Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1287

The two entered the prison area almost unimpeded.

In the prison area, there are indeed two tall and mighty elven guards standing guard.

Thranduil did not transfer the two guards away. After all, as the king of wood elves, he could not be too obvious.

However, this is naturally difficult for Xu Feng.

He poured a cup of Yuemian Tea into the silver jug ​​of Moonlight Wine and shook it evenly. Then Billbo said, "Send this jug of wine to them."

"..." Bilbo was full of black lines, "If I send it this way, wouldn't it be exposed."

Xufeng smiled and said, "You go invisible and walk away after they are next to them."

Bilbo said, "Okay."

He took the moonlight flask in Xufeng's hand, and then in front of Xufeng, he took out the supreme lord of the ring in his waistcoat pocket.

Of course, he himself didn't know that this was the Supreme Lord of the Rings, he just regarded this ring as a ring with invisibility.

He looked at Xufeng anxiously, and then put the ring on his hand.

Immediately afterwards, his figure disappeared in front of Xu Feng along with the moonlight flask.

Xufeng deliberately raised his hand and grabbed a handful, but did not catch anything.

It seems that the invisibility effect of the Supreme Lord of the Rings is not just a simple blind trick, but to allow the body to enter another void world.

The wearer walks in the void and can see everything in the real world.

People in the real world cannot see the wearer, let alone touch the wearer.

This also means that once the stealth effect is activated, it is basically in invincible mode.

This ring is really strong!

No wonder... Gandalf was so afraid of the resurrection of Demon Lord Sauron.

If Demon Lord Sauron is really resurrected and gets the Supreme Lord of the Rings, then Demon Lord Sauron will never make the same mistake as last time. He will use the powerful special effects of the Supreme Lord of the Rings to ruthlessly destroy Middle-earth. The civilization of the world.

It's a pity... this ring contains Morgoth's soul fragments.

Therefore, although this ring is extremely strong, anyone who wears this ring will be bewitched by Morgoth and take the dark theory for granted.

Don't look at the Lord of Darkness Sauron as the owner of this ring, but in fact, this Lord of the Ring has its own soul, and even the Lord of Darkness Sauron is being manipulated by this ring.

Xufeng also thought of taking this Lord of the Rings as his own, but after careful analysis and thinking, he felt that with his current ability, it was absolutely impossible to control the power of this Lord of the Rings.

Moreover, he had also scanned the Supreme Lord of the Rings with the Vision System, but the Supreme Lord of the Rings did not show the item level.

This also means that Xufeng's current personal level cannot wear the Supreme Lord Ring.

The reason why Bilbo can wear the Supreme Lord of the Rings is because of the needs of the plot.

After all, according to the clues of the plot development, the Supreme Lord of the Rings will remain with Bilbo until 50 years later, Bilbo’s nephew Frodo discovered, and then triggered the main plot of the Supreme Lord of the Rings.

Therefore, no matter how strong the Supreme Lord of the Rings is, Xufeng cannot ask for it from Bilbo. Instead, staying with Bilbo is the best choice.

After Bilbo entered the invisible state, he took the moonlight wine and carefully walked to the side of the two tall elf guards.

He held his breath, put down the moonlight wine, and then quickly flashed into the corner.

Chapter 396: The Best Way

After a while, one of the elf guards looked down and saw the silver flask at his feet.


The guard couldn't help frowning, "What's the matter? How can there be a pot of fine wine here?"

Another guard took a look, "Weird, there was no one here just now? How did this hip flask appear?"

Guard No. 1 picked up the hip flask, opened it and looked at it, and then grinned and said, "Haha, it's a full pot, now we are cool!"

Guard 2 quickly said: "Wait, will there be a problem? I mean, we are standing guard, but a pot of wine appears here for no reason. Don't you think it would be strange?"

Guard No. 1 shrugged, "What's so weird? I think this is 80% of His Royal Highness Prince Legolas secretly rewarding us. We fought very hard today, and we were almost overturned by the monster spiders. After returning, the other guards all went to rest. The two of us continue to stand guard here. It is reasonable for His Royal Highness to reward us! Besides, this is the Wood Elf City. Apart from our own people, who can Once you enter the Wood Elf City, even if you can come in, it is impossible to get Moonlight Wine!"

Guard No. 2 nodded and said, "That's true. Moonlight Wine only exists on the banquet platform. Only the powerful wood elves can enter... From this perspective, I am afraid that only Prince Legolas can use it to reward us. It's just... Why doesn't His Royal Highness show up?"

Guard No. 1 sneered, "You can't drink while standing guard. Of course, His Royal Highness can't take the lead in making mistakes, but to be honest, with our Wood Elf prison, even if no one is standing guard here, those lovers cannot escape. Come out, so we can drink some wine, there is no problem. What's more, moonlight wine is a good wine. Drinking it at night will be particularly refreshing and will greatly restore physical fitness."

Guard No. 2 nodded and said, "You're right! Then we... drink a little bit?"

Guard No. 1 smiled and said, "Come on, find two cups!"

"Good Le!" Guard No. 2 immediately went to find two cups.

The two filled a glass each, then clinked their glasses grinningly and drank them all.

Taking advantage of this time, Bilbo carefully returned to Xufeng and took off the Supreme Lord Ring.

"Diedi, when do you think they will get drunk?"

As soon as Bilbo's voice fell, he heard two bangs, and the two elven guards in thick armor passed the message and fell to the ground.

Bilbo said in astonishment: "This effect is too fast!"

Xu Feng smiled and said: "The effect of Moon Sleep Tea is so strong. Okay, let's get the key. They will definitely not wake up within two hours."

Bilbo said happily: "Good!"

He and Xufeng walked to the guards and took out two sets of keys from the guards.

The more set of keys is used to open the iron door of the dwarf prison, and the less set of keys is used to open the iron door of the Xuedi team prison.

Xu Feng took the little set, and immediately went to the place where Xuedi and the others were imprisoned.

Bilbo took the dwarf in that set and headed to the dwarf prison.

At this time, lovers are sleeping.

Especially Pang Bo's snoring sound shook the sky.

Bilbo opened a prison iron door, but because his movements were so light, the dwarf inside did not even react.

In desperation, Bilbo could only kick the dwarf with his foot. After he woke up, Bilbo went to open another iron gate.

Soon, the dwarves awoke.

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