Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1305

If possible, he would like to stay in bed all day long, and now that Alfred is here, he has to get up and put on his clothes, rinse his mouth, eat something, and hear what happened. thing.

Alfred was naturally familiar with the series of processes of the mayor of Moneybag, so when the mayor of Moneybag opened his eyes to question, he hurriedly bowed and walked to the bed and reached out to make the mayor of Moneybag fat. The body helped up.

"Wine!" The Mayor of Money Bag said in a deep voice.

Alfred quickly brought a glass of moonlight wine to the mayor of Moneybag.

The Mayor of Money Bag took it, took a full sip, rinsed in his mouth, and then vomited into the spittoon beside the bed.

Alfred hurriedly offered another towel.

The Mayor of Money Bag wiped his mouth, and said drunkly, "Alfred, don't you think this is annoying?"

Alfred rolled his eyes and quickly figured out the thoughts of the mayor of the purse.

Before Alfred could answer, the mayor of Moneybag said coldly: "It's humid and dark here, and there is a fishy smell everywhere. Looking around, it is full of moldy wood and ragged clothes. Townspeople... Alfred, don't you find it annoying here?"

Alfred immediately understood what the Mayor of Money Bag meant, and quickly nodded and said, "Yes, yes, it's really annoying here!"

The mayor of Qiandai sighed: "Sometimes, I really want to leave here, but as the mayor, my responsibility is heavy, and I can't leave."

The muscles on Alfred’s face jumped slightly, and respectfully said: "Yes, Lord Mayor, your responsibility is very heavy! If you leave, Long Lake Town will be over! Long Lake Town will fall into it. In the hands of the civilians in torn clothes! They know what a fart? The most prestigious of them is Bud, and Bud is just a boatman! If you go, those dumb civilians will definitely choose Bud as the new one. Mayor of Changhu Town!"

The mayor of Money Bag suddenly frowned, "Really? But I heard that Bard’s ancestors were hereditary lords of this territory, but because they made a fatal mistake that led to the siege of the Lone Mountain Kingdom, they were He has lost his hereditary power, and for generations to come, he cannot be the master of Long Lake Town... Therefore, Bud cannot be the mayor."

Alfred quickly said: "My lord mayor, now and then! If all the civilians recommend him to become the new mayor, do you think Bud will refuse? Who will refuse power?"

"Hiss!" The Mayor of Money Bag took a breath, "You are right, Alfred, you really deserve to be my good helper for so many years. You are so right to remind! No one will refuse power. , Especially after having tasted the taste of power, then even more people will want to lose it!"

The mayor of Moneybag looked through the window and looked at the flickering lights outside.

"So...the people all trust and worship Bud now?"

"Yes, Lord Mayor!" Alfred lowered his voice and said, "The residents admire him very much, did you know that he brought a boat of fish and 5 unidentified human servants this afternoon? Bing, entered Long Lake Town! This is exactly what I want to report to you!"

The Mayor of Money Bag frowned, "Wait, a boat of fish? Five human mercenaries? Is the fish taxed? Are the five mercenaries caught? Didn't I say that no stranger can Enter Changhu Town!".

Alfred said quickly: "My lord mayor! That's the problem! Among the 5 human mercenaries, one of them is very powerful, and he also holds the pass token of the wood elf king Thrandil! I dare not let it go!"

"Lord Thranduil's pass token?" The mayor of the moneybag rubbed his temple. "It's really hard to do."

Chapter 415: If You Want to Stop Me

Alfred said in a deep voice, "It is not the mercenaries that are difficult to handle, but those mercenaries with Alfred. If Alfred wants to initiate a coup..."

The Mayor of Money Bag suddenly raised his brows, and his cloudy eyes were full of fear.

Although he holds great power and is the head of a town, he is particularly afraid of losing this right, and even more afraid of all unstable factors.

"Are you sure he wants to do this, have you found evidence that he wants to rebel?" the mayor of Moneybag asked.

Alfred said: "My eyeliner kept staring at him. When he got home, he let a group of surrounding residents into his house. When those residents came out, everyone had three extra hands. Gold coin."

The mayor of Money Bag suddenly widened his eyes, "What? Three gold coins per person? Alfred! You must be mistaken, a poor ghost like Bud, who even buys a decent dress for her daughter. Can't afford it, why does he have the money to distribute to other poor people?"

Alfred quickly said: "This is true, my lord mayor! My people assure me that he saw those yellow gold coins with his own eyes, and he would never admit it wrong, and he also saw Those who took the gold coins were saying hello to Mr. Bard. After speaking, they happily went shopping for daily necessities, clothes, etc.! There were more than 20 residents, and Bard gave them more than 70 gold coins. Bud still doesn't feel heartache at all!"

The Mayor of Money Bag said in astonishment: "It is so..."

Alfred quickly said: "My lord mayor, you must plan ahead, otherwise, if this continues, our Long Lake Town will change!"

The Mayor Qiandai was gloomy, "I know, Bud must be removed, but this should not be done too obvious, lest other people find excuses to rebel. In addition, what do you say about 5 mercenary strengths? Not bad, I also want to prevent those 5 mercenaries from getting in the way, so we have to find an excuse to lock up Bud, as long as he is willing to enter the cell, then the rest will be easy to handle, and we will give it whatever we want. He just has a stigma."

Alfred suddenly grinned and said: "The Lord Mayor is still great!"

The Mayor of Money Bag smiled yinly, "Huh, play conspiracy with me? They are still far away! Go and prepare, send a few more people to stare at Bud, once Bud has any action, immediately Do it! Understand?"

Alfred quickly smiled and said, "Understood, please rest assured, Lord Mayor! Tonight, I must find a way to send Bud to your prison!"

The Mayor Qiandai nodded in satisfaction, "Very well, Alfred, you have always been my most loyal and capable assistant. If you do this, then I will consider making you a deputy mayor. "

Alfred was instantly ecstatic, "Thank you, Lord Mayor! Thank you Lord Mayor!"

The deputy mayor has no practical use, but his name is much louder than that of the tax officer.

When Alfred dispatched troops for the future of his deputy mayor, in the outskirts of Long Lake Town, a clever figure was jumping back and forth among dense forests and rocks.

This figure is Tao Ruier.

King Thranduil's tolerance for orcs and wolf cavalry made her very unacceptable.

So she chased it out, trying to find the wolf cavalry who had assaulted the dwarves, but those wolf cavalry were very cunning and did not leave too many traces when they retreated. She could only follow the weak clues to Long Lake Town. While looking.

Of course, she was also a little worried about Kellie in her heart.

Tao Ruier didn't have any feelings for Kellie, although she also knew that Kellie had that feeling for her, otherwise Kiliel would not give her his amulet.

But after Kili gave her the amulet, he shot an arrow in the thigh.

Taurier was ashamed of himself.

If she hadn't caught the amulet at that time, or if she had caught up with Kili and returned the amulet to Kili, maybe Kili would not be in danger.

Just as Tauriel was thinking this way, there was a slight but rapid footstep behind him.

Tauriel's heart tightened, and then he grasped the Silver Moon Scimitar in his hand, ready to shoot at any time.

She jumped over a rock, then took the opportunity to look back abruptly.

The person chasing behind her had no time to dodge and had to face him face to face.

"It's you..." The Silver Moon Scimitar in Tao Ruier's hand loosened.

Prince Legolas grinned: "Well, fortunately you didn't make a move, otherwise, I can't avoid it."

Taurier smiled reluctantly, "I know you will come, but I don't need it."

Legolas sighed, "Tauriel, I don't understand, what's wrong with you?"

Taurier shrugged, "What's wrong with me?"

Legolas shook his head, "I can see that everything has changed since you met my father. Are you still worried about the monster spider? If so, I advise you to let it go. What's more, my father has carefully cultivated you for 600 years. He has high expectations of you. You shouldn't abandon him."

"I didn't abandon him!" Tao Ruier shouted almost angrily.

...He abandoned me!

This sentence got stuck in Taurier's throat, and finally swallowed.

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