Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1304

Bud shook his head: "No, they are not. They just gave Dad a sum of money. As agreed, Dad will send them out of Long Lake Town."

His son nodded, "Oh, I see, then we don't have to treat them as friends."

Bud smiled: "Although they are not friends, as hosts, we should entertain them. In addition, although these are not our friends, Dad is very willing to entertain them."

Bud pointed at Xufeng and the others as he spoke.

Bud's son's eyes lit up, "Wow! What a beautiful hammer!"

The hammer he was talking about was naturally the silver fist warhammer in the hands of the hammer.

Ever since I got this hammer, the hammer has been holding it in my hand, placing it in the most obvious place.

In fact, this hammer has not been coated yet, so the hammer cannot really use it. It can only be used as an ordinary decorative weapon in the hand. Its effect and function are not even as good as her previous forging hammer. .

However, the hammer is so in love with it.

Hearing Bud's son praise his silver fist warhammer, the hammer suddenly raised his mouth proudly: "Young man, you are very discerning."

Bud's son asked, "Sister, what hammer is this?"

With a loud elder sister, the hammer screamed even more exuberantly.

She quickly said: "This is called the hammer of silver fist."

"Silver Fist?" Bud's son blinked. "This word sounds familiar."

"You actually know Silver Fist?" The Hammer said in surprise: "Yes, he is the wizard master who created the Supreme Lord of the Rings."

Bud's son shook his head, "No, I don't know who Silver Fist is. I remember a ballad, like you have the word Silver Fist."

The eldest daughter next to her smiled: "Idiot, you have a wrong memory, that word is not silver fist, but silver spring."

"Really?" Bud's son was puzzled: "Why can't I remember anything? How did that song sing?"

"I will, I will!" Bud's little daughter sang happily: "Lord of Silver Spring, King of Stone Cave, King of the Mountain! He will return to his throne! The people will celebrate his return! But everything will be done. The tragedy ends! The lake shines! The war is rekindled! The people will celebrate his return! But everything will end in tragedy!"

Bud's son touched the back of his head embarrassedly, "Well, I did remember it wrong, but this ballad itself has a problem! Who is the Lord of Silver Spring? Who is the Lord of Stone Cave? Who is the king?"

The dwarves in the back room made no sound.

Many people even hid their faces and wept after hearing the little girl's singing.

That's right, this song is their Lone Mountain Dwarf!

It's just that they dare not stand up and tell the truth...

Bud smiled and stroked the hairs of his two daughters, and patiently explained: "The Lord of Silver Spring, the Lord of the Cave, and the King of the Mountain actually refer to one person. These are three titles of one person. This man is the king of the Lone Mountain Dwarf."

Bud's son asked suspiciously: "This doesn't make sense, Dad, isn't Gushan long gone?"

Bud smiled and said: "No, Gushan has not perished. Countless wealth is stored in the Gushan Palace, but there is an evil dragon guarding it."

Bud’s son still chased after him: "I can understand the two names of King of the Cave and King of the Mountain, but the Lord of Silver Spring... Gushan doesn’t have spring water? Why is Gushan’s Will the king have the name Lord of Silver Spring?"

Bud did not appear impatient because of his son’s problem, but looked at his son with encouraging eyes, and said with a smile: "You can ask such a question to show that you are thinking about it with your heart. But... Dad doesn't know why the King of the Lone Mountain has the title of Lord of Silver Spring. When we look back, we have the opportunity. Let's study it together."

"Okay." Although Bud's son did not get an answer, he was patiently encouraged by his father and was very happy.

When Bud was about to say something more, he saw Thorin standing at the door with red eyes.

Bud was wondering, he listened to Thorin's deep voice: "The so-called Lord of Silver Spring does not refer to silver spring water, but an ore. This ore is a necessary material for all high-level elven weapons. The name of this ore is called Mithril Ore. This kind of ore grows in the mountains and connects together like a babbling spring water. Therefore, the dwarves kindly call this Mithril ore Silver Spring. Therefore, the so-called The Lord of Silver Spring refers to the Lord of Mythril Veins, that is, the King of the Lonely Mountain."

Bud's son suddenly realized: "That's it! You are really a learned dwarf."

Thorin's mouth opened slightly, but it turned into a sigh.

He is more than a knowledgeable dwarf, he is the true King of the Lonely Mountain!

This song is about their return to the Lonely Mountain!

Bud nodded slightly to Solin, "Thank you for helping my son, but... you'd better go take a shower, the smell on you is too big..."

Thorin was taken aback, then silently returned to the back room...

Bud looked at Thorin's back and frowned slightly.

About the battle in Long Lake Town, 50 years have passed. Bud has never seen a real Lone Mountain Dwarf, but a strange feeling lingers in his heart.

Chapter 414

Just when Bud and others returned to the house to rest, on the other side, the tax officer Alfred had changed into dry clothes and came to the mayor's room.

At this time, it was already in the afternoon, and the sun was setting, and the lighting torches had been ignited in Changhu Town, but the mayor's purse was still lying on the bed, looking half-asleep.

No one knows what his real name is anymore, because he never allows others to call his real name directly, only let people call him Lord Mayor.

Back then, when the new mayor was elected, he promised to send a money bag to every resident who voted for him, so everyone called him the money bag mayor.

The mayor is a typical businessman, doing things for profit, and never talks about honesty, but he will do everything that is beneficial to him, regardless of whether the interests of others will be lost, and everything is not for him. Good, even if it can improve the happiness of the residents of Changhu Town, he will not do it.

In his opinion, these proofs are some chickens that can lay eggs. There is no need to feed the chickens too well, because even if you eat the delicacies of the mountains and the sea, the chicken will not lay a few more eggs. Keep laying eggs.

He was elected the mayor by deceit, because the residents were too kind and too easy to trust their promises.

After he became the mayor of the town, he used his power to exclude dissidents, and killed those who might threaten him, as well as those who were slightly prestigious among the people, all with despicable and dirty means.

Some people have even been stigmatized.

In this way, the Mayor Qiandai completely controlled the entire Long Lake Town.

He has hardly contributed to the development of Long Lake Town, nor did he seek any welfare for the residents. The residents are getting poorer and poorer, while he and his henchmen are getting richer and richer.

Gradually, the people became dissatisfied and asked him to fulfill his original promise.

His original promise was to give each resident a purse. When the people became dissatisfied, he really gave each one a purse.

The people suddenly felt that they had wronged the mayor, but when they opened the heavy money bag, there were only some pebbles in the money bag.

The angry people gathered in front of the mayor’s luxurious house and asked for an explanation, but the mayor plausibly said that what he promised was only a money bag, and he did not say that the money bag must be filled with money. It was given for nothing, and the people should not be insatiable.

At this time, the people found out that they had been deceived, but the mayor was elected by them, so they had to suffer the consequences.

In the end, this matter was left untouched, but the people could not forget the deceit of the mayor of them, so from then on, no one called the mayor's real name anymore, all the words used to call him.

Of course, his dog-legs, such as tax officer Alfred, would not dare to call him that way, and they still had to respectfully call him Lord Mayor.

"What's the matter?" The Mayor of Moneybag was very dissatisfied with Alfred's visit.

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