists. Later, the Holy White Council Gathering the armies of the alliance countries and all the heroes to fight the Dark Lord Sauron and the Dark Legion together, we have experienced countless life and death battles, and finally rely on Esido to cut off the fingers of the Demon Sauron to win. When the demon Lord Sauron's figure was destroyed by us, we handed over the glory of destroying the Supreme Lord of the Rings to Esiduo... But this also became the beginning of a new tragedy."

"Esiduo was bewitched by the Supreme Lord of the Rings. He did not throw the Lord of the Rings into the flames of the Doomsday Volcano, but instead took it for himself. So the Supreme Lord of the Rings still exists in this world, although no one knows now The whereabouts of the Supreme Lord of the Rings, but as long as the Supreme Lord of the Rings exists for one day, the danger of Middle-earth will always exist."

Xu Feng nodded slightly, "So, since Yin Fist left, there has been no news?"

"Yes." Gandalf sighed. "Some people say that he has already submitted to the demon Lord Sauron. Others say that he is ashamed of his heart, so he finds a place where no one is there to hide. Others say that he He is dead. However, we have never found his relics, so we cannot be sure whether he is really dead until we see this hammer, which is the forging hammer used by Silver Fist. He is absolutely not Will leave. Since this hammer is in Malganis’ stomach, it means that the Silver Fist is probably already..."

Gandalf could not go on, because Yinquan was his good friend and it was difficult for him to tell the news of his death.

Xu Feng said lightly: "If this is the case, then how should this hammer be handled?"

Gandalf quickly said: "This hammer is your trophy, Silver Fist lost this hammer, and you killed Malganis to get this hammer, so this hammer belongs to you. You are now Jisha. The great hero of Malganis, I believe that if Silver Fist knew, he would also be very pleased."

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