Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1303

Alfred smiled bitterly and said: "Sorry, I was wrong! I didn't have to pay taxes at all. It was my own work mistake. Now I just correct this work mistake."

Xufeng laughed coldly: "Your reaction is quite quick. In that case, we will go in."

Alfred said quickly: "Of course! You can come in and out at any time, there is no problem at all."

Bud immediately paddled the oars, and the boat slowly left the inspection passage.

Alfred was suddenly dumbfounded... He and the two guards were still on board.

He quickly said to Xufeng: "My lord...we haven't got off the ship yet!"

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "You just said that we can enter at any time, and you didn't say that you are going to get off the boat."

Alfred said with a wry smile: "We are going to get off the ship, we still have a lot of work."

Xu Feng laughed coldly: "Okay, this is your choice."

After speaking, Xu Feng raised his hand and threw Alfred directly into the cold lake.

Alfred exclaimed, and hurriedly fluttered in the water like a falling dog.

The two soldiers who stayed on the boat naturally had no good end, and were kicked off the boat by hammers one by one.

Bud rowed his boat on, not caring about the plops behind him.

Although there is no emotional change on the surface, he is very happy in his heart.

After paddling a few bay areas, Bud came to a place where civilians lived.

The people here were very happy after seeing Bud, and Bud also greeted them with a smile.

"Mr. Budd, you came back so early today."

"Wow, why do you have so many fish in your wooden barrel? This is enough for your family to eat for months!"

Bud smiled faintly: "A few people, please help me lift these barrels up."

"Ok, of course no problem."

The nearby residents all came up to help, and within a short while, they moved all the wooden barrels into the room.

"Mr. Budd, the fish in this barrel is so heavy!"

"Yes, the three of us can carry a bucket!"

Bud said with a smile: "You have worked hard, come, each of you give you three gold coins, as a reward."

The residents who came to help were all stunned.

You know, everyone is not rich, every family can come up with a gold coin, it is considered a rich family, but now, Bud casually grabbed it in the bag, and gave each helping person three gold coins!

There were at least two dozen people who came to help, so Bud spent at least sixty or seventy gold coins!

One of the residents who is better than Bard said cautiously: "Mr. Bard, are you rich?"

Bud smiled faintly: "It's not about getting rich, it's just a small income from the favor of the wood elves."

The surrounding residents nodded suddenly, suddenly realized.

Indeed, only elves have such a big hand.

Everyone humbly said that they were only here to help, but Bud insisted on letting them keep the money, so they smiled and put the gold coins into their pockets.

Bud added, "Thank you, please wait outside."

"Ok, no problem."

The residents all left the Bard house and happily discussed outside how to spend this huge sum of money to improve their lives.

After all the residents were gone, Bud closed the door, and together with the Xuedi team, released the dwarves in the bucket, and put the scattered fish into three of the empty buckets.

Thorin frowned and said, "I have never done this before. My body is full of stench..."

Other dwarves also complained one after another. They spent 1,000 gold coins, instead of enjoying the noble treatment, they made them smelly.

"Mr. Bard, do you have a bathing place here? We need to take a break and take a shower. We don't want to carry this odor on our bodies."

Bud nodded, "Upstairs is the area where I live, where you can take a bath and rest and eat some food."

The dwarves immediately went up the stairs.

Chapter 413: Lord of Silver Spring

When the dwarves went upstairs, Bud opened the door and removed the three barrels full of fish.

"You take these fish to eat, and, please don't tell me what happened today."

"Thank you, thank you!"

"Mr. Budd, don't worry, we will never tell what happened today!"

The residents said cheerfully.

Bud nodded, closed the door easily, and then led Xufeng and others to the second floor.

"Dad!" The two plainly dressed little girls rushed on seeing Bud.

The older girls are fifteen or sixteen years old, and the younger ones are only seven or eight.

In addition to the two girls, there was a boy who was only a head shorter than Bud. This boy was about thirteen or fourteen years old, and his dark eyes were clever.

Obviously, all three children are Bard's children.

Bud happily held the two girls in his arms, smiled and said, "Dad is back."

He pampered his daughter infinitely, hugged and greeted him, but to the son next to him, he patted him hard on the shoulder.

But the boy seemed to have gotten used to it too, he just chuckled, and didn't care.

The eldest daughter said, "Dad, there are many strange people in our house."

In the back room, Dewarin's irritable voice suddenly came: "Little girl! Pay attention to your words, we are not strange people! We are dwarves!"

The little girl whispered, "They are strange dwarves."

Although it was very rude to say this, Bud couldn't help but smile.

His son asked, "Dad, are these dwarves my friends?"

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