Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1285

King Thranduil thought for a while, "Can you really get me a gemstone necklace?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "I only promise to help you, but if you can get the gem necklace back, there is no guarantee."

King Thranduil frowned and said: "You said you wanted to make a deal with me, and you let me let your friend go, but in the end you didn't even give me the promise of returning the white gemstone necklace. I was very deprived of this deal. of."

Xufeng smiled and said: "As far as I know, the white gemstone necklace should be invaluable? You let my friends just a small effort. I will bring you valuable treasures for your easy actions. This deal It’s not equivalent."

King Thranduil said coldly: "Okay, I understand what you mean, I can put it to your friends, and you don't have to promise me that you will get the white gemstone necklace back, but if you can help me Bring back the gemstone necklace, I can give you whatever you want."

Xu Feng smiled faintly, "Really?"

King Thrandil added: "Of course, what you want must be within my ability."

Xufeng smiled and said: "Of course. Oh, by the way, why is that white gem necklace so important to you? As far as I know, there should be many rare treasures in the Gushan Palace, and there are even Their heritage of the mountain heart, who can get the heart of the mountain, who can control the nine dwarf kingdoms, why don't you want the heart of the mountain."

King Thranduil smiled coldly: "The heart of the mountain is indeed a treasure, but it doesn't make any sense to me. You see, I am the king of wood elves. In this country, a grand starlight dinner is held every night. I have an almost endless life span. My subjects are all handsome men and beauties. Why should I rule those dirty and greedy dwarves?"

Xu Feng smiled and said, "That's what I said."

King Thranduil sighed faintly, "Furthermore, the white gem necklace is originally the treasure of our wood elves, not the dwarves of Lone Mountain."

"Oh?" Xu Feng raised his brow lightly.

King Thranduil said: "The white gem is the heritage gem of the wood elves. Ever since we have our wood elves, the white jewels have already belonged to our wood elves. Our wood elves have gone through a lot of hardships. The second migration, but no matter what, the white gemstones belong to us. Until one day, I want to present my wife with the most beautiful necklace in the world on her 8000th birthday."

King Thranduil sighed and closed his eyes with an expression of pain, as if he was very reluctant to recall the situation.

But he continued in a calm tone: "Our elves are also skilled craftsmen who build weapons and equipment. But...the best metal materials all come from Gushan."

"So I brought you white gemstones and went to Lonely Mountain to make a deal with Sol, the King of Lonely Mountain. After King Sol knew my intention, he readily agreed. After all, for the dwarves of Lonely Mountain. Say, this is a great opportunity for them to earn gold coins."

"King Thor, the lion opened his mouth. He told me that it would take at least three months to create the most perfect necklace, as well as 3 million gold coins."

"To be honest, this price is tantamount to extortion. Even if you use the best metals and craftsmen in the world to make a necklace, it won't cost 300,000 gold coins. But I didn't care, I cared just a perfect necklace. ."

"My wife is dying. Everyone knows that she will die soon. I want her to get the perfect necklace before she leaves."

"Therefore, I almost agreed to the price of 3 million gold coins without hesitation, and paid a deposit of 1 million gold coins on the spot."

"When I passed the gold coins to King Thor, I clearly saw the greed in the eyes of the dwarves."

"I regretted it, and hesitated, but I finally took out the white gem and gave it to King Saul."

"I promise King Saul, as long as he can make the most perfect necklace in the world according to my requirements, then our wood elves will be his most steadfast ally in the future and will never turn his back."

King Thranduil said in a deep voice: "Believe it or not, human beings, I said that at the time, and thought so."

Chapter 393 The Poor Person Must Have Something Hateful

Xu Feng nodded slightly.

Judging from Thranduil's current expression, he did not lie, nor did he need to lie.

Thrandil continued to say in a cold voice: "After hearing my promise, Seoul and the other dwarves are naturally very happy. Their status in the dwarf tribe is already very worrying. They urgently need to find someone as strong as our manager Mu. Allies."

"So, I safely took out the white gem and presented it to the dwarves."

"When they saw my white gem, everyone was stunned. Their eyes were full of greed for the treasure, but at that time, I couldn't take it back."

"At that time, I believe that Thor, as the long-famous dwarf king, will not invade treasures that do not belong to him, not to mention that we still have 3 million gold coins, which is the agreement to form an alliance."

"In my opinion, no matter from any angle, high gold coins and strong alliance relationships are the most important for a country."

"But, three months later, when I came back to the Gushan Palace with 2 million gold coins, King Sol received me with a very arrogant attitude. It was he who asked me to meet him, saying that only then can I show it. Show my sincerity for the alliance relationship."

"My heart is very angry. As the king of wood elves, I must maintain my dignity, because my dignity is the dignity of all our wood elves."

"However, the White Gem is still with King Sol. I need it very urgently, because my wife is dying."

With this, Thranduil's eyes were full of tears, and his fingers creaked.

Partly because of humiliation and partly because of sadness.

Such a man who is the coldest and most ruthless in the eyes of the world, turned out to be so affectionate.

Xu Feng couldn't help but sighed secretly.

Thranduil controlled his emotions, and continued to say in a cold tone: "For the white gemstone necklace, I endured it, and I bent my knees slightly towards King Sol sitting on the high throne. ...Human, you know, I have lived for tens of thousands of years. I have experienced two wars that can destroy the world. I have faced Smaug’s anger and Sauron’s army. I have never succumbed to anyone. , But that time... I really bend my knees."

"King Saul and the other dwarves are triumphant, as if the whole world is under their feet. I offered to exchange the balance of 2 million gold coins in exchange for my white gemstone necklace. This is a very legitimate request. However, Suo But King Al sneered at me, saying that I wanted to spend such a small amount of money to buy the most unique white gemstone necklace in the world."

"I couldn't help being a little angry, because at the time it was said that it was 3 million gold coins, and I had paid 1 million in advance, and the price was also 10 times higher than the actual price!"

"But I still endured it. I sincerely told King Saul that if the price is not satisfied, I can raise it slowly, but the white gemstone necklace originally belonged to our wood elves. I need it now more than ever. He, I begged King Sol to return to me what was originally mine, and I am willing to accept any price in the past."

"However, King Saul arrogantly said that no gold coin can buy their white gemstone necklace. Only the Lone Mountain Dwarf deserves to have such a perfect necklace."

"I was immediately very angry. Everyone present should know that the white sapphire necklace was only remodeled by King Sol, and I paid a deposit for it, and I also brought the balance, but the greedy King Sol did. Betray your faith, take arrogance, and take as your own the treasure that originally belonged to our wood elves!"

"I asked King Sol to return the white gemstone necklace to me, but King Sol arrogantly refused. Instead, he said that my toad wants to eat swan meat!"

"I was really dissatisfied. I wished to take the Gushan Palace immediately, but I quickly calmed down. I coldly told King Saul and the other dwarves that I had lived for 10,000 years. Used to seeing countless big ups and downs, so shameless and greedy like them will surely be condemned by heaven."

"They sneered at my statement and didn't care. I knew it was impossible to buy my white gemstone necklace from them, so I didn't waste any time and turned around and left the Lonely Mountain Palace."

"After another year, my wife passed away. I am very sad and sorrowful, but the dwarves are still having fun in the Gushan Palace."

"So, year after year, until the 9th year, the dragon Smaug didn't know where he came from. He was a monster a hundred times more greedy than a dwarf. When he learned that there are countless treasures in the Lonely Mountain Palace. At that time, he flew directly to Gushan."

"The dwarves’ army is very strong, and the defense of the fortress is also very strong, but they can’t stop Smaug at all. Smaug’s breath of dragon’s breath is like a fire on the walls of the Lonely Mountain Palace, and countless dwarven soldiers are burned alive After dying there, the Gushan royal family began to flee, and it was only then that they remembered to rescue their surrounding allies."

"When I saw Smaug flying towards the Lonely Mountain, I knew that something was not good. I quickly assembled a team of elite wood elves and hurried to the Lonely Mountain Palace."

"Unfortunately, when I arrived, the Gushan Palace had already become a sea of ​​fire, and the magic dragon Smaug had also entered the Gushan Palace."

Thranduil frowned and said in a deep voice: "If the dwarves defended Smaug from the impact of Smaug from the beginning, and kept Smaug out of the Lonely Mountain Palace, then our wood elves might still be able to fight one. But Smaug has already Entering into the Gushan Palace, there is no way to fight this battle. No matter how big the Gushan Palace is, it is impossible for thousands of troops to fill it at the same time, but Smaug's dragon's breath fire can kill every entry in seconds along the passage. People from the Gushan Palace."

"I will not use the lives of my wooden elves to make such a senseless sacrifice. What's more, I did not form an alliance with King Thor. King Thor greedily took away my white gemstone necklace. My wife who killed me regretted her death. I didn't choose to retaliate against them. I didn't fall into trouble. This is my greatest benevolence."

"I saw that the Gushan Palace was gone, so I didn't want to stay there to gloat, so I took the wood elves back the same way... and this was actually considered by the Gushan dwarves to die! Could it be that they Their fate is fate, their wealth is wealth, and should we wood elves deserve to sacrifice for them?"

Thranduil's face showed hatred and sarcasm.

Xufeng finally understood the grudge between the Wood Elf and the Lonely Mountain Dwarf.

From a logical point of view, the wood spirit is not wrong.

The wrong one is the Lone Mountain Dwarf.

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