Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1298

"We can get on the boat!"

"Wait, how does this ship drive?"

The dwarves looked at each other immediately. They are good at climbing and digging, but they can't sail.

Two dwarves jumped onto the boat and rowed desperately with the oars, but the Clippers were spinning back and forth in the water. They tried their best to row, but the boat did not move forward.

The dwarves were suddenly helpless and couldn't help but focus on the Xuedi team.

The members of the Snow Emperor Team are all humans, and they are all mercenaries, so they are naturally much better than the dwarves in boating.

However, the Xuedi squad led by Xufeng did not go up to help.

Just when people were at a loss, suddenly on the other side of the rock, a wet human wearing black clothes, holding a bow and arrow, jumped out.

The bow and arrow in his hand pointed at the weary dwarves.

Thorling was shocked immediately. He knew that this man was the owner of the ship. He thought that the owner of the ship had abandoned the ship and escaped. Unexpectedly, the owner of the ship quietly landed ashore and occupied favorable terrain.

The rock on which he was standing was high, steep, and slippery. It was impossible for the dwarves to rush up to meet the man in hand, but the man could use the bow and arrow in his hand against these dwarves.

The bow and arrow in that man's hand are very ordinary, even rough, but his expression is very determined, and there is a calm and heroic air in his brow.

Devarin carefully touched the axe next to him, and only heard a swish, the arrow flew directly, hit the handle of the axe, and shot the axe out.

The other people nearby also wanted to take the opportunity to grab the weapon, but that person's bow and arrow were extremely fast. The first arrow was just shot, and the second and third arrows were shot out immediately afterwards, with extremely high accuracy and precision!

With his strength, if he wanted to shoot through the throats of these dwarves, it would be easy.

But he did not do this, but only used his bows and arrows and strength to deter these "robbers" dwarves.

At this time, the dwarves hoped that the Snow Emperor Team could come to rescue them, but the Snow Emperor Team stood far away and didn't mean to help.

Originally, it was these dwarves who robbed other people's ships under the pretext of recovering the Gushan Palace, and now they were killed by others, and they were also responsible for themselves.

Xu Feng didn't want to care about these people at all, but he was very interested in the archer.

The archer said coldly: "Who are you and why are you looting my ship."

Bahrain hurriedly smiled and said, "My friend! We are the Blue Mountain dwarves from afar. We are here to do business."

The archer smiled coldly, "Doing business? You came empty-handed. You are doing business without a basis?"

This is obviously ironic that these dwarves are robbers. The faces of the dwarves are hot, as if they were slapped a few times.

Bahrain reluctantly said: "No, no, it was just a misunderstanding. We don't really want to grab your boat. We just want you to stop and take us out of this ghost place. Of course, we will pay for the boat. "

The archer asked coldly: "What business do you do, why are you so embarrassed?"

Bahrain quickly explained: "We are in... ore business, but we ran into the monster spider on the way, and we were caught by the ruthless wood elves. We finally escaped and were chased by orcs and wolf cavalry. "

What Bahrain said is half true and half false.

The archer said coldly: "It seems that your life is really colorful."

Bahrain quickly and politely asked: "Can you take us for a ride, we can pay the boat fare!"

Chapter 408 Descendants of the Dragon Slaying Hero

"No," the archer said coldly.

Bahrain was startled slightly, and said quickly: "We can pay the boat fare. We each have 10 gold coins!"

The archer's eyes moved quickly. He is not a greedy person, but 10 gold coins are indeed very tempting.

After all, there are 13 dwarves, plus the Hobbit Bilbo and the 5 members of the Snow Emperor team, so the total is 19 people.

19 people is equivalent to 190 gold coins!

Judging from the dressing of this archer, even if he worked hard for a whole year, he could not earn 190 gold coins.

However, he hesitated for a moment, then shook his head, "Although the money is a lot, it is not worth the level of my risk for this. If you want to enter Long Lake Town, you need normal customs clearance procedures. Or, you can find a smuggler to bring you in."

With that, the archer was about to turn and leave.

Bahrain said quickly: "Don't go, we can...pay a little more now. How about a total of 200 gold coins?"

The archer sneered, "My dwarf lords, you are really too generous. But I am surprised that you say you are merchants, but you don’t even have any goods. Why did you enter Long Lake Town? And, Don’t you know that Dwarves are not welcome in Long Lake Town."

Bahrain blushed and said: "Because the dense forest is too dangerous, we want to find a place to take refuge. Good-hearted people, you should help us, if you leave us in this place, it won’t be long, half Orcs and wolf cavalry will overtake us."

The archer said loudly, "There are no half-orcs and wolf cavalry here."

Bahrain said quickly: "Some, some, look at the wound on our friend's leg, which was injured by the poisonous arrow of the orc wolf cavalry."

Then your archer took a look at Qi Li, and the bow and arrow in his hand relaxed slightly.

But he still said: "Sorry, I can't help you, Long Lake Town does not allow outsiders to enter, and I don't like dwarves."

Bahrain said quickly: "You don't have to like us, as long as you are willing to help us, we will pay you enough gold! Think about it, friends, help us this time, enough for you and your family to live for a whole year!"

The archer didn't respond, but jumped to untie the rope on the boat and prepare to leave.

Bahrain said eagerly: "We are willing to double the price! 400 gold coins! How about?"

The archer's body was visibly shaken.

To be honest, so many gold coins are really exciting.

While the archer was still thinking about it, Xufeng walked over from a distance.

The archer immediately grabbed the bow and arrow in his hand and stared at Xufeng vigilantly.

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "Don't be nervous, I am not an enemy."

The archer said coldly: "It's hard to say, after all you are standing with the dwarves."

Xufeng smiled and said, "That's because we have a mercenary agreement with them, and we must protect their safety."

The archer smiled coldly and said: "Hehe, this is really interesting. For a merchant who doesn't have any commodities, you have to spend 400 gold coins to go to Long Lake Town, and you also bring 5 human mercenaries? If I were such a merchant I’m afraid I’ve already lost my fortune.”

Xu Feng smiled faintly, "The brain circuits of dwarves cannot be understood with normal thinking."

The archer thought for a while, "That's what you said."

Xufeng smiled and said, "My friend hasn't asked your surname or name?"

The archer paused, then said, "My name is Bud."

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