Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1301

They really respect and fear Xufeng, no matter what Xufeng says, they are absolutely obedient.

At this time, Bud handed over a dozen gold coins to the dockkeeper. The dockkeeper waved his hand. Suddenly, more than a dozen strong men carried the fish basket and walked towards Bud's boat.

The dwarves looked through the arrow holes in the barrel, and they were all very nervous.

Those strong men didn't even look at them, and the fish filled the frame were poured into the barrel.

The dwarves breathed a sigh of relief.

Although these fish were fishy, ​​smelly, wet and heavy, Bud didn't betray them anyway.

After all the wooden barrels were filled with fish, the strong man on the dock took the fish basket and left.

Bud uncoiled the rope and jumped on the boat again, and rowed in the direction of Long Lake Town.

Changhu Town is a water city. There are almost no streets here. The so-called streets are waterways. You can only enter and leave Changhu Town by boat.

Most of the houses in Changhu Town are connected together. If you want to walk, you can only walk from the roof.

Bud said in a low voice: "What we passed by just now was the pier. Now we are going to officially enter Long Lake Town. When entering Long Lake Town, we will face inspection by the tax officer. If you run into trouble, you must not act rashly. Let me deal with it."

Xufeng nodded, "I see."

Bud continued to slide forward, and when he reached an entrance, he stopped the boat.

A staff member in patched clothes poked his head out of a small house supported by wooden piles, and said with a smile: "It's Bud! Why did you come back so soon? If you remember correctly, you just went out not long ago. what!"

Bud said lightly: "In the past, the elves were very procrastinated, but today it is fast, so I can come back sooner.

While talking, Dade handed over a parchment paper pass.

The staff member took a look, then roughly counted the barrels on the ship, and then nodded: "Okay, you can pass."

"Thank you." Bud smiled at the staff member, then bent down and picked up the oars, ready to leave.

So far, everything has gone smoothly.

However, as soon as I had to pick up the oars, a weird sound came from the room.


The people in the room got lazy and got up from the couch.

By his side, he was also following two human soldiers in armor.

Bud whispered to Xufeng, "This guy is the tax officer in town, Alfred. Whenever he meets him, he always makes trouble."

Xufeng nodded slightly, without speaking.

I saw that tax officer walked out staggeringly, his figure rickety, his teeth bursting, and his face full of scornful brows.

First, he looked at Bud, then Xu Feng and others around Bud, and then looked at the wooden barrels on the ship.

Then, he grinned.

"Bad, what is it on your pass?"

Bud said coldly, "Don't you know how it is written on my pass?"

Tax official Alfred laughed grimly: "You have a tough temper, I remember your pass says that you will bring back 15 empty buckets to the Wizard City."

Bud said coldly, "Yes, didn't I bring it back?"

Alfred sneered, "Bring it back? Well, you brought back the barrel, but you also brought back some other things, such as these fish, and these strangers. I heard that your ancestors You are the lord of this territory, then you should know the rules of the town! You are just a boatman, responsible for transporting the goods of the elves, and these fish are the things the fisherman does. You are not a fisherman, and you have not paid the fisherman’s tax, so You can't transport these fish into the city."

Bud said in a deep voice, "I bought these fish. Although I am not a fisherman, I always have the right to buy fish, right?"

Alfred shrugged, "Of course you have the right to buy fish, but you can't transport the fish you buy into the town unless you have a fisherman's license."

Bud frowned and said, "These fish are all salvaged by our own port. Can't the fish I bought in our own port want to be shipped to my own home?"

"Of course not." Alfred curled his mouth. "This is Long Lake Town, a place where the rule of law is emphasized."

Chapter 411 Thranduil's Pass

Rule of law...

When he heard this word, Bud couldn't help clenching his fist.

Alfred kept talking about the rule of law, but it was just an excuse to maintain their rule.

But after all, Bud managed to endure it. He didn't want to confront Alfred. After all, there was a group of dwarves hidden in his bucket.

Alfred rolled his eyes and laughed again: "Moreover, your current problem is not only the problem of not having a fisherman’s license, but more importantly, you brought in strangers without permission. If It’s just a fisherman’s license issue. I will throw your fish into the lake and fine you some more. But you brought a stranger into Long Lake Town, which violates the law of Long Lake Town. You and These strangers will all be imprisoned, come here!"

Alfred waved to his two men.

The two guards immediately jumped onto the ship, trying to turn Xufeng, Bud and others off the ship.

Xu Feng stood steadily on the boat, not moving at all.

The guard who would control him in the future exhausted all his strength and couldn't shake Xufeng a point.

Bud also stood on the boat with his fists clenched and did not back down.

Alfred raised his brows, "Bad, do you want to rebel? Haha, I have already seen that you have this mindset. This is just right, I can let more troops come here and take you Completely wiped out your comrades!"

Bud said coldly: "Alfred! I don't want to rebel, I'm just a civilian now, why are you opposing me everywhere!"

Alfred grinned, "Isn't it easy? Because you have the highest reputation among the people. If they want to re-elect the mayor, then you are very likely to be elected. You are a thorn in the eyes of the mayor. If you have a little problem, we will make a big fuss and hold on to it. Now you understand? Don’t be too good. This will cause you to kill."

Bud frowned and said, "I don't want to run for mayor!"

Alfred sneered: "Do you think I would believe you? No, sometimes, I don’t even believe what I say, let alone another person. I want to ensure that you will never become the mayor. The way to do this is to put you in jail. Come here, get more people!"


Several other guards rushed out.

Seeing that things are getting out of hand, Xu Feng asked Bud faintly: "Can you still control this situation? If you can't control it, why don't you give it to me?"

Ade sighed helplessly, "Okay, but try not to use force here..."

Before he finished his words, Xu Feng turned his head and said to Lin Hai behind him: "Uncle Lin Hai, keep them!"

Lin Hai grinned: "Okay, no problem!"

As he said, Lin Hai condensed his mind, and the Ruidagast Staff in his hand burst out with two blue rays, which directly shot at the two human soldiers running outward.

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