Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1291

Xufeng said in a deep voice to the dwarves in the barrel, "Be prepared for battle."

Oli said loudly: "But we have no weapons!"

Xu Feng said coldly: "Either die or find a way to live by yourself!"

The dwarves dared not complain anymore.

Xufeng escorted the dwarves along the river bank. After a while, he saw the wolf cavalry gathering on the river bank in the distance.

The Xuedi team immediately took action and rushed to the forefront.

Polg held the reins of the black wolf and looked coldly at the dwarves going down the river.

None of the dwarves wear any equipment, nor do they have any weapons in their hands.

They are just like living targets.

The corners of Polger's ugly mouth could not help but a cruel smile appeared.

The adjutant next to him said cautiously: "Master Polger, the enemy has entered our range."

Polger said coldly: "I'm not blind, but don't worry, wait a little longer and let them get closer. Then, when our demon cave's poison arrow shoots at them, they will have no time to dodge."

The adjutant said with surprise on his face: "It's really Lord Polger!"

When the barrels of the dwarves were only a few hundred meters away from the wolf cavalry, Polger raised his arm and shouted in a vengeful voice: "Shoot! Shoot them all!"


Hundreds of wolf cavalry bent their bows and set up arrows, shooting poisoned arrows at the Snow Emperor and the dwarves.

The poisonous arrows cover the sky and the sun!

"Get down!"

Thorin roared loudly.

The dwarves immediately lowered their bodies and hid in solid wooden barrels.

These wooden barrels are made of very elegant workmanship and are made of the strongest oak. After all, the wood elves are a very high-grade race. The barrels that contain moonlight wine are naturally of excellent quality.

The poisoned arrow of the orc wolf cavalry hit the barrel, but because of the distance and angle, and the quality of the barrel itself, the poisoned arrow could not penetrate the barrel.

The dwarves are relatively safe to hide inside.

However, this is not a solution after all. This is only the first round of attacks. As the distance gets closer, when the second and third rounds of attacks begin, these barrels may not be able to support them.

At this time, Xuedi jumped out of the barrel and stood on the edge of the barrel.

Lin Hai also quickly concentrated his thoughts, and added a protective cover to Xuedi's body.

Polger said coldly: "A female human? Humph! Kill her!"

Suddenly, all the poisoned arrows shot towards the Snow Emperor.

But Xuedi calmly revealed his Sword of Boromir and waved the Sword of Boromir.

The sword of Borromir is like a rotating fan, forming a solid and impermeable defensive wall for the Snow Emperor. All the poisoned arrows that shoot towards the Snow Emperor are blocked by the sword of Borromir. Come down.

Polger frowned suddenly. It was the first time he had seen such a powerful woman.

But soon he discovered that the masked woman in front of him was not the most powerful in it. Before he realized what was going on, Xu Feng rushed over on the rolling water waves. .

Lin Hai imposes a water walking resistance on Xufeng's feet, so Xufeng can walk on water without sinking underwater.

Polger shouted loudly: "Kill them!"

The orcs wolf cavalry drew their weapons from their waists, shouting and rushing towards Xufeng.

But as soon as they fought, Xu Feng cut off their heads.

"It's you again!" Polger gritted his teeth and said, "Very well, this time, together with the previous account, we will settle it together!"

As he said, Polger urged the mount under his hips and rushed towards Xufeng quickly.

During the Battle of the Plains, Xufeng alone could not contend with a strong like Polger. The reason why Xufeng was able to repel Polger at the time was because of the tactical advantages of the gunpowder and the battle with Gandalf. Beorn's subtle coordination.

But this time, Xu Feng faced Polger alone.

He must take up this responsibility, he must distract the powerful Polger, otherwise, the Snow Emperor Team and the Dwarf Expedition Team in the river will not be spared!

This time, Xufeng's goal was not to defeat Polger, but to lead Polger by the nose.

Chapter 401

Xufeng led Polger away from the river.

In fact, Polger knew in his heart that Xu Feng did this to separate him from the wolf cavalry, so as to keep the Dwarf Expedition and Snow Emperor Team.

This tactical intention is very obvious.

But Polger didn't care.

He only cared about one thing, and that was his hatred of Xufeng.

He is the successor of the army commander appointed by the Dark Lord Sauron, and is the key target of Sauron!

Since he was trained in the magic city, he has experienced numerous battles, large and small, and has never failed.

But in the last battle in the plains, he was defeated in a mess!

If he returned to Demon Capital with such a defeat, even if Demon Lord Sauron could forgive him, he himself would not forgive himself.

Therefore, when he saw Xufeng, he just wanted to kill Xufeng.

"Diedie!" Boerger yelled.

Xu Feng dashed ahead while grinning, "Come on, good thief!"

Polger roared angrily, revealed his mace, and slapped Xu Feng on the back with a fierce hammer.

He is about 20 meters away from Xufeng. Given the length of his arm and the length of his mace, it is naturally impossible to touch Xufeng.

However, his power was released through a mace, and he slapped Xufeng overwhelmingly!

Xu Feng didn't dare to neglect, and quickly dodged. Fortunately, he was carrying the Wind Crystal, so his body skills increased several times. If it were not for the Wind Crystal's bonus, it would be difficult for him to avoid this mace.

Just as Xufeng stepped away, the shock wave of the mace was red on the ancient tree in front of him.

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