Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1307

Bud said coldly: "The Blue Mountain Dwarf is the Lone Mountain Dwarf, right? The purpose of your coming here is not to do business at all, but to return to the Lone Mountain Palace!"

Bahrain wanted to explain something, but Thorin said coldly: "You are right, we are Lone Mountain Dwarves. I am the future king of Lone Mountain Dwarves, Thorin."

Bud said angrily: "You deceived me!"

Thorin said coldly: "But if you take our money, you should send us to Gushan."

Bud said in a deep voice, "No, I won't send you to Gushan."

"Why?" Bahrain couldn't help asking: "It's because we concealed our identity? Or, are you hating our Lone Mountain Dwarf for hurting your family back then? If it's because of old things, what I want to say Yes, our Lone Mountain dwarves have paid a very tragic price, and that matter has nothing to do with Thorin."

Bud said in a deep voice: "I do have resentment towards the Gushan people in my heart, but this is not the main reason why I didn't send you off. If you enter the Gushan Palace, you will surely wake up the dragon, and Long Lake The town will also be affected. For the safety of the people of Changhu Town, you must give up!"

As soon as the dwarves present heard it, they screamed.

Their meaning is very obvious, that is, the safety of the people in Changhu Town is what matters to them, and they will never give up the great cause of restoration...

Bud frowned immediately: "You are really arrogant guys! I won't let you leave here until I think of a new solution!"

With that said, Bud retreated and locked the door from the outside.

Chapter 417

"Open the door!"

"Asshole! Treachery human!"

"You should do things for us if you take our money!"

"Gushan is right in front of us, and we are actually trapped in this kind of bird spot!"

"Tomorrow is the beginning of autumn festival of the dwarves. If we can't make it to Gushan tomorrow, we will have to wait another year to enter the Gushan Palace!"

Lovers knocked on the door angrily, and the whole room was chaotic.

"Enough!" Thorin said in a deep voice, "Do you want to wake up all the humans here?"

The dwarves in the house calmed down.

Indeed, they entered Long Lake Town by secret means. If the people in Long Lake Town knew that they were Lone Mountain Dwarves and wanted to enter the Lone Mountain Palace, his reaction would probably be the same as Bud.

Bahrain said in a low voice, "But Thorin, we really can't wait any longer. Time is too precious for us."

Thorin said in a deep voice, "Of course I know that I have waited too long for this time. I will not give up because of the obstacles in front of me. However, if we find another way, the human beings in front of us can no longer be relied on."

Ge Luoyin said: "By the way, we can ask Lord Diedi for help, and ask their Xuedi team to escort us out of Changhu Town. In this way, even if the soldiers of Changhu Town want to stop us, it is impossible."

"Right!" said Bofer next to him: "When we were hiding in the barrel today, Lord Diedi was alone, and scared the tax officer and the whole team of human soldiers. Therefore, Diedi Your lord is here, we don’t have to be afraid of anything."

The other dwarves nodded in agreement.

Thorin's face was sullen, his lips pressed into a parallel line.

"No, we can't go to Didi for this matter." Thorin said in a deep voice.


The dwarves all looked puzzled.

Thorin said: "...He is a human, he is too close to the human named Bud, and...Forget it, anyway, we will act alone again in this matter."

The dwarves all looked at each other, wondering what Thorin meant.

In fact, the closer to the lonely mountain, the more serious Thorin's desire.

This kind of desire is only the desire for restoration of the country, but now it has developed into a desire for power and wealth.

There are piles of treasures in the palace of the lone mountain dwarves, but in Thorin’s view, those treasures were accumulated by his ancestors, and his ancestors suffered from Smaug’s calamity. What about sharing wealth with people who are not related to the Lone Mountain Dwarf?

Even if this person is someone who has saved their lives several times!

The closer to the lonely mountain, the more serious Thorin thought.

Of course, he also knew that this was wrong, so he didn't tell the other dwarves the reason.

Although the other dwarves did not understand Thorin's thoughts, they naturally obeyed Thorin's orders. Since Thorin said that this matter did not need to find Lord Diego, then they would not find Lord Diego.

"However, we are trapped here. If we don't find a way to leave here quickly, Bud will definitely find more people to look after us."

"Yes, we have to get out of here first!"

"We have to build some weapons! Otherwise, if we encounter enemies on the road, we can't even fight!"

"I observed when I was hiding in a wooden barrel. The civilians in this town are not allowed to have weapons in their hands. Only the guards have them!"

"Then we should go to their town's armory to get weapons!"

"But... who knows where the armory is?"

The dwarves stared at each other.

Thorin said coldly: "The most secure place should be the location of the armory. We first find a way to escape here, and then walk on the roof to find the location of the armory."


"There is a window here! We can climb to the roof from here!"


The dwarves moved immediately and climbed up along the window.

After most of the dwarves crawled out, Kili gritted his teeth and squeezed the window frame upward.

The other dwarves also stretched out their hands and pulled him up.

If in the past, this would have been simpler for Kili with agility.

But now, Kili was completely collapsed, sweaty, and his legs could not stand firmly.

The toxin of dark magic has penetrated every inch of the nerves of his limbs.

If this continues, Kili is afraid it will be unable to hold it.

Bahrain asked with concern: "Kili, can you still do it? If not..."

Kili said quickly: "I'm fine! Lord Diego also specially prepared a powerful recovery pill for me. If I feel unable to hold it, I can eat that powerful recovery pill."

Bahrain nodded worriedly.

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