Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1290

Tao Ruier slightly loosened the Silver Moon Scimitar in his hand, "So, you are for my good?"

Qi Li nodded heavily, "Yes, you saved my life, I...deserve to repay you."

Tauriel felt soft, "But, I am the deputy captain of the Elf Guard, and my duty is to watch you. Even if you say it nicely, even if you really want to save me, I won't let you go. ."

Qili Humans and Animals smiled harmlessly, "I know, I am very happy to be caught by your hands."

As he said, Kili made a look like he was caught.

Tao Ruier breathed a sigh of relief, ready to step forward and grab the Qi Li.

At this moment, a pair of heavily armed elf guards rushed in.

Kili's brows moved slightly, and suddenly threw something at Tao Ruier.

Taurier was taken aback, and subconsciously reached out and grabbed it, but when she came back to her senses, Kili had already leapt, grabbed an empty wine barrel at the bottom of the warehouse and jumped into the long river. .

"Keili!" Tao Ruier said angrily: "You just said clearly that you want to catch it!"

Kellie hugged the barrel up and down while laughing, "Believe me, Taurier, you have captured me! I just don't want to be caught back in prison by other elves!"

As he said, Kili waved his hand and disappeared into the long river.

Taurier squeezed his fists in anger, only to realize that there was still something in his hand.

She opened her palm and saw that it was Kili's lucky charm.

This is what Kili’s mother used to protect Kili, and this stone is made of black jade, which is extremely rare and priceless!

Kili, this guy actually gave her such an important amulet...

Tao Ruidun felt warm when he felt his anger towards Kellett weakened a lot.

At this moment, Prince Legolas rushed in with a few close guards. He first saw Tauriel holding a black stone in a trance, and then saw the embarrassing scene in the warehouse.

"What's the matter?" Legolas asked with a frown.

Tao Ruier quickly hid the amulet in his hand behind him, and said with a blushing face: "The Dwarf Expedition and the Snow Emperor Mercenary Team escaped from here by drifting in a wooden barrel!"

Legolas said in surprise: "What? How did they know they could escape from here?"

Taurier shook his head: "I don't know... Wait, Your Royal Highness, are you doubting me?"

She was the first to arrive at the scene, but no other dwarf stayed behind. If there is a suspicion, then her suspicion is naturally the greatest.

Prince Legolas said quickly: "No, Tauriel, I didn't doubt your meaning! You are the deputy captain, I believe you will not do such a thing."

Taurier smiled bitterly, "Even if I am the deputy captain, what's the use? Everyone will doubt me because of my civilian origin. They will think that I have colluded with the dwarves for money, even if they don’t Said, they would think so in their hearts, as long as I don’t catch the dwarf for a day, I’ll keep doing this."

Legolas nodded, "Then we will catch up with the dwarves, catch them all, and return you innocence!"

With that said, Legolas quickly led people out of the warehouse, chasing the drifting dwarves from another road.

Taurier clenched his fist slightly and followed Legolas's team.

Are there spies among the wood elves?

of course not.

If there is anything to say, it is also King Thranduil himself.

Because the exit of the warehouse was what King Thranduil told Xufeng, and this was also part of the transaction.

King Thranduil could not order the dwarves to be let go, because doing so would make the wood elves resentful, so he could only tell Xufeng the escape route and let Xufeng take the dwarves away.

However, no one thought that the dwarves really did not succeed or failed, and when they poured their drinks, they alarmed Tauriel.

If this were not the case, when the wood elves found out, people had already arrived in Long Lake Town.

Chapter 400 Fighting Polger Again!

The Snow Emperor Team and the Dwarf Expedition Team rode in wooden barrels, drifting down the rapids of the long river.

The speed of the water is fast and the barrel is strong enough, so the dwarves are particularly happy.

Just when they thought they were about to get rid of the wood elves' chase, they found that in the dense forest around the shore, the sound of a wolf's roar came from.

Bilbo couldn't help but slapped his spirit, "It's the wolf cavalry! Polger's wolf cavalry chased here?!"

This is simply incredible.

Even Xufeng couldn't help but frowned slightly.

Polger’s wolf cavalry unit is indeed an elite of the elite!

They could go around from the dark and dense forest to the exit of the river under the eyes of the wood elves.

Xufeng then said in a deep voice: "We have been discovered by the wolf cavalry scouts. Keep your course and let me go to the shore to solve them."

Xuedi said: "I will go with you!"

Xufeng shook his head: "No, just protect them."

Xuedi nodded now, "Well then you have to be careful."

"Yeah." Xu Feng responded and jumped out of the barrel.

His original location was quite far away from the river bank, but with the wind crystal, his body was extremely elegant, looking from a distance, it seemed as if he was flying directly from the middle of the river to the shore.

The half-orcs and wolf cavalry who were watching in the dark dense forest immediately looked dumbfounded, and remained there for a long time without responding.

Within three seconds, Xufeng rushed to them.

The wolf cavalry is worthy of elite level. When Xufeng rushed in front of them, they immediately united and besieged Xufeng with all strength.

Xufeng didn't pull out the enemy's fencing sword, but pulled out the two spider feet from his waist and put them on his arms like gloves.

When the axe of the wolf cavalry slashed towards Xufeng's head, Xufeng raised his hand to block, and only heard a click, the axe of the wolf cavalry all shattered, and Xufeng's The spider foot claws were unscathed.

The knives and axes of the wolf cavalry were also considered top-quality equipment, but they were nothing compared to the claws of the spider lord Malganis.

The few wolf cavalry were shocked immediately, before they could react, Xu Feng continuously waved the spider paws in his hand to kill all these wolf cavalry.

However, on the other side of the river, several wolves roared.

Xu Feng frowned slightly, and saw the figure on the other side shaking, and the wolf cavalry had already rushed out to report.

It seemed that it would not be long before Polger would bring a large force of wolf cavalry to intercept them.

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