Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1302

The bodies of the two soldiers were immediately frozen.

Alfred was taken aback!

This is magic!

In Middle-earth, magic is a very high-end skill. Except for the great mages of the Holy White Council and some high-level elves, only a very small number of humans can use this kind of magic.

In other words, people who have access to this magical skill will never have a low status.

Therefore, not only was Alfred who was standing across from him taken aback, even Bud's eyes widened and he looked incredible.

Are these people really mercenaries?

Where is a mercenary who knows magic?

And that human mage actually obeyed Xu Feng very willingly!

Bud suddenly felt that these people were definitely not that simple.

Xufeng said to Alfred faintly: "Let me correct a few mistakes for you, tax officer."

"First, these fish were bought by Bud, which is Bud’s own property. You can refuse these fish to enter Long Lake Town. However, if you want to dump these fish, you must compensate Bud for money. , One less fish is one gold coin."

Upon hearing this, the two guards on the boat dared not move immediately. They were afraid that they would bump the fish in the bucket into the lake. In that case, even if they were bankrupt, they might not be able to compensate.

"Second, which no-brainer made the rule that strangers are not allowed to enter Long Lake Town? This rule itself is unreasonable. You say that strangers are not allowed to enter, so can elves enter? Can the Archmage of the Holy White Council enter? Can the prince of a certain human country enter?"

Alfred thought about it in amazement, "Should... OK?"

After all, what Xufeng said are all powerful and powerful, and Changhu Town is just a small territory. How could it be possible to prevent the powerful from entering?

Xu Feng sneered and said: "Really? Then how do you know we are not a prince? We are not the great mage of the Holy White Council?"

Alfred took a breath: "Are you a prince and an archmage?"

Xu Feng said coldly, "Of course...not."

Alfred screamed in annoyance. If he hadn't really been able to beat these people, he would have rushed forward.

Xu Feng said coldly, "I mean to prove that your law is unreasonable at all. Although we are not a prince and princess, nor are we the great mage of the White Council, I have elves in my hand. King Thranduil’s order, if you refuse us to enter, it is tantamount to rejecting the elf king. I will immediately turn around and return to the elf kingdom to tell him everything that happened here. Of course, you guys in the future Don't even think about making a deal with the Elf Kingdom, they won't buy anything."

Alfred quickly said in horror: "Don't! Don't do this!"

The entire Long Lake Town’s economy depends on the Wood Elf’s Woodland Kingdom. If the Woodland Kingdom cuts off the trade between Genchang Lake Towns, then Long Lake Town’s economy will immediately collapse.

Xufeng took out the Elf Pass, "This is the pass of King Thrandil, do you want to check it?"

Alfred was a little scared in his heart, but he naturally didn't dare not check such an important matter.

So he stretched out his hand and said, "Please, bring it over and show me."

On weekdays, he has always spoken spoiled and domineering, but now facing Xu Feng, he can't get arrogant at all. It is like nodding and bowing.

Xu Feng said coldly: "Why, do you still want me to deliver it to you personally?"

Alfred said quickly: "No, no, you two, show me the pass."

The two guards on the ship immediately reached for the pass in Xufeng's hand.

Xufeng glared at the two guards, and the two guards were shocked, completely afraid to approach.

Xufeng said coldly: "This is King Thranduil's pass, how can you let your hand come down and touch the pass? If you want to check, come to me by yourself! This is for Thrandi. The respect of the Great King."

The implication is that if you dare not come to me, it is disrespectful to King Thrandil.

Chapter 412: I've known this, why bother to provoke them?

Alfred suddenly felt a little dry.

He didn't dare to jump on Bud's boat, and he didn't dare to face Xu Feng who was cold and murderous.

However, now he is already riding a tiger, and if he doesn't get on the boat, he doesn't respect King Thrandil.

If you knew this, why bother to provoke them?

Alfred sighed helplessly, then embarked on Bud's boat with a smile on his face.

The boat shook slightly, Alfred's steps were very light, and very comfortable, and his body movements were also very stiff and awkward, which showed that he was a man of no strength.

In the second stage of Middle-earth, the most ordinary civilians have a 45-level combat effectiveness, while Alfred has a maximum of 46.

In the face of such strength, Xu Feng can use a finger casually to make him dead.

However, Xu Feng and the others have more important tasks, and he doesn't want to waste time and energy on small people like Alfred.

Of course, like this little person, if you don't teach him a good lesson, he will kick his nose and face.

When Alfred walked in front of Xufeng with a smile on his face, Alfred just opened his mouth before he could speak, Xufeng suddenly grabbed his throat and lifted him directly with one arm. .

Alfred's limbs were constantly struggling in the air, and the whole boat was shaking slightly.

The guards beside them were so nervous that they didn't dare to breathe, and didn't know what to do next.

If they really fight, Xuedi Team can destroy these guards instantly. After all, these guards are only used to suppress the civilians in the town. Many of them are guards because of nepotism. They are afraid of dealing with external powerful enemies Dying.

Xufeng pinched Alfred's neck. Of course, he didn't use any force. If he tried a little force, Alfred's neck would be broken.

Xufeng put Thranduil's pass token in front of Alfred's eyes, and then said in a deep voice: "Have you seen it clearly? Is this the token of King Thranduil?"

Alfred's soul was almost scared off, and after struggling for several times, he finally realized that the token in Xufeng's hand was indeed King Thranduil's pass.

There are fairy texts and fairy magic patterns on it. No one can imitate them.

Alfred nodded like garlic, "It's true! It's true! Please, let me go!"

Xufeng asked in a cold voice, "Can we enter Changhu Town?"

Alfred quickly said: "Of course, you are VIPs! No, you are VIPs among VIPs!"

Xu Feng smiled coldly, "What about these fish?"

Alfred said painfully: "Of course these fish can also be brought in!"

Xufeng asked, "Don't you need to pay taxes?"

Alfred smiled bitterly and said, "No, no, no!"

Xu Feng said coldly: "Just now you said you want to pay taxes, but now you don't have to. So, whether you need to pay taxes is all up to you with your own mouth?"

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