Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1306

Legolas was stunned. He didn't seem to expect Taurier's reaction to be so violent. He paused and said: "If this is the case, then you can go back with me. We will go back and discuss what is going on."

Taurier pursed his mouth, "I will go back, but not like this. The residents of the wood elves must have thought that I had let the dwarves away privately. I must catch people back and make myself innocent."

Legolas said helplessly: "At this moment, the dwarves may have entered Long Lake Town."

Tao Ruier looked at the vast lake and said faintly: "Then I will chase to Long Lake Town."

"You..." Legolas frowned slightly, "Tauriel, aren't you interested in that little dwarf?"

Tauriel just wanted to deny it, but immediately remembered what Thranduil had said to him, so he said coldly, "So what?"

Legolas said in disbelief, "No, I don't believe it! This is impossible! We are the elves!"

Taurier said with a sneer: "Can't the elves fall in love with the dwarves? Just like the high-level elves cannot fall in love with the commoners of the elves?"

Legolas hurriedly said: "This is two different things in itself! Besides, the high-level elves of course can fall in love with the commoners of the elves!"

Taurier smiled coldly, "Then why can't the elves fall in love with the dwarves? With racially restricted love, is that still true love?"

Legolas opened his mouth, "But the dwarves are almost useless!"

Tao Ruier said coldly: "I don't think so, if you want to stop me, then shoot at me, otherwise, you have to let me go."

Legolas said with a sad face: "Tauriel, I really can't understand... But if you really want to catch up with the dwarves, whether you want to catch them back or meet that person, I will help you.".

Tao Ruier felt a pain in his heart, turned his head resolutely, and continued to walk towards Lake Town.

Legolas also cleared up his emotions and followed Tauriel closely.

Chapter 416 Ancestor's Long-cherished Wish

The sky gradually darkened, and the entire Changhu Town fell into silence.

The street was shining dimly with torch light, the lake was covered with thick mist, and no one could be seen 10 meters away.

In Bud’s house, the children were fed and asleep, and the dwarves had changed and washed and lay on the floor of the inner room to rest.

Bud was wiping a black long arrow in his living room, and the candlelight reflected on his face, making his face a little vicissitudes of life.

Xufeng came over, looked at the long arrow in his hand, and said faintly: "Is this your arrow?"

This arrow is one and a half meters long, the rapier is as thick as an arm, and the arrow is extremely sharp, which shows that it is usually well maintained.

Bud smiled bitterly, "This is the arrow of my ancestors. The world calls him the arrow of Ryan. Some people call him the arrow of the dragon slayer, but in fact, this arrow does not really kill the dragon. This is a An arrow that didn't shoot out."

Xu Feng said, "This is the same batch of black arrows that your ancestors shot Smaug back then?"

"Yes." Bud said with a wry smile: "It is rumored that in the latter part of the First Era, Smaug flew over River Valley City and kept attacking that city with dragon's breath fire. My ancestor Ryan, with The black arrows built by elves and dwarves boarded the arrow stand of River Valley City. On the arrow stand, there is a dwarf catapult. Of course, although it is called a dwarf catapult, it is actually not a catapult, but a strong crossbow. I came to launch a one-and-a-half-meter-long black arrow, which is also specially designed to deal with flying monsters like Smaug."

"My ancestors had 10 such black arrows, but the first 8 were all shot out. On the ninth time, he hit the gap between the two scales under Smaug's left wing. Smaug struggled painfully. , The scale near the heart was torn off. This is the first time that Smaug has been injured in human history, and it is also the first time that Smaug has been injured."

"But this kind of injury didn't make Smaug escape, but instead made him attack River Valley Town even harder."

"In an instant, the entire River Valley town was burning, and one of the dragon's breath flames sprayed onto the support pillars of the arrow stand, which prevented the dwarf slings from aiming at Smaug. In desperation, my ancestors could only grab the last one. The black arrow that was not shot jumped off the arrow stand that was about to collapse."

"In this battle, at least two-thirds of the people in Hegu Town were killed in the Dragon's Breath Fire of Smaug, and the original prosperous He Ancient Town was turned into ruins. The remaining one-third of the people had to leave. River Valley Town, looking for a new habitat."

"So they found Long Lake and built this Long Lake town on the small island in the center of Long Lake. Our family, because they bravely wounded Smaug in the battle, was praised as a leader by everyone and became The hereditary lord here."

"Of course...because of the Lone Mountain Dwarf incident, our hereditary rights were cancelled. When it came to me, we were very ordinary people." Bud smiled lightly.

Xufeng smiled and said, "But you still have the black arrows of your ancestors."

Bud shrugged. "This thing is an antique after all."

Xufeng smiled and said: "Have you ever thought that one day, you will use the black arrows of your ancestors to fulfill the long-cherished wish of your ancestors?"

"You mean killing Smaug?" Bud laughed: "How is this possible? Smaug is sleeping in a lonely mountain now, and he has no reason to attack us. After all, we are very poor here... Smaug really flew over. There is also the mayor of Long Lake Town, and there are other human soldiers. I don't need me to come forward."

Xufeng smiled and said: "That's not good. Put your black arrow away, maybe it will be useful soon."

Bud was taken aback, looking at Xufeng with a confused face.

But Xu Feng said nothing, and returned to his room.

I had to look at the black arrow in front of me, and fell into contemplation.

Lord of Silver Spring...King of Lone Mountain.

Ancient prophecy... the legendary black arrow.

Bud took a breath of air-conditioning. Could it be that those dwarves want to enter the Lonely Mountain?

They are not blue mountain dwarves, nor are they here to do business!

They want to go back to Gushan!

That's right!

Thorin's eyes filled with tears when he explained "Lord of Silver Spring" to the child.

At the time, Bud felt a little strange, but now that I think about it, everything is figured out!

Bud couldn't help but a surge of anger surged in his heart.

In the beginning, it was because of the greed of the Gushan dwarf that his ancestors of the mayor killed themselves with hatred!

And this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that the purpose of these dwarves must be to re-enter the Gushan Palace, but there is still a prehistoric dragon Smaug sleeping in the Gushan Palace!

Once they awakened Smaug and drove them out, the first to suffer is likely to be Long Lake Town, the nearest to Gushan!

Do not!Can't let this happen!

Bud stood up suddenly, walked quickly to the door of the inner room, and knocked on the door.

After a while, Bahrain's dumb voice came from inside: "Who?"

Bud said in a deep voice, "It's me, Bud, I have something to talk to you."

After a moment of silence inside, the door opened.

Bud stepped in. All the dwarves were not asleep before, all staring at him with alert eyes.

Thorin frowned and said, "Is there something I can't talk about tomorrow? Do I have to say it now?"

Bud said in a deep voice, "Aren't you still up at this late? I need you to tell me clearly, who are you?"

Bahrain cleared his throat, "We are the Blue Mountain dwarves..."

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