Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1292

The ancient tree that needed three or five people to hug was instantly blasted by the shock wave of the mace. The huge ancient tree made a dull sound and fell heavily toward the river!

"Be careful!"

Most of the dwarven barrels passed the fallen ancient tree, but the last Kili was blocked by the ancient tree.

Philip shouted loudly, "Keili, turn over from the tree."

"Okay!" Kili quickly jumped out of the wooden barrel and dexterously jumped onto the huge ancient tree. This was his only way, because the entire river was blocked by the ancient tree, and the wooden barrel could not survive the ancient times. Pass under the tree, so only by jumping above the trunk of the old tree can you get over this obstacle.

Of course, in this way, Kellie would have no barrels, he could only run from the shore.

This undoubtedly increased his danger.

Whoosh whoosh!

A few dozen poisoned arrows shot at him, but they were all swiftly avoided by Qi Li.

When he was about to jump to the bank of the river, his clothes were suddenly caught by a raised tree branch!

He also paused for a while.

Another poisoned arrow shot at him, and he quickly avoided, but the space for avoiding was very narrow!

The poisoned arrow grazed his thigh, leaving a bright red blood mark on his thigh.

Kili took a breath. He felt a pain in his thigh, but the bleeding was not serious and did not hurt the bones. So he didn't care, and quickly pulled off his clothes, and then ran in the direction of the barrel drifting.

At this time, the Snow Emperor Squad and some of the dwarves were involved in the battle. Although the wolf cavalry were elite, the Snow Emperor Squad and the hammer were there, and the wolf cavalry could not take advantage.

The most important point is that their leader Polger has been completely distracted by Xu Feng. With the group of dragons without a leader, it is difficult for them to organize a decent encirclement and suppression.

Suddenly, at this moment, the sound of an antler horn came from the river bank behind, and then a pair of heavily armed elf guards rushed over under the leadership of Prince Legolas and Tauriel.

The elves have all their bows and arrows, and almost every arrow can hit a half-orc wolf cavalry.

The wolf cavalry suddenly went into chaos, they didn't know whether they should continue fighting, or if they should slow down first, and then withdraw to save their strength.

Before getting Polger's new order, they could only bite the bullet and fight on two fronts.

Legolas chased with the Elf guards. They were meant to capture the escaped dwarves. However, no matter how bad the relationship between them and the dwarves is, it is also an internal conflict in the alliance, while the half-orc wolf cavalry is The real demon army!

When encountering the Demon Legion, the Elf Guards naturally have to fight the monsters the first time.

As a result, the situation on the field was greatly beneficial to the dwarves. Some people took the opportunity to jump onto the river bank, fought the chaotic wolf cavalry head-on, and took away their weapons.

After some melee, the wolf cavalry suffered heavy losses and their advantages were completely gone. Instead, the elven guards had an absolute advantage.

Most of the wolf cavalry were killed, and one wolf cavalry was too late to escape, was cut off by Taurier, and caught him as a prisoner.

At this moment, the Xuedi team led the Dwarf Expedition Team out of the encirclement circle, left the river bank, and entered the long lake with wide waters.

In the Long Lake area, whether the orcs wolf cavalry or the elven guards, they couldn't catch up with them without a boat.

After leaving the danger, the dwarves cheered excitedly.

The hammer frowned and asked Xuedi, "What about Xufeng?"

Emperor Xue said lightly: "Don't worry, he will be fine."

"Okay." The hammer looked at the distant river and sighed leisurely.

At the same time, Xufeng has led Polger away 5 kilometers away.

Xufeng's speed gradually slowed down, but Polger's black wolf still had plenty of energy.

Polger grinned and said, "Hahahaha, human! See how much stamina you have! Are you scared now?"

Xufeng grinned and said: "Polger, my goal has been achieved, we will have a period later."

Polger said bitterly: "Want to run? Do you think you can run?"

As he said, he jumped off the back of the wolf.

The black wolf then roared, cutting off Xu Feng's back path.

Polger said triumphantly: "Do you still think you can run away now?"

The speed of the black wolf is already very fast, and Polger himself is also very fast. It is absolutely difficult to escape under the attack of Polger and the black wolf.

The only way is to hold on to a wave of attacks from Polger and the black wolf, and when they are shaken by the shock wave, activate the cloak of dexterity, stimulate the energy of the wind crystal, and then flash out quickly.

Xufeng's feet are still resistant to walking on the water, so as long as Xufeng can run to the surface of the Long Lake, Polger can't help it.

But first of all, you have to hold on to Polger's wave of attacks!

Xufeng put Malganis’ spider claw on his arm, and then showed the enemy fencing sword and the sword of Triton, and said calmly: “Well, you Didi, I’ll pick you up. Recruit!"

"Looking for death!" Polger concentrated his strength and blasted the past with a mace!

Chapter 402 Your good days have come to an end!

Xufeng raised his arms and Malganese's spider claws slammed into Polger's mace.

A huge force exploded between the two people, and both of them were rushed back more than ten meters!

Xufeng felt his arms numb, and a mouthful of sweet blood poured in his throat!

He tried his best to suppress this feeling of qi and blood, and with the impact of Bolger, he bounced back and jumped more than ten meters away in an instant.

In this way, the distance between him and Polger was opened by more than 30 meters.

In the same way, Polger was temporarily unable to move due to the shock wave, and it was impossible to pursue Xufeng in a short time.

This is something that Polger did not expect.

Before he fought against Xufeng, Xufeng was caught off guard with the gunpowder, but Polger thought that in a one-to-one situation, his strength could completely crush Xufeng.

In fact, it should have been so, but Xufeng had two more spider feet than during the Battle of the Plains.

Do not underestimate these two spider claws. Although the attack power of these two spider claws is not as effective as the enemy's fencing, they are after all the claws of the ancient monster spider lord Malganis. Bolger must be strong!

At least half of Polger's power was absorbed by the claws, and although the other half hit Xufeng's arm, with Xufeng's strength, it was enough to dissolve it.

Of course, this trick still caused Xufeng's injury.

After all, the advantage is not defense.

With the impact, Xufeng quickly retreated and rushed directly to the Long Lake area. Although Polger was temporarily unable to move, he still had another move to use.

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