Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1297

Hammer said: "I'm not called Hammer, I'm Murong Henxue! Of course, you can call me Murong in the future if the name is confusing, but you must never call me Hammer. The name Hammer is too much. Masculinized, Lao Tzu is a woman!"

"Yes! Tie... Sister Murong is big!!" Duke Yang said quickly again.

"What the hell is Tie Murong? Sister Tie Muzhen?" The hammer slammed on the back of Duke Yang again, and Duke Yang screamed again, pretending to faint to the ground.

Only in this way can he not be hit by the hammer.

Xufeng immediately handed the silver fist warhammer to the hammer, and the hammer took it over excitedly, "Finally, I finally have a new weapon!"

Xufeng frowned and asked: "Iron Hammer, do you really don't need us to lend you shadow energy points? Then how can you pick up this silver fist hammer?"

Hammer grinned and said, "You haven't answered the question I have just now. Seriously, do you know why I should learn forging technology?"

...Because you are called a hammer!

Xufeng almost blurted it out, but fortunately he held it back. If he said the same, Hammer would treat him like Duke Yang.

Xu Feng cleared his throat and said faintly, "Because you are very passionate about forging?"

The hammer shook his head, and said quite contentedly: "Because forging learns advanced skills, it will add a special skill, that is, you can add a layer of coating that is unique to advanced forgers on your weapons. ."

"Coating?" Xu Feng was slightly taken aback.

The hammer smiled and said: "Yes, this is the advanced blacksmith coating, only advanced blacksmiths can make and use it. The effect of this coating is to reduce the weapon's own level by 10. In other words, you need to reach level 50. To be able to afford this weapon, I only need to be able to take it at level 40."

Xufeng smiled and said, "That's it! After you coat the weapon, can you still use the weapon for us?"

The hammer smiled and said: "Only the soul-bound items of the senior forge can be coated, and after the coating, only the senior forge can use it."

"Does the coating require any material?" Xufeng asked.

The hammer thought for a while, "The materials are simple, but the last step is more troublesome."

Xufeng asked, "What process is needed?"

The hammer said: "It needs to be tempered with the hottest flame."

"The hottest flame?" Xufeng asked: "Do you mean you need to go back to your smithy for tempering?"

The hammer shook his head, "My smithy is only a smithy of a senior blacksmith. The quenching temperature cannot be coated. If you want to coat the Silver Fist's hammer, you need a master-level forging flame."

Xuedi said lightly: "However, there is no master forger in our trading city."

The hammer sighed helplessly, "Yes, this is the most troublesome part of the coating. Obviously this coating is a skill that can be used by advanced blacksmiths, but the fire of tempering must be the master blacksmith. Where can I find a master flame?"

Xufeng's brows moved slightly, "Does it have to be the flame of the blacksmith? Can other flames not work?"

Hammer said: "Of course other flames are okay, but the problem is that the temperature must be hot enough. Ordinary flames may not even reach the basic forging standards, let alone master."

Xufeng smiled and said, "I know there is no problem with a kind of flame."

The hammer quickly asked: "What flame?"

Xu Feng smiled and said: "The fire of dragon's breath!"

Chapter 407

"The fire of dragon's breath?"

The hammer said in surprise: "Are you talking about the fire of the dragon's breath of the dragon Smaug? I don't know..."

After all, they have not seen the dragon Smaug, and some legends about Smaug have only heard their lover mention it.

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "Smaug is an ancient monster. His strength is much stronger than Spider Lord Malganis. Malganis's strength can barely reach level 60, while Smaug's strength is only 62. level."

"It's only two levels more, but the gap between these two poles is very huge. Smaug's dragon's breath fire should be the strongest flame in Middle-earth, much stronger than Gandalf's magic flame. If Smaug's dragon's breath fire can't meet the flame requirements of a master blacksmith, there will be no flame in this world that can meet the master standard."

The Hammer gave a quick thought, then nodded heavily, "Smaug's Dragon's Breath Fire should be no problem. After all, Dragon's Breath Fire's skills are also level 62, but... Smaug is so difficult to deal with, how can he be obedient? Quench for me?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "Then you don't have to worry about it, just hand me the Silver Fist Hammer at that time."

"Okay!" Iron Hammer exulted.

With Xufeng here, she is really 10,000 happy.

Next, she allocated her shadow power points to the members of Xuedi team.

After the allocation was completed, Lin Hai's magical barrier just ended, and the members of the Xuedi team happily walked out of the hidden place.

At this time, a small boat went upstream and rowed from the Long Lake area towards the wood elf territory.

The currents in this section of the waters are extremely turbulent, but the rowers are calm and relaxed, and easily control the boat to go upstream.

This is not what a normal arm can do!

Xu Feng immediately became alert.

Hearing the sound of the water waves, Thorin also raised his head.

When he saw the boat approaching oncoming, he immediately kicked the dwarves around him and shouted in a deep voice, "Get up! There is a situation!"

Bahrain rubbed his eyes, and said excitedly: "It's great, there is a boat coming, we can grab this boat, and then pass the Long Lake smoothly."

The other dwarves also cheered.

Xuedi said coldly: "So, the dwarf expedition has become a bandit team?"

The dwarves blushed immediately.

Bahrain explained in a low voice: "It's a matter of urgency. Besides, Kellett was seriously injured. If we had no ships, we would not be able to pass through the vast Long Lake area."

Xuedi said coldly: "You don't have to explain to me. It's your own business what you want to do. We are just mercenaries without feelings."

Thorin clenched his axe tightly, and said in a deep voice, "Anyway, we will keep this boat. Beauver, Dewalin, Groin, you guys are well watered, you go down and intercept by the waterway. Intercepted ashore."


The dwarves moved immediately, and the Xuedi team all stood by and watched.

The ship got closer and closer, and it seemed to be reaching the narrowest part of the river.

Ouli and Pangbo used an axe to chop down a giant tree and intercept it in the river. In this way, it would be impossible for the ship to go upstream.

The people on the boat saw the dwarf on the shore, and then quickly reacted and jumped directly into the water.

The dwarves cheered suddenly, and they almost didn't take much effort to grab a clipper.

Dewarin and others towed the ship to the nearby shore, and then leaned against the rock panting to rest.

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