Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1289

Xu Feng then said lightly: "Pour out all the moonlight wine in the barrel."

"What?" The dwarves looked at each other suddenly.

You know, these fine wines are all top-quality goods, and it would be a shame to just throw them all away.

Xu Feng said faintly: "There is no boat here. We have to use wooden barrels as small boats. If you don't pour out all the wine in the barrels, then you can only ride on the wooden barrels. On the barrel, then I have no opinion."

Gong Yang heard it again and quickly said: "I don't want to ride on a wooden barrel. The water is so slippery and fierce. It's easy to catch and fall into the water when riding on the barrel.

While talking, he opened the lid of the wooden barrel and poured the wine into the river.

Xuedi and others also opened the lid of the wooden barrel and poured the wine into the river water. The original clear river water instantly turned into the color of red wine.

When the dwarves saw that the Xuedi team started to act, they naturally didn't care about the wine and the wine, let alone these people didn't belong to them.

The dwarves quickly opened the lid of the barrel and poured out the wine.

It's just that their actions were too clumsy and rough, and a lot of wine did not enter the river water but fell on the warehouse floor.

The red liquor diffused out of the warehouse along the floor, and the fragrance of the moonlight wine drifted out immediately.

Such a fragrance naturally attracted the attention of the elves living around.

Taurier had just fallen asleep when she suddenly smelled a peculiar smell of wine, she felt good at first, and then immediately woke up.

This kind of wine is not the wine that the elves can afford, so it is impossible for someone to drink here, then it can only be something that happened in the warehouse.

Tauriel quickly jumped up, quickly put on an elf robe, then picked up his Silvermoon Scimitar, hurriedly rushed out of the room and ran to the warehouse.

His residence was not far from the warehouse, and she was very familiar with the roads of the trade zone, so she came to the warehouse door almost immediately.

She first saw the red wine all over the floor. These red wines were like blood, but not as viscous as blood, and the taste was sweet, and there was an intoxicating fragrance in the air, even without drinking. It is easy to get drunk in such an environment.

Immediately afterwards, Tauriel saw two elf guards sitting in the corner of the warehouse door, as if drunk and asleep.

Taurier couldn't help frowning, walked over the bright red wine, kicked one of the guards with his toes.

The guard immediately fell into the drink.

Taurier was taken aback, and quickly helped him up and sniffed.

Fortunately, this person was not dead, but his breath was weak, indicating that he was knocked out by someone.

Tauriel checked another elf guard and found that it was the same way.

She immediately realized that the warehouse had been attacked, and the warehouse was the best outlet!

She couldn't help but feel a little strange in her heart, because now the only people who wanted to escape from the Elf City were the Dwarf Expedition and the Human Mercenary Team, but how did they know that the warehouse can escape here?

Let alone outsiders, even ordinary elven civilians may not know that the exit of the warehouse is the best exit!

Could it be that there are spies on the elves?

Tauriel couldn't believe his inference. After all, any wood elves didn't need to provide intelligence to the dwarves of the Lone Mountain.

She didn't have time to think any more, turned her head and shouted to a few elven civilians who were not far away, "Go! Notify the Elf Guard! Notify Prince Legolas that our prisoner has escaped!"


The few wood elf civilians rushed out.

Taurier heard that there was still movement in the warehouse, and immediately drew out the Silver Moon Scimitar and kicked the warehouse door open.

The dwarves present were all stunned. They didn't expect this female elf to come so quickly.

Tauriel roared angrily: "You prisoners! This is the territory of the wood elves! You can't escape!"

At this time, some dwarves followed the Xuedi team into the long river in wooden barrels and drifted down the river. Only Xufeng Bilbo and five or six dwarves were left in the warehouse.

Bofer took up a wooden stick and shouted, "Brothers, don't be afraid. Although this female elf is powerful, she is only one person now! Let's go together!"

Chapter 399 You Have Captured Me

Taurilton panicked.

The current situation is extremely unfavorable for her.

Although the combat effectiveness of the dwarves is not too high, Tauriel can't take advantage of any real fight.

What's more, there are humans next to it.

She hadn't seen this human before, and of course she had heard of it. At the Starlight Banquet, a human flew over on a griffon and received the courtesy of King Thranduil.

You know, King Thranduil is rarely polite to humans, and the human beings who can be valued by King Thranduil must be extraordinary in strength.

Therefore, under such circumstances, Tauriel has no chance of winning. Her only way now is to delay as much as possible and wait for the support of reinforcements.

Xu Feng said in a deep voice: "You all go first, I will stay here afterwards!"

"No!" Kili suddenly stood up and said loudly: "You go first, I will deal with her!"

Philip said in surprise: "Keili, don't be brave! How can you stop this female elf alone! He is the vice captain of the elf!"

Kili said with a resolute expression: "Don't worry, I know what I am doing!"

Xu Feng groaned slightly, and then said: "Okay, after Kili is broken, the rest of us will leave first."

At this time, you can't argue on this kind of issue. Xufeng sees Kili's determination, so if the argument goes on, it will just waste time.

In addition, in the final analysis, Kili is not Xufeng's goal to protect, Xufeng's goal is only to protect Bilbo and Thorin.

After Xu Feng finished speaking, he grabbed Bilbo next to him, jumped into a huge wine barrel, and then turned hard to prevent the wine barrel from falling into the long river and floating downstream.

The remaining dwarves also jumped into the barrel and rolled down.

Tauriel rushed to stop, but Kellie pushed the barrels on the other shelves to the ground, blocking Tauriel's way.

Tauriel looked at Kellie angrily, "You hateful fellow, you and your companions will never escape!"

Qi Li smiled helplessly, "Sorry, I don't want to hurt you, but I don't want my companion to hurt you either."

Tauriel said angrily: "Just rely on you dwarfs? You can't beat me when you have weapons in your hands. How can you stop me without weapons now?"

Kili sighed, "Of course my dwarf companion can't beat you, but Lord Didi can kill you in one move!"

Tao Ruier was shocked. In fact, she had been psychologically prepared for it, but when she heard Kili's saying this, she couldn't help but breathe in air.

Kellett quickly said: "You don't believe it? Well, if I were you, I would have a hard time believing it, but I absolutely did not lie to you! One day in the future, you will understand how powerful Diego is. At that, he is the kind of person who can destroy an entire elite wolf cavalry army alone! I can swear in my mother's name, he is really powerful, you absolutely can't fight him!"

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