Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1282

Xufeng asked, "Ask me? Are you not an archmage?"

Ruidagast's waist was straight: "Yes, I am a great mage. The brown robe is certified. It's like a fake replacement."

Xu Feng smiled helplessly: "I know you are a brown-robed great mage, but as a great mage, shouldn't you be able to teleport?"

Ridagast blinked, "Teleport...just like Gandalf did?"

"um, yes."

"Oh, that I won't." Rydagast grinned.

Xufeng was almost mad at Ruidagast. This guy is really a pig teammate.

Of course, Radagast's natural magic is still very strong. If you really encounter an enemy, Radagast's auxiliary role is definitely not a pig teammate, but a god assist.

However, except for that time, at other times, Ruidagast could only be regarded as a pig teammate, a magician who couldn't even teleport spells, was still there plausibly.

Ruidagast said solemnly: "There are many types of wizards. A wizard like me is a druid-type wizard. I can become a bird soaring freely in the sky, but in the same way, I will Cannot use teleport spells."

...You just didn't learn it!

Xu Feng murmured secretly.

Moreover, your druid spells are terrible!

Xufeng sighed helplessly: "Then how can I go to the Woodland Kingdom?"

Just when he came out of the tomb, Emperor Xue used his mind to briefly talk to Xufeng about what happened in the Woodland Kingdom. Therefore, Xufeng knew that they were temporarily imprisoned in the prison of the Woodland Kingdom.

"Are you going to the Woodland Kingdom?" Rida Gast shook his head: "I don't like that place very much. The wood elves in that place always look at people with contempt, oh yes, especially their king, called What... Thranduil, yes! Thranduil looks at anyone with cold contempt. Anyway, I don't like them very much. Can we go somewhere else?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "My friends and the dwarven expedition team were all captured by the wood elves in the capital. I must save them. You first send me to the wood elves, and then you can leave."

Ruidagast nodded, "Well, the griffin is still here. We can fly over with the griffin. Although the speed of riding the griffin will be slower, it's far worse than turning into a heron by myself. Hurry, but, in order not to make you feel lonely, I am willing to accompany you on the Griffin."

Xu Feng gave Ruidagast a white look and smiled helplessly: "Well, okay, Druid Archmage."

Ruidagast grinned, and then together with Xufeng, boarded the Griffin and flew towards the woodland kingdom.

At this time, it was late at night, the galaxy was shining, and the stars were vast.

At the highest level of the capital of the Woodland Kingdom, the wood elf nobles were drinking in the moonlight.

Prince Legolas sat alone in the corner, frowning slightly, absently looking at the moon glass in front of him.

This kind of moon wine glass is not available to any wood elves, even the nobles of wood elves can't use it. Only his prince or Thranduil can use it.

This is the privilege, the privilege brought by blood.

Previously, Legolas thought all this was taken for granted, but since talking with Taurier, he has been lost in confusion.

At this moment, a strange sound suddenly came from the starry sky.

Legolas immediately grabbed the Silver Moon Longbow vigilantly.

Chapter 390 Spider Lord Terminator

The other wood elves at the banquet did not react for a while.

It wasn't until Legolas raised his longbow and aimed at their heads that some of the wood elves woke up.

They raised their heads and saw two huge strange birds on the starry sky.

These two strange birds have wings that are 10 meters long, and their mouths are eagle beaks, but their limbs are like lions.

"what is that?"

"Gosh! Is it a monster?"

"A monster has flew in from above our capital!"

The wood elves nobles were in chaos, and the sounds of tables and wine glasses falling one after another.

Legolas couldn't help frowning. These nobles couldn't even control this kind of scene. How could they compare to Tauriel?

Legolas shouted at the two strange birds: "This is the capital of wood elves! Any intruder will be regarded as our enemy! I restrict you to leave immediately, otherwise, I will treat you You are welcome!"

With that said, Legolas stretched the bowstring, ready to shoot the Silver Moon Arrow at the two strange birds at any time.

"Don't do it! Don't do it!" An old voice came from the stars.

"Oh my God!"

"Have you heard it! This strange bird can speak!"

"If they were captured as exhibits, they would be very valuable, right?"

The elven nobles nearby whispered.

Legolas saw that they were getting more and more unpleasant. If it weren't for the current enemy, he really wanted to aim his bow and arrow at these idiotic nobles.

Two griffins landed slowly, and the elves and nobles gave up a place on the open-air platform.

Legolas still pointed his sword at the two griffins, and the guards at the bottom rushed over after hearing the news, and surrounded the two griffins.

Two figures jumped off the Griffin. One of them was wearing a dirty brown robe. The robe looked black, but it was actually too dirty.

The man in the brown robe was a raunchy old man. It seemed that he hadn't taken a bath for years, and he didn't even seem to have changed his clothes.

When Legolas saw the old man, he couldn't help but wrinkle his nose slightly.

And another person who jumped from the world, this is a young human.

This human is dressed very ordinary, looking like a civilian mercenary.

Behind this human being, there are two strange things on his back.

Legolas took a closer look, and the two strange things turned out to be two spider feet!

In addition, beside the spider's claws, there is a warhammer with a strange shape and bursting with flames.

There was a faint smile on the young human's face. Although he was smiling, it actually gave people an inaccessible sense of majesty.

Legolas couldn't help being a little strange, he couldn't figure out why when he saw this young man, his whole body couldn't help being tight together.

Legolas stabilized his mind and shouted in a deep voice: "This is the territory of the Woodland Kingdom. You are all illegal intruders! Come here! Catch them into prison and wait for the father's death!"

The elven guards were about to swarm up, but the two griffins let out a threatening neigh, and their huge wings quickly opened, seeming to be ready to fight back at any time.

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