Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1283

The wood elf guards were taken aback for a moment, wondering if they would rush forward.

Legolas frowned and shouted: "Do it!"

This is the territory of their wood elves, and this high platform is also the place where the wood elves nobles banquets, it is sacred and inviolable!

No matter who the opponent is, if they dare to break into their capital from the air, they are all invaders!

When the Wood Elf guards were about to rush up, they suddenly heard a cold voice from a distance: "Slow!"

Upon hearing this sound, all the wood elves present, including the wood elves guards, including the wood elves nobles, and the prince of wood elves, Legolas, all bowed respectfully in the direction of the sound.

King Thranduil slowly walked over, looking around the whole situation with a down look.

His eyes are extremely cold and arrogant, and his handsome face also carries lingering sarcasm.

Ruidagast curled his lips and whispered to Xufeng: "Look, I told you already, this guy always looks like someone owes him money!"

Ruidagast's voice was not loud, but the entire banquet hall was quiet, so his voice was also heard by all the wood elves present.

The wood elves frowned. King Thranduil was their noble leader, and they didn't want to be so insulted by a dirty old man covered in tatters.

Legolas immediately aimed his bow and arrow at Rhidagast, but King Thranduil raised his hand to stop it.

"Legolas, retreat, and don't be rude to the brown-robed archmage Rui Dagast." Thranduil said lightly.

When he spoke, his eyes didn't look at Rydagast, but at Griffin and Xufeng again.

After all, this combination really makes him puzzled.

Griffins have always been an arrogant species. They have never cooperated with people, and it is even more strange that a human being can stand with Rydagast.

However, King Thranduil did not rush to ask, he still maintained his inherent coldness.

When he heard that the opponent was the brown-robed archmage Rui Dagast, Legolas was startled, and then immediately put away the bow and arrow in his hand.

"Sorry! Mr. Archmage!" Legolas said quickly: "You didn't tell your identity. I thought you were..."

Ruida Gast grinned and said: "You are very polite, I don't blame you, not to mention, I rarely come to your woodland kingdom."

King Thranduil said coldly: "Rhidagast, what are you doing here?"

Ruidagast shrugged: "Of course there is something. If nothing happens, I won't come to a place like you."

The wood elves nearby all gritted their teeth.

What is this place?

This is the woodland kingdom!

Isn't it good enough here?

Of course, the wood elves only dared to say this in their hearts, they didn't dare to offend the brown-robed great mage.

Thranduil sneered and asked, "Oh? What's the matter?"

Ruidagast pointed to Xufeng next to him and said: "Next, I want to introduce you to this young man next to me. He just got a resounding title... Wait, I suddenly can’t remember. That's right! His resounding new title is... Spider Lord Terminator!"

The wood elves present couldn't help but want to laugh a little, because the way Rida Gast spoke was upside-down and hesitating, not at all what the brown-robed great mage should have.

However, one person couldn't laugh, but his face was solemn.

This person is King Thranduil!

Spider Lord... Terminator!

This title means that the young human in front of him, relying on his own power, killed a spider lord.

There is indeed a spider lord in Middle-earth, and that is Malganis!

King Thranduil remembered that Malganis escaped from the elven legendary hero Gilgalad and hundreds of crystal sharp elven warriors in a battle more than 5,000 years ago.

The young man in front of him actually killed Malganis!?

This is impossible.

Chapter 391 Let's Make a Deal

King Thranduil looked at Xufeng coldly.

His eyes are ice skates in the cold winter, which can penetrate almost anything at a glance.

Ordinary people don't dare to look directly at King Thrandil, even if they dare to look directly, they will feel fear in their hearts.

And Xu Feng looked back at Thranduil with a calm expression, as if seeing an ordinary person.

Thranduil's height is 2 meters 2, much taller than Xufeng.

After all, Thranduil is an elven clan, and height is the advantage of the elven clan. Xufeng is only a human race. Among the humans, Xufeng’s height is considered acceptable, but in front of the elven king Thrandil, Xufeng Yes, you must raise your chin before you can look at King Thranduil.

The disadvantage of height did not affect Xu Feng's heart in the slightest.

Xu Feng's heart is extremely strong, and he will never be affected by Thranduil's ice-knife eyes.

Thranduil's heart sank.

He didn't need to verify anything, nor did he need to fight with Xufeng. With just one glance, he understood that this young human in front of him is definitely not easy.

Even if the king of mankind came, he would not dare to look at Thranduil so much, but the young man in front of him was quite comfortable.

Although Thranduil still couldn't believe that the opponent could kill the spider lord Mal'Ganis who even Gilgalad could not kill, but from the other side's unhurried manner, King Thranduil couldn't help but believe it. Up.

Thranduil nodded slightly at Xufeng, "Hello, a hero from humans."

The other elves were still laughing at Xufeng and Ruidagast. None of them expected that the always cold and arrogant King Thranduil would take the initiative to greet this human civilian.

This is really the sun coming out from the west!

The wood elves present all grew up and looked at each other.

Prince Legolas couldn't believe what he saw.

Xu Feng said faintly: "You are King Thranduil, right?"

King Thranduil frowned slightly: "I am King Thranduil, right?"

Xufeng laughed, "It is said that King Thranduil is indifferent, he has almost no emotion, let alone jokes with people, but in my opinion, you are still very good."

King Thranduil frowned even more.

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