Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1299

Xufeng raised her brow slightly.

Bud the Archer of Long Lake Town!

His ancestor was the original mayor of Long Lake Town, and the person who once wounded Smaug!

The dragon Smaug is covered with magic-level scales all over his body. This kind of scale can make Smaug immune to almost any damage, including physical damage and magical damage. Therefore, Smaug is almost invincible.

However, Bud's ancestors used a special black arrow to shoot off a scale in the heart of Smaug!

That became Smaug's only weakness!

But it is a pity that Bard's ancestors only shot off a scale, and did not really hurt Smaug, which has become the eternal regret of the Bard family.

The Bard family has been the lords of the Long Lake town for generations, but the generation 50 years ago, that is, the generation of Grandpa Bard, the dwarves of the Lone Mountain were suppressed, and Grandpa Bard committed suicide as the mayor. Lost the hereditary power of the mayor of Changhu Town.

The new mayor of Changhu Town was elected.

The mayor elected by the first generation is not bad, and Changhu Town has also been fully developed.

But when the second generation of the mayor was elected, the election completely changed. In order to obtain the position of the mayor, people continued to use despicable means to attack, and Changhu Town began to become turbulent.

When the third-generation mayor arrived, he first promised many preferential welfare conditions for the people, but when he came to power, none of these preferential conditions were implemented. Instead, taxes were intensified, different voices were forbidden, and even not allowed. Others entered the town of Long Lake.

Election is just a political situation, it has changed the people a trick to rule the people. The truly talented people cannot use this conspiracy, but cannot be elected, and after the people who can perform this conspiracy come to power, However, Changhu Town will not be governed at all, let alone the interests of the people.

Therefore, although Changhu Town has unique lake resources, in recent decades, the gap between the rich and the poor has been further widening, and the people at the bottom are miserable.

Unexpectedly, the archer in front of him is the descendant of the lord of Long Lake Town. He should have become the mayor, but unfortunately, he no longer has hereditary powers and can only be a poor boatman.

Bud was a little surprised seeing Xufeng, and then couldn't help asking: "What? Do you know me?"

Xu Feng quickly smiled and said, "No, I just know the name of your ancestor, Dragon Slayer Warrior."

Bud smiled bitterly: "No, my ancestors never recognized this name, because he didn't kill Smaug, he just shot a scale of Smaug, and Smaug was irritated because of it. His anger destroyed us. The town where I lived in the past slaughtered half of the residents of the town. My ancestors have always held a grudge about this, and finally died with hatred."

Xu Feng smiled and said: "Anyway, you are the descendant of the hero. So, Bud, we will give out 1,000 gold coins. Please help us pass through Long Lake Town."

"1000 gold coins!" Before Bud could speak, Groin yelled next to him.

The dwarves are greedy in nature, and they haven't made a penny until now on this expedition, but now they have to spend 1,000 gold coins as travel expenses!

Of course they are reluctant.

Xu Feng said coldly: "Either you stay here and wait for the orcs and wolf cavalry to chase you down, or you can take out 1,000 gold coins and leave here, you choose yourself."

The dwarves whispered, and finally they nodded helplessly.

Chapter 409: Heading to Long Lake Town

Xufeng smiled and said to Bud: "My friend, 1,000 gold coins are worth your risk for this, right?"

Bud looked at Xufeng with a weird expression: "I am not surprised that these dwarves can come up with 1,000 gold coins, but I am very surprised, since you can be the master of the dwarves?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "Forget it, how did we reach a deal?"

Bud frowned and said: "Reason tells me that I should reject this transaction because the price of this transaction is too high. Such a high price naturally means that the risks and costs are extremely high. Although my life is miserable, But it's fairly stable, and I still have children to feed, I can't take risks..."

Xufeng smiled and said: "There will be no danger. I have a pass here because of the pass, which is the pass of the Elf King Thranduil. I can use this pass when it is critical."

Bud's eyes widened in surprise, "You actually have King Thrandil's permit? How did you get it?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "I am a mercenary, I naturally have my own way. Of course, if you need it, I can give it to you after I use up this pass."

With this pass, Bud can enter the territory of the elves unimpeded. In this way, the trade between the elves and Long Lake Town will be transported by him. This is undoubtedly a long-term Meal ticket!

Bud thought about it quickly, then nodded and said: "Okay, I agree, but not at these dwarves, but at you."

Xu Feng smiled and said, "Thank you!"

He knew that because of family history, Bud was very disgusted with dwarves. Fortunately, these dwarves did not say that they were lone mountain dwarves. If Bud knew that they were lone mountain dwarves, let alone 1,000 gold coins, even 10,000. Gold coins, Bud would not agree to take them away.

The dwarves happily wanted to get on the boat, but Bud blocked them.

Thorin frowned and said, "Didn't we have already agreed on the price, why don't we let us board the ship?"

Other people also yelled loudly, and the scene became very chaotic.

Xu Feng said coldly: "Shut up first!"

The dwarves closed their mouths immediately, not daring to say a word.

Bud said lightly: "I repeat, I don't like doing business with dwarves. If I do business with ordinary people, I can board the ship first and pay the bill. But for you dwarves, you must pay first and then board the ship."

The dwarves blushed immediately.

Xu Feng said in a deep voice, "Take 1,000 gold coins out."

In desperation, the dwarves can only start to pool money, which is also the best way for them to return to their lone mountain through Long Lake Town.

Fortunately, when the wood elves detained them, they only found their weapons, but did not find the money bags on them.

Ask people to untie the money belts on their bodies and count them together, and together, there are only 913 gold coins, which is 87 short of the 1000 gold coins promised by Xufeng.

Bahrain smiled helplessly at Bud: "Mr. Budd, can 913? These are all the gold coins we have now."

Bud pursed his mouth slightly, and then said in a deep voice, "Well, 913 is 913, but you have to help me get on board these dozen barrels."

Bahrain hurriedly laughed and said, "That's okay, guys, get all the barrels on board!"

After the dwarf handed in the gold coins, he reluctantly carried the barrel onto the boat.

This small boat was originally small. After the barrels were carried, the dwarves had fewer places to settle, and they could only crowd together.

Bofer couldn't help complaining: "Mr. Budd, we paid nearly 1,000 gold coins. Would you just let us stand like this?"

Bud said coldly: "Yes, if you are not satisfied, you can disembark."

Beauver sighed helplessly, "Satisfied, satisfied."

As long as they can leave here as soon as possible and go to Long Lake Town, then even if they are not satisfied, they can only say that they are satisfied.

When the dwarves got on the boat, Xufeng also took Bilbo on board the boat, and then Xuedi and others got on the boat.

The whole boat was overcrowded.

Bud asked, "Is there no one else?"

Xufeng nodded, "No more."

Bud said, "Okay, we're off. Remember, when you arrive in Long Lake Town, you must listen to my arrangements. Otherwise, you will be at your own risk."

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