Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1293

That is his black wolf.

When Polger attacked Xufeng, he deliberately kept a hand, that is, let his black wolf stand aside, waiting for an opportunity.

If he could get rid of Xufeng with one move, the wolf would not need to act.

And if he couldn't solve Xufeng with one move, but let Xufeng escape, then the black wolf can directly pursue Xufeng.

When Xufeng is injured, the speed will inevitably not rise, so the black wolf can easily culminate Xufeng!

Therefore, after Polger was repelled, he was not in a hurry to chase Xufeng, he trusted his wolf.

And his black wolf did what he expected. The moment Xufeng was ejected, the black wolf suddenly jumped on.

Xufeng was prepared for this. He calmly took out a blue pill from his arms and threw it directly at his feet.

This blue pill is exactly the ice ring pill.

Xufeng did not drop the black wolf, because the agility of the black wolf can definitely be avoided, so Xufeng threw the ice ring pill at his feet. The moment the ice ring pill hits the ground, Xufeng is Flashed out, and the black wolf rushed to this position.

Hearing a bang, the black wolf was frozen in place. For at least three seconds, he was completely immobile.

Taking advantage of this moment, Xu Feng ran towards the Changhu area quickly.

Polger was startled, he didn't expect Xu Feng to do such a trick at all.

In fact, with Polger's strength, the Ice Ring Pill was completely ineffective against him, after all, his strength level was there.

If Xufeng uses the ice ring pill on him and the black wolf together, he can only limit the black wolf at best, but Xufeng first knocks him back, and then freezes the chasing black wolf. This operation rhythm , Which left Polger completely puzzled.

... This human being is really amazing!

Every detail is well done!

Polger gritted his teeth and still didn't give up trying to catch up again, but at this time, he noticed the screams of the orcs and wolf cavalry in the distance, and also noticed that a large number of elf guards were surrounding here. come.

Of course he is not afraid of these elf guards, but once he is surrounded and meets Thrandil, the king of the wood elf, then he will not want to escape from here.

Thranduil was feminine and handsome, but his strength was definitely not to be underestimated. He was an elf hero who had participated in two life and death battles and was a legend on the same level as Gilgarad.

Polger clenched his fists angrily, and screamed at Xu Feng's back: "Humans, we are not over yet!"

At this time, Xufeng had already stepped into the Long Lake area with both feet, and with the assistance of water walking resistance, he ran smoothly and quickly on the water.

On the other side, the battle on the river bank also came to an end.

The Elf Guards had a complete victory, with zero casualties, repelled the group of invading half-orcs and wolf cavalry, beheaded forty or fifty, and captured one.

With such a record, even if the dwarves escaped because of this, it is considered to have made up for it.

Tao Ruier stared at the vast Long Lake area in a daze.

Prince Legolas walked to Tauriel and said in a deep voice, "The dwarves are too cunning. They escaped with the orcs and wolf cavalry, but you can rest assured Tauriel, I will bring them to justice. No one can frame your innocence."

Taurier nodded slightly, and did not thank Legolas for his kindness.

She always remembered what Thrandil said to him, he wanted to keep a distance from Legolas.

Legolas was slightly disappointed and wanted to talk to Taurier again, but at this time, an elf guard hurried over, bowed and said: "Your Royal Highness, Vice Captain, Your Majesty is calling you."

Legolas and Tauriel looked at each other, and then said to the guard: "Now? But, we can still chase the escaped dwarves and clean up the scattered wolf cavalry! Now is the best time. !"

The elf guard said quickly: "Your Majesty said, please put down everything in your hands and bring the captured Orcs to see him."

Legolas sighed helplessly: "Okay."

He immediately returned to the wood elf capital with the captured half-orc wolf cavalry with Tauriel.

King Thranduil sat on the Throne of Thorns, frowning at the orc wolf cavalry brought by Legolas and Tauriel.

This wolf cavalry is very ugly, but from his physical characteristics we can see the obvious characteristics of the elves.

Half-orcs are a race of monsters where Morgoth combines the elves and the orcs in the form of dark magic.

So in theory, the elves and the orcs are close relatives.

However, the elves absolutely refused to admit this, they regarded the half-orcs as a shame.

King Thranduil looked at the wounded half-orc wolf cavalry, guilty of nausea in his heart, and unabashed disgust on his face.

"How many of you are there?" Thrandil asked in a deep voice.

The orc wolf cavalry grinned grimly, "Many, many people, enough to destroy you all."

Lagras said angrily: "At this time, you still dare to speak big words!"

The half-orc wolf cavalry said arrogantly: "You don't understand anything, do you think we are just a wolf cavalry squad? No, in the magic city, there are countless wolf cavalry squads like us! Your good days are over! Up!"

Chapter 403 Freedom of Orc Wolf Cavalry


Prince Legolas said angrily: "Do you think we will let you go if you threaten us like this? Impossible monster!"

The half-orc wolf cavalry said with a sneer: "I know, so I don't plan to leave alive. I just want to mock you stupid guys before I die. I want to see your horrified eyes! Ha! Haha!"

King Thranduil pursed his lips slightly. He remembered what Ruidagast said to him last night. Ruidagast said that Gandalf had gone to the magic city. So it seems that Lord Sauron Really started to move around.

Thranduil asked in a deep voice, "What are you pursuing the Lone Mountain Dwarf desperately for?"

The half-orc wolf cavalry said of course: "There is hatred between us!"

Thranduil sneered: "Are you talking about the hatred of the Battle of the Blue Mountains? No, that kind of hatred is just the hatred of victory or defeat in the war, and it does not cause you to rush thousands of miles to find the dwarves of the Lone Mountain. The lone mountain dwarves return to their territory, right? Because once the lone mountain dwarves return to their territory, your army will face a fortress that is difficult to conquer, am I right?"

The half-orc wolf cavalry was startled, "...I don't know, maybe, but anyway, the order we received was to desperately prevent the Dwarf Expedition from returning to the Lonely Mountain."

Thrandil nodded slightly, "I understand."

Immediately, Thranduil turned his head and asked Legolas, "Where is the Dwarf Expedition?"

Legolas said apologetically: "I'm sorry, the dwarves are so cunning. They used the waterway under the warehouse to escape. We were about to catch up with them, but because we ran into these half-orcs and wolf cavalry on the way. , So let the dwarves escape again, but they were only in some wooden barrels. If the father can approve me to use the boat, I think I will catch them all soon."

Thranduil shook his head, "No need, let them go."

Legolas asked in surprise: "Father?"

Thranduil has always said one thing, but now that the imprisoned lover has escaped from the wood elves city, Thranduil has not pursued it, which makes Legolas feel very difficult to understand.

Thranduil said faintly: "The Lone Mountain dwarves have indeed broken into our territory, and they are indeed a group of nasty guys, but they have never been vague when dealing with the dark force orc army. , We have a common enemy with the Lone Mountain Dwarves, that is the Dark Legion. Now the Dark Legion is ready to move. They have already started the preliminary action to prevent the Lone Mountain Dwarves from rebuilding the Lone Mountain Fortress. If we stop the Lone Mountain Dwarves, then it will Did you help the Dark Legion?"

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