Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1286

Although the Lone Mountain Dwarf is miserable now, the poor man must have something to hate.

Chapter 394 King Thranduil's Pass Token

Xu Feng said lightly: "I understand, King Thranduil, I will try my best to help you get back the white gem necklace."

King Thranduil sighed faintly, "After experiencing so many things, it is difficult for me to put hope on others, but since you can kill the spider lord at the level of Malganis, you must be It must be very capable. I still said, if you can bring back the white gemstone necklace, I can agree to all your reasonable requests."

Xufeng smiled and said: "Okay, then we'll be settled."

King Thranduil nodded: "A word is settled... When do you want to leave?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "Don't worry, if I want to go, I must take the Dwarf Expedition Team with me."

As soon as these words came out, King Thranduil immediately frowned vigilantly, "Why should you take them together? Those people are just some stumbling blocks to drag oil bottles! Taking them will increase the difficulty!"

Xu Feng said faintly: "I have three reasons. First, the dwarves of the Lone Mountain have the key to enter the underground palace. Without this key, we must enter the Palace of the Lone Mountain from the front entrance, and that would be alarming. Smaug. Second, obviously we have an agreement with the Lonely Mountain Dwarf Expedition Team. Our task is to escort them into the Lonely Mountain Palace. You know, this team is not organized by Thorin, but by Gray Robe The mage Gandalf organized this team. The reason Gandalf organized this team was not because of the poor Lone Mountain Dwarves, and not because of the treasures in the Lone Mountain Palace. What she cares about is the strategic fortress of the Lone Mountain Palace! We just got from Ange. Coming from the grave of King Ma, the tomb of King Angmar has been opened up by the spider lord Mal'Ganis, and this also means that the Dark Lord Sauron is making a comeback. Therefore, the Lonely Mountain Palace and your woodland kingdom , It will become a bridgehead to stop the Dark Lord. If the Lonely Mountain Palace is abandoned, then all the pressure will be placed on your woodland kingdom. Sauron will not let you go wood elves because of your closed-door policy, he You need to conquer your woodland kingdom as a relay station for his attack on Middle-earth. Therefore, from a strategic point of view, Gandalf and I must support the Lone Mountain Dwarves back to their palace fortress."

Thranduil frowned, "So, even if I hate the Lonely Mountain Dwarves, I have to help them for the future of our Wood Elves?"

"I'm afraid this is the case." Xu Feng nodded slightly and continued: "And the third reason is still related to your wood elves. The enemy of the lone mountain dwarves is not your wood elves, but half of the commander Azog. Orcs, we were in the west of the Misty Mountains, and we hit the half-orcs of Azog. Because of the obstruction of the Misty Mountains, he could not chase us. However, his son Polger got his message and brought only an elite. The half-orcs and wolf cavalry chase down the dwarf expedition team here in the dark dense forest. With their tracking ability, you must now know that the dwarves are in your wood elves city."

Thranduil smiled contemptuously, "So what? Am I afraid of those ugly half-orcs? The capital of wood elves is complicated. It is not the wood elves living here, and we don’t know how to go here! And we wood elves The army is definitely not a vegetarian!"

Xufeng smiled and said: "Of course I believe this, but there is a saying that is well said. If you are not afraid of thieves, you are afraid of thieves. You have such a large population in Wood Elf City. You probably did not produce your food and drink by yourself. Right?"

Thranduil was startled slightly, "No, many food and daily necessities are traded by water from Long Lake Town. We, Wood Elves, have money. The entire population of 10,000 people in Long Lake Town rely on us. Do trade to make ends meet."

Xu Feng said faintly: "Yes, land and water trade is indeed fast and safe. This is why the entire dark dense forest is full of monsters and spiders, but your lives are not affected. However, Polger's The wolf cavalry is much smarter than the monster spider. They know that your woodland capital cannot be conquered, so they will inevitably intercept the trading ships from land and water. After a few days, there will be a serious shortage of your supplies, and when you send When guarding the troops, Polger’s wolf cavalry will hide again and fight guerrillas with you. In this way, your situation will become very difficult within half a month."

Thrandilton was lost in thought.

Indeed, the dwarf expedition team is a hot potato. Although Thranduil is very happy to put Thorin and the others in the elf prison, but the chain troubles caused by this are indeed many.

Thranduil said indifferently: "I can't let go of the Dwarf Expedition. That guy Thorin snarled at me and cursed our whole wood elves. If I let him go like this, my subjects will definitely I am dissatisfied. As the lord of the wood elves, I want to maintain my dignity and decency, not for myself, but for the whole wood elves."

"Of course, the three reasons you mentioned are also very reasonable." Thrandilton said after a while: "So, if someone releases the Dwarf Expedition, I will definitely not send heavy troops to pursue it."

Xufeng grinned and said: "I see, you can't give orders to let them go, but I can save them."

Thranduil said lightly: "Smart, besides, I can also tell you a convenient way to escape from the Wood Elf City."

Xufeng smiled and said, "I know, Waterway."

Thranduil smiled and said, "Human, you are really smart. You are smarter than most humans I have ever seen."

Xufeng smiled and said: "It's useless to praise me for being smart. I still need you to give me a token for customs clearance."

Thranduil said, "You are talking about the pass token to enter Long Lake Town, right?"

"Yes." Xu Feng nodded.

Thranduil immediately took out a square token. The token was written in two large characters in both the elves and the human language, and the side by side was decorated with complicated elves.

But instead of handing it to Xufeng directly, he put the token on the table in front of Xufeng, and then said: "I'm sleepy and I'm going to rest. I won't wake up until tomorrow morning."

Xu Feng grinned: "I understand."

Thranduil stood up in front of Xu Feng and proudly walked out of the banquet platform.

Only Xu Feng was left on the huge banquet platform.

Xu Feng first drank the moonlight wine in the glass, then put down the glass, took the pass token in front of him, and put it into his pocket.

He did not rush to leave, but said lightly: "Come out, there is no one else here."

A short and thin figure walked out of the shadow in the corner.

It's Bilbo.

Chapter 395 This Ring Is Really Strong!

Bilbo looked around carefully, making sure that there were no wood elves around, and then he was a little relieved, and walked gently in front of Xu Feng.

"Diedi, I'm so happy to see you!" Bilbo said excitedly, "I really don't know how to solve the Dwarf Expedition and Snow Emperor Team. Now that you are here, then everything is not a problem. By the way, how did you know that I am here."

Xu Feng smiled faintly, "Feeling."

Bilbo exclaimed: "You feel so accurate!"

In fact, Xufeng doesn't just rely on feeling.

On the way to the Wood Elf City, Xuedi told Xufeng everything that happened in the Wood Elf City through mental communication, which naturally included the things that Bilbo was not caught.

Xufeng knows that Bilbo has the Supreme Lord of the Rings, and the basic effect of the Supreme Lord of the Rings is to be invisible.

Therefore, Xufeng judged that Bilbo must be around.

He just said something tentatively, but he didn't expect Bilbo to be called out.

Xu Feng smiled and said, "Did you hear the conversation between me and Slendil?"

Bilbo nodded slightly, "I didn't expect it to be like this. I always thought it was the wood elves' treachery that led to the displacement of the Lone Mountain Dwarf. Now it seems that the Lone Mountain Dwarf experienced all this. They are all responsible for themselves. Through my contact with the Lonely Mountain Dwarves during this period, I also deeply feel the arrogance and greed in their bones. I really don't like them."

Xufeng smiled and said: "Yes, the lonely mountain dwarves have many problems, people must fulfill our previous promise. Because this is not for the lonely mountain dwarves, but for the entire Middle-earth world."

Bilbo sighed helplessly, "Well, let's... wait, where's Gandalf? Didn't he walk with you? Why didn't he come back? Could it be..."

Bilbo was so frightened that he didn't dare to think anymore.

Xufeng quickly comforted: "Gandalf is okay, he just went to the magic city."

Bilbo was surprised and said: "Madu? Isn't that the place of Dark Lord Sauron! Oh my God! Is he crazy?"

Xu Feng smiled and said: "He is just to verify, and he is a gray-robed great mage, he naturally has a plan to get out. We don't need to worry about him, we just need to do the things in front of us, and he will naturally Meet with us."

Bilbo breathed a sigh of relief, "Okay...what should we do now? I know where the prison area is, but there are two very high-armed elven guards there. We may kill those two elves first. Guards can rescue Thorin and the others."

Xufeng shook his head quickly, "No, we can't hurt the elf guard, after all, I still have a deal with Thranduil to do...Come on and lead the way. I have my own way."

Speaking of Xu Feng, he picked up a pot of Moonlight Wine.

Bilbo smiled and said, "Although I don't know what you plan to do, I feel more at ease with you."

He immediately led the way, leading Xu Feng out of the banquet platform and down the remote spiral staircase.

"Strange...There should be a lot of people here, why are there no one now?" Bilbo muttered softly.

Xu Feng smiled faintly. Although he didn't say anything, he knew in his heart that this must be Thranduil's order. He let the wood elves return to his room. This was creating conditions for Xu Feng to escape.

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